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Last active August 11, 2018 07:29
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This code takes a google form and makes a Trello card on each submit. It then creates a copy of a google sheet and folder. These are then linked to the Trello card and are partial filled out.
* This code create a trello card for every Google Form that is
* filled out with information given on the form. Each trello
* card is linked to a sheet that resides in its own folder.
* for a live example see:
* Author: Peter Fox Flick
* Trigger function for Google Forms "Form submit" event.
* Simple, assumes all answers are provided, no error checking.
function onFormSubmit(e) {
// Get form Responses and sort it into variables
var formResponse = e.response;
var itemResponses = formResponse.getItemResponses();
// All the info for Trello including APIkey and Token
var trello = {
apikey: '---',
token: '---',
templateCard: '---', // * Card that gets copied original but not always used
idList: '---', // * id list to copy onto
cardId: '', // Id of the card to be created, this is just a placeholder and will be filled out later
position: '' // Also a placeholder to be filled out later
// All the info from the responses and regarding the course
var data = {
name: "", // Proper name of everything, ex: CS 235 - SmithR
lastName: "", // Users last name
firstName: "", // Users first name
course: "", // course code ex: CS 234
bsUrl: "", // Url for the BrightSpace course
bsCourseId: "", // Id of the brightspace course
college: "",
phone: "",
email: "",
// All the info for accessing google drive items
var gDrive = {
masterFolderId: '', // * Folder Id where everything lives
masterSheetId: '', // * Id of spreadsheet to copy
courseFolderId: '', // Id of the folder created - Placeholder
courseFolderUrl: '', // Url of the folder created - Placeholder
courseSheetId: '', // Id of the sheet created - Placeholder
courseSheetUrl: '', // Url of the sheet created - Placeholder
sheetName: '' // Name of sheet to alter on the sheet
// Scrub the data
getData(itemResponses, data, trello);
// Create Google Folder
createFolder(data, gDrive);
// Create Google Sheet
copySheet(data, gDrive);
// Create Trello Card and add Links
createCard(trello, data, gDrive);
// Fill out the sheet with data given in form
fillSheet(data, gDrive, trello);
//Add links on the trello card to the folder and sheet
addLink(trello, gDrive.courseFolderUrl, 'Google Drive');
addLink(trello, gDrive.courseSheetUrl, 'Google Sheet');
// If a Brightspace link was given add it to the trello card
if(data.bsUrl != "Unknown") {
addLink(trello, data.bsUrl, 'Brightspace');
// Add default labels to the trello card
labels(trello, data, gDrive);
// Add members to the trello card (members)
addISR(trello, data);
// This was added for development and should not be needed in production
Logger.log("ERROR: no 'e'");
* Copy Sheet
* Takes the google master sheet and creates a copy in the
* Google master folder
function copySheet(d, g){
// get sheet
sheet = DriveApp.getFileById(g.masterSheetId);
copyInto = DriveApp.getFolderById(g.courseFolderId);
var courseSheet = sheet.makeCopy(, copyInto);
g.courseSheetId = courseSheet.getId();
g.courseSheetUrl = courseSheet.getUrl();
* Create Folder
* creates a folder and saves its id and url
function createFolder(d, g){
var masterFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(g.masterFolderId);
var courseFolder = masterFolder.createFolder(;
g.courseFolderId = courseFolder.getId();
g.courseFolderUrl = courseFolder.getUrl();
* Clean URL
* Takes the brightspace URL and extracts the course id from it.
function cleanUrl(url){
// Search the content url first
if("content/") != -1){ // when on content page
var i ="content/");
url = url.substring(i+8, i+8+6);
} else if("home/") != -1){ //when on homepage
var i ="home/");
url = url.substring(i+5);
} else if("calendar/") != -1){ //when on calendar
var i ="calendar/");
url = url.substring(i+9, i+9+6);
} else if("le/") != -1){ //when on discussions page
var i ="le/");
url = url.substring(i+3, i+3+6);
} else if("ou=") != -1){ //when on quizzes page and assignments
var i ="ou=");
url = url.substring(i+3, i+3+6);
} else if("awards/") != -1){ //when on awards
var i ="awards/");
url = url.substring(i+7, i+7+6);
return url;
* Get Course Code
* Check the master spreadsheet and see if it has the course code
function getCourseCode(id) {
if(id = "Unknown")
return "";
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('---').getSheets()[0]; //This is the sheet with all the standardized courses in it.
