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Last active September 27, 2017 06:51
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2017-09-26 Iterated Matrix Decomposition
$\newcommand{\pderiv}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}$
$\newcommand{\pderivsq}[2]{\frac{\partial^2 #1}{\partial #2^2}}$
$\newcommand{\lderiv}[1]{\frac{\partial \mathcal L}{\partial #1}}$
$\newcommand{\norm}[1]{\frac12\| #1 \|_2^2}$
$\newcommand{\oversize}[3]{\overset{\big[#2 \times #3 \big]}{#1}}$
$\newcommand{\pderivdim}[4]{\overset{\big[#3 \times #4 \big]}{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}}$
# Forward Gradient Estimates for Online Learning
## Motivation
In Real Time Recurrent Learning, we update states with forward-mode automatic differentiation:
\pderivdim{s_t}{\theta}{|S|}{|\Theta|} = \oversize{\pderiv{s_t}{s_{t-1}}}{|S|}{|S|} \oversize{\pderiv {s_{t-1}}{\theta}}{|S|}{|\Theta|} + \oversize{ \left.\pderiv{s_t}{\theta}\right|_{s_{t-1}}}{|S|}{|\Theta|}
Where $\pderiv{s_t}{\theta}|_{s_{t-1}}$ denotes "gradient of $s_t$ with respect to $\theta$ while holding $s_{t-1}$ constant".
The [UORO paper]( makes a Rank-1 approximation:
\pderiv{s_t}{\theta} \approx \tilde s \otimes \tilde \theta
Where $\tilde s\in \mathbb R^{|S|}$, $\tilde \theta \in \mathbb R^{|\Theta|}$ are random variables defined such that $\mathbb E[\tilde s \otimes \tilde \theta] = \pderiv{s_t}{\theta}$. In other words, they give an unbiased estimate of the gradient.
We want to create an algorithm that also generates these $(\tilde s, \tilde \theta)$ pairs, but in a deterministic way, so that they converge faster (at a rate of $1/t$ rather than $1/\sqrt t$) to the true gradient.
In the following, to simplify the problem, we reformulate the variables to remove references to gradients. We will rename variables as follows:
\pderiv {s_t}{\theta}\in \mathbb R^{|S|\times |\Theta|} &\rightarrow A_t \in \mathbb R ^{M \times N}\\
\tilde s_t \in\mathbb R^{|S|} &\rightarrow u_t \in \mathbb R ^M\\
\tilde \theta_t \in\mathbb R^{|\Theta|} &\rightarrow v_t \in \mathbb R ^N\\
## The problem
Given a sequence of matrices:
A_t \in \mathbb R^{M\times N}: t\in \mathbb N
We are looking for a process which produces a series of Rank-1 Approximations:
A_t \approx u_t \otimes v_t : u_t \in \mathbb R^M , v_t \in \mathbb R^N
Such that:
1. The $(u_t, v_t)$ pairs are generated in *online* (i.e. $(u_t, v_t)$ are computed before $A_{t+1}$ becomes available)
2. a. The mean error converges for any $A_t: t\in \mathbb N$:
\lim_{T\rightarrow \infty} \frac1T \left\| \sum_t^T \left(A_t - u_t \otimes v_t\right)\right\| = 0
b. The mean error converges faster than $1/\sqrt T$. (A stricter requirement):
\lim_{T\rightarrow \infty} \frac1{\sqrt{T}} \left\| \sum_t^T \left(A_t - u_t \otimes v_t\right)\right\| = 0
3. Our process stores less than $\mathcal O(M\cdot N)$ memory between iterations. Basically our end-goal is to find a cheaper (computational and memory-wise) version of RTRL, and this goal is undermined if we must store large matrices. TODO: Be a little clearer on our actual requirement here.
## Solutions
### 1. UORO:
\nu &\leftarrow U(\{-1, +1\})^M \\
u_t &\leftarrow \nu \\
v_t &\leftarrow \nu \cdot A_t
1. **Pass**: Clearly online
2a. **Pass**: Must converge, as $\mathbb E[u_t\otimes v_t] = A_t$ (as shown in [the paper](
2b. **Fail Always**: See experiments: Convergence is $1/\sqrt t$, which is too slow.
