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Last active July 20, 2023 21:28
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Save petered/db8e334c7aefdf367af1b11e6eefe733 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Defines a VideoReader class - which makes it easily to efficiently access frames in a video on request
import hashlib
import itertools
import os
from collections import OrderedDict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, TypeVar, Generic, Hashable, Any
from typing import Tuple, Iterator
import av
import cv2
from more_itertools import first
import numpy as np
import sys
KeyType = TypeVar('KeyType')
ItemType = TypeVar('ItemType')
BGRImageArray = np.ndarray
TimeIntervalTuple = Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]
def get_memory_footprint(item: Any) -> int:
# TODO: Recurse through dataclasses
if isinstance(item, np.ndarray):
return item.itemsize * item.size
return sys.getsizeof(item) # Only returns pointer-size, no recursion
class CacheDict(Generic[KeyType, ItemType]):
""" A simple buffer that just keeps a cache of recent entries
cache = ItemCache(buffer_len=3)
def __init__(self, buffer_length: Optional[int] = None, buffer_size_bytes: Optional[int] = None,
calculate_size_once=True, always_allow_one_item: bool = False):
self._buffer = OrderedDict()
self._buffer_length = buffer_length
self._buffer_size_bytes = buffer_size_bytes
self._first_object_size: Optional[int] = None
self._calculate_size_once = calculate_size_once
self._current_buffer_size = 0
self._always_allow_one_item = always_allow_one_item
def _remove_oldest_item(self):
if len(self._buffer) > 0:
first_key = first(self._buffer.keys())
value, itemsize = self._buffer[first_key]
del self._buffer[first(self._buffer.keys())]
if itemsize is not None:
self._current_buffer_size -= itemsize
def __setitem__(self, key: Hashable, value: ItemType) -> None:
size = None
if self._buffer_length is not None and len(self._buffer) == self._buffer_length:
if self._buffer_size_bytes is not None:
size = get_memory_footprint(
value) if not self._calculate_size_once or self._first_object_size is None else self._first_object_size
while len(self._buffer) > 0 and self._current_buffer_size + size > self._buffer_size_bytes:
self._current_buffer_size += size
if size < self._buffer_size_bytes or len(self._buffer) == 0 and self._always_allow_one_item:
self._buffer[key] = value, size
self._buffer[key] = value, size
def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> ItemType:
if key in self._buffer:
value, _ = self._buffer[key]
return value
raise KeyError(f"{key} is not in cache")
def __contains__(self, key: Hashable):
return key in self._buffer
def fit_image_to_max_size(image: BGRImageArray, max_size: Tuple[int, int]):
""" Make sure image fits within (width, height) max_size while preserving aspect ratio """
if image.shape[0] > max_size[1] or image.shape[1] > max_size[0]:
scale_factor = min(max_size[1] / image.shape[0], max_size[0] / image.shape[1])
return cv2.resize(src=image, dsize=None, fx=scale_factor, fy=scale_factor)
return image
def compute_fixed_hash(array):
return hashlib.md5(array.tostring()).hexdigest()
class VideoFrameInfo:
image: BGRImageArray
seconds_into_video: float
frame_ix: int
fps: float
def get_size_xy(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return self.image.shape[1], self.image.shape[0]
def get_progress_string(self) -> str:
return f"t={self.seconds_into_video:.2f}s, frame={self.frame_ix}"
class VideoReader:
The reader efficiently provides access to video frames.
It uses pyav:
reader = VideoReader(path=video_segment.path, use_cache=use_cache)
# Iterate in order
for frame in reader.iter_frames(time_interval=(1, 2)):
cv2.imshow('frame', frame.image)
# Request individually
frame = reader.request_frame(20) # Ask for the 20th frame
cv2.imshow('frame', frame.image)
- Providing them in order should be FAST
- Requesting the same frame twice or backtracking a few frames should be VERY FAST (ie - use a cache)
- Requesting random frames should be reasonably fast (do not scan from start)
Note: Due to bug in OpenCV with GET_PROP_POS_FRAMES
We use "av": conda install av -c conda-forge
def __init__(self, path: str, buffer_size_bytes=1024 ** 3, threshold_frames_to_scan=30,
max_size_xy: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, use_cache: bool = True):
self._path = os.path.expanduser(path)
assert os.path.exists(self._path), f"Cannot find a video at {path}"
self.container =
# =[0]
# self._cap = cv2.VideoCapture(path)
self._frame_cache: CacheDict[int, VideoFrameInfo] = CacheDict(buffer_size_bytes=buffer_size_bytes,
self._next_index_to_be_read: int = 0
self._threshold_frames_to_scan = threshold_frames_to_scan
# self._fps = self._cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
self._fps = float([0].guessed_rate)
self._n_frames =[0].frames
self._cached_last_frame: Optional[VideoFrameInfo] = None # Helps fix weird bug... see notes below
self._max_size_xy = max_size_xy
self._use_cache = use_cache
self._iterator = self._iter_frame_data()
def get_n_frames(self) -> int:
return self._n_frames
def time_to_nearest_frame(self, t: float) -> int:
return max(0, min(self.get_n_frames() - 1, round(t * self._fps)))
def frame_index_to_nearest_frame(self, index: int) -> int:
return max(0, min(self.get_n_frames() - 1, index))
def iter_frame_ixs(self, time_interval: TimeIntervalTuple = (None, None),
frame_interval: Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]] = (None, None)) -> Iterator[int]:
assert time_interval == (None, None) or frame_interval == (
None, None), "You can provide a time interval or frame inteval, not both"
if time_interval != (None, None):
tstart, tstop = time_interval
return range(self.time_to_nearest_frame(tstart) if tstart is not None else 0,
self.time_to_nearest_frame(tstop) + 1 if tstop is not None else self.get_n_frames())
elif frame_interval != (None, None):
istart, istop = frame_interval
return range(self.frame_index_to_nearest_frame(istart) if istart is not None else 0,
self.frame_index_to_nearest_frame(istop) if istop is not None else self.get_n_frames())
return range(0, self.get_n_frames())
def iter_frames(self, time_interval: TimeIntervalTuple = (None, None),
frame_interval: Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]] = (None, None)) -> Iterator[VideoFrameInfo]:
for i in self.iter_frame_ixs(time_interval=time_interval, frame_interval=frame_interval):
yield self.request_frame(i)
def _iter_frame_data(self):
for frame in self.container.decode([0]):
yield frame
def request_frame(self, index: int) -> VideoFrameInfo:
Request a frame of the video. If the requested frame is out of bounds, this will return the frame
on the closest edge.