var range = sheet.getRange('A:C');
var data = range.getValues()
for ( var i=1; i<2888; i++) {
if(data[i][0] == id){
return data[i][2];
return "";
* Get Data
* Takes the user input and sorts it into that data var.
function getData(r, d, t){
d.lastName = r[0].getResponse();
d.firstName = r[1].getResponse(); = r[2].getResponse();
if(r[3]) { = r[3].getResponse();
} else { = "Unknown";
//Get course name and clean it up
d.course = r[4].getResponse();
d.course = d.course.replace(/\W/g, '');
firstDigit = d.course.match(/\d/) //will give you the first digit in the string
indexed = d.course.indexOf(firstDigit);
if(indexed > 0 && d.course.charAt(indexed - 1) != ' ') {
d.course = d.course.slice(0, indexed) + " " + d.course.slice(indexed);
if(r[5]) {
var url = r[5].getResponse();
d.bsCourseId = cleanUrl(url);
d.bsUrl = "" + d.bsCourseId;
} else {
d.bsCourseId = "Unknown";
d.bsUrl = "Unknown";
if(r[6]) { = r[6].getResponse();
} else { = "Unknown";
if(r[7]) {
d.term = r[7].getResponse();
} else {
d.term = "Unknown";
//GET True Course if possible
var courseCode = getCourseCode(d.bsCourseId);
d.course = courseCode;
} else {
d.course = d.course.toUpperCase();
//Capitalize First and Last Names
d.lastName = d.lastName[0].toUpperCase() + d.lastName.slice(1);
d.firstName = d.firstName[0].toUpperCase() + d.firstName.slice(1);
var i ="@"); = d.course + " - " +,i);
* getCal(email to search)
* Check to see if the instructor has created an appointment and
* if they have it adds the time to the trello description
function getCal(temail){
var cals = CalendarApp.getCalendarById("----"); // Put the id of the Google calendar to search in here
var now = new Date();
var oneMonth = new Date(now.getTime() + ( 1 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
var calevents = [];
var events = cals.getEvents(now, oneMonth);
for(var i = 0; i < events.length; i++){
var index = events[i].getDescription().indexOf('E-mail: ');
index += 8;
//Get the email of the teacher in the appointment
var email = events[i].getDescription().slice(index, index + 20);
index = email.indexOf('@');
email = email.slice(0, index);
email = email.replace(/ /g, '');
//Get the id of the appointment
var id = events[i].getId();
index = id.indexOf('@');
id = id.slice(0, --index);
//Get the URL of the acuity appointment
index = events[i].getDescription().indexOf('https://');
var url = events[i].getDescription().slice(index);
index =\n/);
url = url.slice(0,index);
// Check to make sure its the right event
var name = events[i].getTitle();
index = name.indexOf('Faculty/TA Canvas Intro (Trainings)');
if(temail == email && index == -1){
return "\n" + "- [Acuity](" + url + ")\n"
+ "\nAppointment\n---\n" + events[i].getStartTime().toString();
return false;
* Create Card
* Creates a trello card and returns it's id.
function createCard(t, d, g){
var des = d.firstName + " " + d.lastName + "\n===\n" +
"Email: " + + "\n" +
"Course: " + d.course + "\n" +
"Phone: " + + "\n" +
"College: " + + "\n" +
"Links\n---\n" +
"- [Google Folder](" + g.courseFolderUrl + ")\n" +
"- [Google Sheet](" + g.courseSheetUrl + ")\n";
if(d.bsUrl != "Unknown"){
des += "- [BrightSpace Course](" + d.bsUrl + ")\n" ;
var index ="@");
if(index > 0){
var temail =,index);
var desend = getCal(temail);
des += desend;
var url = '';
var trelloParams = {
name:, // name of card
desc: des, // description inside of card
pos: 'bottom', // send all cards to the bottom
idList: t.idList, // id of the list to copy into
idCardSource: t.templateCard, // Id of the card to copy if you copy a card
key: t.apikey,
token: t.token
var options = {
method : 'post',
contentType: 'application/json',
payload : JSON.stringify(trelloParams)
var trelloResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
t.cardId = JSON.parse(trelloResponse.getContentText()).id;
* Labels
* Run through the Labels that should be added based on some
* parameters.
