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Last active September 5, 2019 18:31
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Using Apex Describe to Find Object Paths
<apex:page controller="DescribeController" standardStylesheets="false" showHeader="false" readOnly="true">
<apex:includeScript value="//"/>
<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.springy, 'springy.js')}"/>
<apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.springy, 'springyui.js')}"/>
var graph;
<apex:outputPanel id="graphJs">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!json != null}">
graph = new Springy.Graph();
var layout = new Springy.Graph();
jQuery('#container').append('<canvas id="objectGraph" width="800" height="600"></canvas>');
var springy = window.springy = jQuery('#objectGraph').springy({
graph: graph
<apex:form >
<apex:selectList value="{!sourceNodeStr}" multiselect="false" size="1" label="Source">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!nodeOptions}"/>
<apex:selectList value="{!destNodeStr}" multiselect="false" size="1" label="Destination">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!nodeOptions}"/>
<apex:commandButton action="{!generatePaths}" reRender="paths,graphJs" value="Get Paths"/>
<apex:outputPanel id="paths">
<apex:pageMessages />
<apex:repeat value="{!paths}" var="path">
<apex:repeat value="{!path.nodes}" var="node">
<div id="container"></div>
public with sharing class DescribeController {
public Graph theGraph { get; set; }
public List<SelectOption> nodeOptions { get; set; }
public String sourceNodeStr { get; set; }
public String destNodeStr { get; set; }
public transient List<GraphPath> paths { get; set; }
public transient String json { get; set; }
public DescribeController() {
paths = new List<GraphPath>();
private void buildGraph() {
theGraph = new Graph();
for (Schema.SObjectType objType : Schema.getGlobalDescribe().values()) {
// Add parent Graph.Node
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objDesc = objType.getDescribe();
Graph.Node parentNode = new Graph.Node(objDesc.getName());
// Add Graph.Edges from all children to their parent
for (Schema.ChildRelationship child : objDesc.getChildRelationShips()) {
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult childDesc = child.getChildSObject().getDescribe();
Graph.Node childNode = new Graph.Node(childDesc.getName());
theGraph.addEdge(childNode, parentNode);
private void buildSelectOptions() {
nodeOptions = new List<SelectOption>();
for (Graph.Node n : theGraph.getNodes()) {
nodeOptions.add( new SelectOption(n.value, n.value) );
public PageReference generatePaths() {
GraphSearcher searcher = new GraphSearcher(theGraph);
paths = searcher.findPaths( new Graph.Node(sourceNodeStr), new Graph.Node(destNodeStr) );
GraphFormatter formatter = new GraphFormatter(theGraph);
json = formatter.getJson(paths);
return null;
public class Graph {
private Map<Node, Set<Node>> adjacenyList;
public Graph() {
adjacenyList = new Map<Node, Set<Node>>();
public void addNode(Node n) {
if ( !adjacenyList.keySet().contains(n) ) {
adjacenyList.put( n, new Set<Node>() );
public void addEdge(Node sourceNode, Node destNode) {
public Set<Node> getAdjacentNodes(Node sourceNode) {
Set<Node> adjNodes = adjacenyList.get(sourceNode);
if (adjNodes == null) {
adjNodes = new Set<Node>();
adjacenyList.put(sourceNode, adjNodes);
return adjNodes;
public Set<Node> getNodes() {
return new Set<Node>(adjacenyList.keySet());
public class Node {
// Using String for 'value' for simplicity. Could use
// Object or Comparable to be more flexible.
public String value { get; set; }
public Node(String val) {
value = val;
public Boolean equals(Object o) {
Node other = (Node) o;
if (other == null) {
return false;
return this.value.equals(other.value);
public Integer hashCode() {
return value.hashCode();
public Integer compareTo(Object o) {
Node other = (Node) o;
if (other == null) {
return 1;
return this.value.compareTo(other.value);
public class GraphFormatter {
private final Graph g;
public GraphFormatter(Graph gr) {
g = gr;
public String getJson(List<GraphPath> paths) {
JSONGenerator gen = JSON.createGenerator(false);
// Nodes
Set<Object> nodes = new Set<Object>();
Set<Object> edges = new Set<Object>();
for (GraphPath path : paths) {
for (Integer i = 1; i < path.getLength(); i++) {
Object sourceVal = path.get(i - 1).value;
Object destVal = path.get(i).value;
edges.add(new List<Object>{sourceVal, destVal});
gen.writeObjectField('nodes', nodes);
gen.writeObjectField('edges', edges);
return gen.getAsString();
public class GraphPath {
private List<Graph.Node> path { get; set; }
// Need both Set and List since no concept
// of an Ordered Set (e.g., LinkedSet).
// Allows constant time inclusion check (i.e., map.get()).
private Set<Graph.Node> pathSet;
public GraphPath() {
path = new List<Graph.Node>();
pathSet = new Set<Graph.Node>();
public GraphPath(GraphPath orig) {
for (Graph.Node n : orig.getNodes()) {
public void add(Graph.Node n) {
public Graph.Node removeLast() {
Graph.Node n = path.remove(path.size() - 1);
return n;
public Graph.Node remove(Integer pathNum) {
Graph.Node n = path.remove(pathNum);
return n;
public Integer getLength() {
return path.size();
public Boolean contains(Graph.Node n) {
return pathSet.contains(n);
public Graph.Node get(Integer pathNum) {
return path.get(pathNum);
public List<Graph.Node> getNodes() {
return new List<Graph.Node>(path);
public class GraphSearcher {
private final Graph g;
private Graph.Node destNode;
private List<GraphPath> paths;
public GraphSearcher(Graph gr) {
g = gr;
public List<GraphPath> findPaths(Graph.Node sourceNode, Graph.Node destNode) {
this.destNode = destNode;
this.paths = new List<GraphPath>();
GraphPath currentPath = new GraphPath();
search(sourceNode, currentPath);
return paths;
private void search(Graph.Node currentNode, GraphPath currentPath) {
Set<Graph.Node> adjacentNodes = g.getAdjacentNodes(currentNode);
// Check if the adjGraph.Node is the destGraph.Node.
// If so, a path has been found
for (Graph.Node adjNode : adjacentNodes) {
if (adjNode.equals(destNode)) {
paths.add(new GraphPath(currentPath));
// remove the destGraph.Node in case there is another
// way to get to the destGraph.Node
// Search the unvisited adjacent Graph.Nodes
for (Graph.Node adjNode : adjacentNodes) {
if (!currentPath.contains(adjNode) && !adjNode.equals(destNode)) {
search(adjNode, currentPath);
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This code is from my blog article Using Apex Describe to Find Object Paths.

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