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Last active July 22, 2024 11:21
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Python script to keep GitHub mirrors in sync with upstream.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2021-2024 by Peter Cock, The James Hutton Institute.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is released under the "MIT License Agreement".
"""Python script to keep GitHub mirrors in sync with upstream.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the newest of them all?
$ ls token.txt
$ python ./ username1 [username2 ...]
This will identify those of the user (or organisation) repos
which are forks, and then clone the upstream repository in
the default named sub-folder and add your fork as a remote.
i.e. origin = upstream it was forked from, username = fork.
It will report those repos where the default branch is out
of date, and then if you have provided authentication, push
an update.
Latest version is here:
# TODO - Proper command line API?
# TODO - What if a repo name appears more than once?
# Should we store the keys under username specific folders?
# (like this does for the repositories)
import os
import sys
import git # gitpython
from github import Github # pygithub
from github.GithubException import BadCredentialsException
from github.GithubException import UnknownObjectException
key_dir = "keys/"
cache_dir = "cache/"
make_key = 'ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -b 4096 -C "%s" -f %s_key -N ""'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
owners = sys.argv[1:]
sys.exit("ERROR: Supply one or more GitHub user or organisation names")
with open("token.txt") as handle:
token =
if not os.path.isdir(cache_dir):
def update_mirror(repo, parent, branch):
deployment_key = os.path.join(key_dir, name + "_key")
if not os.path.isfile(deployment_key):
sys.stdout.write(" - Creating new SSH deploy key\n")
cmd = make_key % (name, os.path.join(key_dir, name))
if os.system(cmd) or not os.path.isfile(deployment_key):
sys.exit(f"ERROR - Building new key failed:\n{cmd}")
ssh_cmd = f"ssh -i {os.path.abspath(deployment_key)}"
# sys.stderr.write(f"DEBUG: Seting ssh cmd to: {ssh_cmd}\n")
keys = list(repo.get_keys())
except UnknownObjectException:
"ERROR - token does not have key access."
" Try admin:public_key, public_repo, read:org, repo:status"
have_key = False
deploy_key_pub = open(deployment_key + ".pub").read().strip()
for key in keys:
if deploy_key_pub.startswith(key.key):
if key.read_only:
sys.stderr.write("ERROR - This deploy key is read only\n")
sys.stdout.write(" - Verified deploy key\n")
have_key = True
if not have_key:
sys.stdout.write(" - Giving deploy key write access\n")
kind, pub, title = deploy_key_pub.split(None, 2)
repo.create_key(title, kind + " " + pub, read_only=False)
# print(parent.clone_url)
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, ".git")):
sys.stdout.write(" - Cloning repository\n")
# cmd = f"git clone '{parent.clone_url}' '{directory}'"
# sys.stdout.write(f" - {cmd}\n")
git_repo = git.Repo.clone_from(parent.clone_url, directory)
sys.stdout.write(" - Opening repository\n")
git_repo = git.Repo(os.path.join(directory, ".git"))
origin = git_repo.remote("origin")
if origin.url != parent.clone_url:
sys.exit(f"ERROR {directory} origin URL {origin.url} != {parent.clone_url}")
mirror = git_repo.remote("mirror")
except ValueError:
sys.stdout.write(" - Defining mirror repository\n")
# This wrapper API Does not appear to split pull/push URL
# mirror = git_repo.create_remote(
# "mirror",
# pull_url=repo.git_url,
# push_url=f"{owner}/{name}.git",
# )
# Not repo.git_url nor repo.clone_url
mirror = git_repo.create_remote(
"mirror", url=f"{owner}/{name}.git"
sys.stdout.write(" - Fetching latest origin & mirror\n")
# What would be different about using .update() here?
with git_repo.git.custom_environment(GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh_cmd):
sys.stdout.write(f" - Updating local {branch}\n")
# git_repo.git.checkout(branch)
# Fancier version when default branches have changed
# git checkout --track=direct -B brapi-V2.0 origin/brapi-V2.0
git_repo.git.checkout(f"origin/{branch}", track="direct", B=branch, force=True)
git_repo.git.rebase(f"origin/{branch}") # Redundant with above checkout?
sys.stdout.write(f" - Updating mirror {branch}\n")
with git_repo.git.custom_environment(GIT_SSH_COMMAND=ssh_cmd):
git_repo.git.push(mirror, branch)
# using an access token
g = Github(token)
except BadCredentialsException:
sys.exit("Bad token")
for repo in g.get_user().get_repos():
# To ensure local uniqueness, want fork's name, not parent's name!
name =
owner = repo.owner.login
if owner not in owners:
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cache_dir, owner)):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(cache_dir, owner))
directory = os.path.join(cache_dir, owner, name)
parent = repo.parent
if not parent:
sys.stdout.write(f" - Skipping {name}, not a forked repository\n")
if repo.archived:
sys.stdout.write(" - Skipping as archived\n")
if parent.archived:
sys.stdout.write(f"WARNING: Should archive mirror of {owner}/{name}\n")
if repo.has_wiki:
sys.stderr.write(f"WARNING: {owner}/{name} has wiki\n")
if repo.has_projects:
sys.stderr.write(f"WARNING: {owner}/{name} has projects\n")
if repo.default_branch != parent.default_branch:
f"WARNING: Change of default branch, we have {name}/{repo.default_branch} "
f" vs {owner}/{parent.default_branch}\n"
# TODO: if repo.default_branch in parent.branches(): <-- how?
sys.stdout.write(f" - Updating former default branch {repo.default_branch}\n")
update_mirror(repo, parent, repo.default_branch) # update the old default branch
sys.stdout.write(f" - Updating new default branch {parent.default_branch}\n")
update_mirror(repo, parent, parent.default_branch) # get/update the new default branch
sys.stdout.write(f" - WARNING: Changing default branch to {parent.default_branch}\n")
repo.edit(default_branch=parent.default_branch) # new branch now exists, can become our default
update_mirror(repo, parent, repo.default_branch)
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peterjc commented Feb 29, 2024

Updated Feb 2024 to handle the original repository changing their default branch name (but leaving the old branch in place). Would need to tweak this for a renaming situation (e.g. master to main).

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