function labels(t, d, g) {
addLabel(t, "---");
//Find if its a Foundation class
if(d.course.substring(0,2) == "FD") {
addLabel(t, "---");
//Find if its a Foundation class
if(d.course.substring(0,5) == "FDREL") {
addLabel(t, "---");
//Find if its 100 level course
if (d.course.substring(d.course.length - 3, d.course.length) < 200 ) {
addLabel(t, "---");
//Find if its a standardized course
addLabel(t, "---");
//Find its term
if(d.term == "Fall 2018"){
addLabel(t, '---');
//find its canvas course
} else if (d.term == "Winter 2018") {
addLabel(t, '---');
* Add Label
* Adds a label to the trello card.
function addLabel(t, l) {
//Creating the data to be sent to trello
var url = '' + t.cardId + '/idLabels?value=' + l;
var trelloParams = {
key: t.apikey,
token: t.token
//JSON options
var options = {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
payload: JSON.stringify(trelloParams)
//Send attachment creation request
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
* Is Standard
* Check the master spreadsheet and see if it has the course code
function isStandard(id) {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('----').getSheets()[0]; //ID of the sheet that has all of the standardized courses on it.
var range = sheet.getRange('B6:L');
var data = range.getValues()
var check = id;
var check = check.replace(/\s/g, '');
for ( var i=0; i<100; i++) {
for (var j=0; j< 11; j++) {
//Logger.log("i = " + i + "j = " + j + " " + data[i][j]);
if(data[i][j].replace(/\s/g, '') == check){
//Logger.log("FOUND IT");
return true;
return false;
* Standard Sheet
* Change the spreadsheet to reflect it's a standardized course.
function standardSheet(g){
//Get the sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(g.courseSheetId).getSheets()[0];
//Change Background color
//Add text to current title
sheet.getRange('A1').setValue(sheet.getRange('A1').getValue() + " - Standardized Course");
* Add Link
* Adds a link to the trello card as an attachment.
function addLink(t, link, name) {
//Creating the data to be sent to trello
var addLinkUrl = '' + t.cardId + '/attachments?';
var trelloParams = {
name: name, // name of attachment
url: link, // URL to attach
key: t.apikey,
token: t.token
//JSON options
var options = {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
payload: JSON.stringify(trelloParams)
//Send attachment creation request
UrlFetchApp.fetch(addLinkUrl, options);
* Add Tag
* Adds a tag to the Trello card.
function addTag(t, tag) {
//Creating the data to be sent to Trello
var addTagUrl = "" + t.cardId + "/idLabels?";
var trelloParams = {
value: tag, // tag Id to attach
key: t.apikey,
token: t.token
//JSON options
var options = {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
payload: JSON.stringify(trelloParams)
//Send attachment creation request
UrlFetchApp.fetch(addTagUrl, options);
* Add Member
* Adds a member to the Trello card.
function addMember(t, m) {
//Creating the data to be sent to Trello
var url = '' + t.cardId + '/idMembers?value=' + m;
var trelloParams = {
key: t.apikey,
token: t.token
//JSON options
var options = {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
payload: JSON.stringify(trelloParams)
//Send attachment creation request
UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
* Fill Sheet
* Fill out some of the initial info on the spreadsheet.
function fillSheet(d, g, t) {
//Get the sheet
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(g.courseSheetId).getSheets()[0];
// C2 - Name of instructor
sheet.getRange('C2').setValue(d.lastName + ", " + d.firstName);
// C5 - Name
// C6 - BS ID
sheet.getRange('C6').setValue('=HYPERLINK("' + d.bsUrl + '","' + d.bsCourseId + '")');
//Insert Instructors Email as givin
//Insert Phone number
//Add Trello Card id
//Record the sheet in the master doc, this is later used
// to apply changes to every sheet created.
sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById('----').getSheetByName('Sheet Ids');
sheet.appendRow([SpreadsheetApp.openById(g.courseSheetId).getUrl() ,])
* Get Member Id
* Returns a member ID based on the college the course is in.
function getMemId(d) {
if( == "Agriculture and Life Sciences") {
return "---";
} else if ( == "Business and Communication") {
return "---";
} else if ( == "Education and Human Development") {
return "---";
} else if ( == "Language and Letters") {
return "---";
} else if ( == "Physical Sciences and Engineering") {
return "---";
} else if ( == "Performing and Visual Arts" || == "Office of Foundation and Interdisciplinary Studies") {
return "---";
} else {
return "---"; // If none are found give to Sam
* Add ISR
* Add a ISR to a Trello card depending on its college.
function addISR(t, d) {
var id = getMemId(d);
addMember(t, id);
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