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Created November 10, 2018 11:55
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Drupal Zurb Foundation Gulp file with Browser Sync call separate
'use strict';
// Load Gulp and tools we will use.
var $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')(),
del = require('del'),
extend = require('extend'),
fs = require("fs"),
gulp = require('gulp'),
importOnce = require('node-sass-import-once'),
browserSync = require('browser-sync').create(),
reload = browserSync.reload;
var options = {};
options.gulpWatchOptions = {};
// The root paths are used to construct all the other paths in this
// configuration. The "project" root path is where this gulpfile.js is located.
// While ZURB Foundation distributes this in the theme root folder, you can also
// put this (and the package.json) in your project's root folder and edit the
// paths accordingly.
options.rootPath = {
project : __dirname + '/',
theme : __dirname + '/'
options.theme = {
root : options.rootPath.theme,
scss : options.rootPath.theme + 'scss/',
css : options.rootPath.theme + 'css/'
// Define the node-scss configuration.
options.scss = {
importer: importOnce,
outputStyle: 'compressed',
lintIgnore: ['scss/_settings.scss', 'scss/base/_drupal.scss'],
includePaths: [
options.rootPath.project + 'node_modules/foundation-sites/scss',
options.rootPath.project + 'node_modules/motion-ui/src'
// Define which browsers to add vendor prefixes for.
options.autoprefixer = {
browsers: [
'last 2 versions',
'ie >= 9'
// If config.js exists, load that config and overriding the options object.
if (fs.existsSync(options.rootPath.project + "/config.js")) {
var config = {};
config = require("./config");
extend(true, options, config);
var scssFiles = [
options.theme.scss + '**/*.scss',
// Do not open scss partials as they will be included as needed.
'!' + options.theme.scss + '**/_*.scss',
// The default task.
gulp.task('default', ['build']);
// Build everything.
gulp.task('build', ['sass', 'drush:cc', 'lint']);
// Default watch task.
// @todo needs to add a javascript watch task.
gulp.task('watch', ['watch:css']);
// Watch for changes for scss files and rebuild.
gulp.task('watch:css', ['sass', 'drush:cc', 'lint:sass'], function () {
return + '**/*.scss', options.gulpWatchOptions, ['sass', 'drush:cc', 'lint:sass']);
// Lint Sass and JavaScript.
// @todo needs to add a javascript lint task.
gulp.task('lint', ['lint:sass']);
// Build CSS for development environment.
gulp.task('sass', ['clean:css'], function () {
return gulp.src(scssFiles)
// Allow the options object to override the defaults for the task.
.pipe($.sass(extend(true, {
noCache: true,
outputStyle: options.scss.outputStyle,
sourceMap: true
}, options.scss)).on('error', $.sass.logError))
.pipe($.rename({dirname: ''}))
.pipe($.size({showFiles: true}))
// Clean CSS files.
gulp.task('clean:css', function () {
return del([
options.theme.css + '**/*.css',
options.theme.css + '**/*.map'
], {force: true});
// Defines a task that triggers a Drush cache clear (css-js), you need to edit
// config.js to be able to use this task.
gulp.task('drush:cc', function () {
if (!options.drush.enabled) {
return gulp.src('', {read: false})
// Lint Sass.
gulp.task('lint:sass', function () {
return gulp.src(options.theme.scss + '**/*.scss')
// use gulp-cached to check only modified files.
files: {
include: $.cached('scsslint'),
ignore: options.scss.lintIgnore
//define task
gulp.task('bsync', function () {
//spin up dev server
proxy: "dev.sitename.local",
hostname: "dev.sitename.local",
port: 3000, //even if apache is running on 80 or something else
//when css files change, reload browserSync'./css/*.css').on('change', function () {
//call task with 'gulp runbsync'
gulp.task('runbsync', ['bsync']);
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