if index < 0:
index = self.get_n_frames() + index
index = max(0, min(self.get_n_frames() - 1, index))
if index == self.get_n_frames() - 1 and self._cached_last_frame is not None:
return self._cached_last_frame # There's a weird bug preventing us from loading the last frame again
elif index in self._frame_cache:
return self._frame_cache[index]
elif 0 <= index - self._next_index_to_be_read < self._threshold_frames_to_scan:
frame = None
for _ in range(self._next_index_to_be_read, index + 1):
frame_data = next(self._iterator)
except StopIteration:
raise Exception(
f"Could not get frame at index {index}, despite n_frames being {self.get_n_frames()}")
image = frame_data.to_rgb().to_ndarray(format='bgr24')
if self._max_size_xy is not None:
image = fit_image_to_max_size(image, self._max_size_xy)
frame = VideoFrameInfo(
seconds_into_video=self._next_index_to_be_read / self._fps,
if self._use_cache:
self._frame_cache[frame.frame_ix] = frame
self._next_index_to_be_read += 1
assert frame is not None, f"Error loading video frame at index {index}"
return frame
max_seek_search = 100
stream =[0]
pts = int(index * stream.duration / stream.frames), stream=stream)
self._iterator = self._iter_frame_data()
for j, f in enumerate(self._iterator):
if j > max_seek_search:
raise RuntimeError(f'Did not find target within {max_seek_search} frames of seek')
if f.pts >= pts - 1:
self._iterator = itertools.chain([f], self._iterator)
self._next_index_to_be_read = index
return self.request_frame(index)
def test_video_reader(video_path: str, show=False):
for use_cache in (False, True):
reader = VideoReader(path=video_path, use_cache=use_cache)
all_frame_hashes = [compute_fixed_hash(f.image) for f in reader.iter_frames()]
all_frame_hashes_again = [compute_fixed_hash(f.image) for f in reader.iter_frames()]
assert all_frame_hashes == all_frame_hashes_again
# With just the top lines:
# Starting block 'Running with use_cache=False...
# EasyProfile: Running with use_cache=False took 2260.51ms
# Starting block 'Running with use_cache=True...
# EasyProfile: Running with use_cache=True took 1942.80ms
count = 0
time_snoppet_hashes = []
for frame in reader.iter_frames(time_interval=(1, 2)):
if show:
cv2.imshow('frame', frame.image)
count += 1
start_ix = reader.time_to_nearest_frame(1)
assert count > 20
assert all_frame_hashes[start_ix:start_ix + count] == time_snoppet_hashes
index_snippet_hashes = []
for i, frame in enumerate(reader.iter_frames(frame_interval=(10, 20))):
if show:
cv2.imshow('frame', frame.image)
assert frame.frame_ix == 10 + i
assert len(index_snippet_hashes) == 10
assert all_frame_hashes[10:20] == index_snippet_hashes
last_frame = reader.request_frame(-1)
assert last_frame.frame_ix == reader.get_n_frames() - 1
assert compute_fixed_hash(last_frame.image) == all_frame_hashes[-1]
assert reader.request_frame(reader.get_n_frames() - 1).frame_ix == reader.get_n_frames() - 1
assert reader.request_frame(reader.get_n_frames()).frame_ix == reader.get_n_frames() - 1
second_last_frame = reader.request_frame(reader.get_n_frames() - 2)
assert second_last_frame.frame_ix == reader.get_n_frames() - 2
assert compute_fixed_hash(second_last_frame.image) == all_frame_hashes[-2]
third_last_frame = reader.request_frame(reader.get_n_frames() - 3)
assert third_last_frame.frame_ix == reader.get_n_frames() - 3
assert compute_fixed_hash(third_last_frame.image) == all_frame_hashes[-3]
last_frame_again = reader.request_frame(-1)
assert compute_fixed_hash(last_frame_again.image) == all_frame_hashes[-1]
first_frame = reader.request_frame(0)
assert first_frame.frame_ix == 0
assert compute_fixed_hash(first_frame.image) == all_frame_hashes[0]
random_frame = reader.request_frame(20)
assert random_frame.frame_ix == 20
assert compute_fixed_hash(random_frame.image) == all_frame_hashes[20]
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_video_reader(show=True, video_path='~/drone/dji/raw/dji_2022-07-02_20-21-22_0312.mp4') # Use whatever 2s video clip
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Appreciate the work Peter- Thanks 👍

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