3. **Pass**, no memory between iterations.
### 2. Orthogonal Sequences
This is a small variation on UORO. The intuition is that UORO drew random samples of A which averaged out over time. By being more clever about our $\nu$ sequence, we can explicitly cancel out the noise in these samples, leading to $1/t$ (instead of $1/\sqrt t)$ convergence.
We generate a random orthonormal basis $B\in \mathbb R^{M\times M}$. We then generate our Rank-1 approximations as:
\nu &\leftarrow \sqrt M \cdot B_{\bullet, mod(t, M)}\\
u_t &\leftarrow \nu \\
v_t &\leftarrow \nu \cdot A_t
1. **Pass**: clearly online
2a. **Fail sometimes**: Fails with periodic $A_t$ (see experiment)
2b: **Fail sometimes**: Fails with periodic $A_t$ (see experiment)
3: **Pass** (though we do have to store a fixed $M\times M$ matrix $B$)
### 3. Iterated Convergence
The intuition behind this one is that we alternate between greedily minimizing $u$ given $v$, and $v$ given $u$.
v_0 &\leftarrow \mathcal N(0, 1)^N \\
A' &\leftarrow 0^{M\times N} \\\\
A' &\leftarrow A'+ A_t \\
u_t &\leftarrow \argmin{u_t}\left|A'-u_t\otimes v_{t-1}\right| = \frac{A'\cdot v_{t-1}}{\|v_{t-1}\|^2}\\
u_t &\leftarrow \frac{u_t}{\|u_t\|} \text{ ... for numerical stability}\\
v_t &\leftarrow \argmin{v_t}\left|A'-u_t\otimes v_t\right| = \frac{u_t\cdot A'}{\|u_{t}\|^2} = u_t\cdot A' \\
A' &\leftarrow A' - u_t\otimes v_t
(Note the similarity to herding / Sigma-Delta modulation):
\phi &\leftarrow \phi + x \\
s &\leftarrow \argmin{s\in\mathbb Z} |\phi-s| \\
\phi &\leftarrow \phi - s\\
1. **Pass**: clearly online
2a. **Pass, Probably**: See experiment
2b: **Pass, Probably**: Converges at rate of $1/T$
3: **Fail**: Requires storing $A'\in \mathbb R^{M\times N}$
# Experiments:
We try three experiments for 3 different settings of $A_t\in \mathbb R ^{50\times 100}$.
We plot the norm of the error as a function of t:
(\text{Norm of Mean Error}) = \frac1T \left\| \sum_t^T \left(A_t - u_t \otimes v_t\right)\right\|
## 1: Fixed A
Fixed Matrix: $A_t \leftarrow A_0 \sim \mathcal N (0, 1)^{M\times N}$
![enter image description here](
## 2: Slowly changing A
If $A_t$ actually corresponds to $\pderiv{s_t}{\theta}$, this somewhat resembles the realistic scenario.
\alpha &\leftarrow 0.01\\
A_0 &\sim \mathcal N (0, 1)^{M\times N} \\
A_t &\sim (1-\alpha)\cdot A_{t-1} + \alpha\cdot \mathcal N(0, 1)
![enter image description here](
## 3: Completely Changing A:
A_t \sim N(0, 1) ^{M\times N}
![enter image description here](
(note that UORO and Orthogonal overlay eachother here)
## 4: Periodic A
To highlight a shortcoming of the orthogonal approach: We have an experiment where A is periodic with period 100 (Note that M=50):
A_t \sim \begin{cases}N(0, 1)^{\mathcal M\times N} & \text{if } t<100\\A_{t-100} & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}
![enter image description here](
We see that our Orthogonal approximation is "biased", because of aliasing between the 50-periodic $\nu_t$ and the 100-periodic $A_t$.
# So... Now what?
Clearly our iterated convergence solution is pretty good. But it has this annoying requirement that it requires $\mathbb O(M\cdot N)$ memory ... which can be a lot. Can we find some way to implement the iterated algorithm more efficiently? Is there maybe some way we can exchange some bias for faster convergence?
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