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Last active October 12, 2017 15:37
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2017-10-12 Kasper
# 1) Simple Maximum Likelihood
F --> X
p(F=1 | X=x) = \frac{p(X=x|F=1) p(F=1)}{p(X=x)} = \frac{p(X=x|F=1) p(F=1)}{p(X=x|F=0)p(F=0) + p(X=x|F=1)p(F=1)}
Now, you've learned $p(F)$ and $p(X|F)$ over the dataset, so we can solve for this.
# 2) C causes X and F: p(X, F | C) = p(X|C) p(F|C)
C --> F
'---> X
Train naive-bayes EM by just concatenating F onto X, then marginalizing out C at test time. Then in your EM model, you've trained $p(F|C)$, $p(C)$, $p(X|C)$. And you can infer:
p(F|X) &= \sum_{c\in |C|} p(F, C| X) \\
&= \sum_C p(F, C, X)/p(X) \\
&= \sum_C p(F|C) p(X|C)p(C) /p(X) \text{... Because of the graph structure}\\
&= \sum_C p(F|C) p(C|X) \text{... Bayes rule}\\
&= \frac{\sum_C p(F|C) p(X|C)p(C)}{\sum_{C}p(X|C)p(C) }
**Using past customer data**.
In your "averaging" assumption, you average out the latent distributions of transactions for a given customer.
\hat p(C|X=x) &= \frac1N \sum_{x': x'_{id}=x_{id}} p(C|X=x') \\
&= \frac1N \sum_{x': x'_{id}=x_{id}} \frac{p(X=x'|C)p(C)}{P(X=x')}\\
&= \frac1N \sum_{x': x'_{id}=x_{id}} \frac{p(X=x'|C)p(C)}{\sum_C(X=x'|C)p(C)}\\
So you could plug this in to the above equation:
p(F=1|X=x) &= \sum_{c\in |C|} p(F=1|C=c)\hat p(C=c|X=x)
#3) F and C cause X
C --> X <-- F
You need to define $p(X|C,F)$ now, which we discussed before.
I think
... TODO: Fill in.
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