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Last active February 5, 2018 01:05
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Transactional tool install
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Transactions;
using Microsoft.Extensions.EnvironmentAbstractions;
namespace Microsoft.DotNet.ToolPackage
internal interface IToolPackageManager
(ToolConfiguration Configuration, string ExecutablePath) InstallPackage(
string packageId,
string packageVersion = null,
string targetFramework = null,
FilePath? tempProjectPath = null,
DirectoryPath? offlineFeedPath = null,
FilePath? nugetConfig = null,
string source = null,
string verbosity = null);
ToolConfiguration UninstallPackage(string packageId);
internal interface IShellShimManager
void CreateShim(FilePath targetExecutablePath, string commandName);
void RemoveShim(string commandName);
internal class TransactionalOperation : IEnlistmentNotification
private Action _undo;
private Action _prepare;
public TransactionalOperation(Action undo, Action prepare)
_undo = undo;
_prepare = prepare;
public static void Enlist(Action undo = null, Action prepare = null)
if (Transaction.Current == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException();
if (undo == null && prepare == null)
Transaction.Current.EnlistVolatile(new TransactionalOperation(undo, prepare), EnlistmentOptions.None);
public void Commit(Enlistment enlistment)
_undo = _prepare = null;
public void InDoubt(Enlistment enlistment)
public void Prepare(PreparingEnlistment preparingEnlistment)
catch (Exception ex)
_prepare = null;
public void Rollback(Enlistment enlistment)
_prepare = null;
private void Prepare()
if (_prepare != null)
_prepare = null;
private void Undo()
if (_undo != null)
_undo = null;
internal class ToolPackageManager : IToolPackageManager
private readonly DirectoryPath _toolsPath;
private readonly DirectoryPath _stagingPath;
public ToolPackageManager(DirectoryPath toolsPath, DirectoryPath stagingPath)
_toolsPath = toolsPath;
_stagingPath = stagingPath;
public (ToolConfiguration Configuration, string ExecutablePath) InstallPackage(
string packageId,
string packageVersion = null,
string targetFramework = null,
FilePath? tempProjectPath = null,
DirectoryPath? offlineFeedPath = null,
FilePath? nugetConfig = null,
string source = null,
string verbosity = null)
var stagedPackageId = Path.GetRandomFileName();
var stagedPackageDirectory = GetStagedPackageDirectory(stagedPackageId);
var packageDirectory = GetPackageDirectory(packageId);
// Omitted: check to see if the package already exists
// Create staging directory
// Create a local transaction scope that inherits from any outter scope
// This will commit the transaction immediately if there is no outter scope
// If there is an outter scope, the completion of the inner scope will have no effect
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
undo: () => {
if (Directory.Exists(stagedPackageDirectory))
Directory.Delete(stagedPackageDirectory, true);
if (Directory.Exists(packageDirectory))
Directory.Delete(packageDirectory, true);
prepare: () => Directory.Move(stagedPackageDirectory, packageDirectory));
// Omitted: create the temp project and restore into the staged directory
// Omitted: read the tool configuration from the staged location
ToolConfiguration configuration = null;
// Omitted: calculate the executable path based upon the expected location in the non-staged package directory
string executablePath = null;
return (configuration, executablePath);
public ToolConfiguration UninstallPackage(string packageId)
throw new NotImplementedException();
private string GetStagedPackageDirectory(string stagedPackageId)
return Path.Combine(_stagingPath.Value, stagedPackageId);
private string GetPackageDirectory(string packageId)
return Path.Combine(_toolsPath.Value, packageId);
public class ShellShimManager : IShellShimManager
DirectoryPath _shimsDirectory;
public ShellShimManager(DirectoryPath shimsDirectory)
_shimsDirectory = shimsDirectory;
public void CreateShim(FilePath targetExecutablePath, string commandName)
// Omitted: checking if the shim already exists
// Create a local transaction scope that inherits from any outter scope
// This will commit the transaction immediately if there is no outter scope
// If there is an outter scope, the completion of the inner scope will have no effect
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
// Omitted: create the shim files
string pathToShimFile = null;
TransactionalOperation.Enlist(undo: () => File.Delete(pathToShimFile));
// Omitted: adding an operation to delete the .exe.config on Windows
public void RemoveShim(string commandName)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public class Example
public static void Run()
bool somethingBadHappens = true;
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
var packageManager = new ToolPackageManager(new DirectoryPath("tools"), new DirectoryPath("staging"));
var shimManager = new ShellShimManager(new DirectoryPath("shims"));
// Stages the install of the tool, waiting for the transaction to commit
var (configuration, executablePath) = packageManager.InstallPackage("some.tool");
// Create the shim
shimManager.CreateShim(new FilePath(executablePath), configuration.CommandName);
if (somethingBadHappens)
// This will roll back the package install and the creation of the shim
throw new Exception("whoops");
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