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Last active July 29, 2016 08:35
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Find first text field/view, make first responder
- (BOOL)makeFirstTextInputSubviewKeyView {
NSWindow *theWindow = [self window];
if ([theWindow isVisible]) {
NSArray *theTopLevelSubviews = [self subviews];
if ([theTopLevelSubviews count]>0) {
Class theTextFieldClass = [NSTextField class];
Class theTextViewClass = [NSTextView class];
NSMutableArray *theTextInputSubviews = [NSMutableArray array];
__block void (^PMCollectTextInputSubviews)(NSArray *) = ^(NSArray *theSubviews) {
for (NSView *aSubview in theSubviews) {
if (![aSubview isHidden]) {
if (([aSubview isKindOfClass: theTextFieldClass] || [aSubview isKindOfClass: theTextViewClass]) && [aSubview canBecomeKeyView]) {
[theTextInputSubviews addObject: aSubview];
PMCollectTextInputSubviews([aSubview subviews]);
NSUInteger theNumberOfTextInputSubviews = [theTextInputSubviews count];
if (theNumberOfTextInputSubviews>0) {
if (theNumberOfTextInputSubviews>1) {
BOOL isRightToLeftLayout = ([self userInterfaceLayoutDirection]==NSUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionRightToLeft);
[theTextInputSubviews sortUsingComparator: ^(NSView *theFirstView, NSView *theSecondView) {
NSPoint theFirstOrigin = [theFirstView convertRect: [theFirstView bounds] toView: nil].origin;
NSPoint theSecondOrigin = [theSecondView convertRect: [theSecondView bounds] toView: nil].origin;
CGFloat aDelta = theFirstOrigin.y - theSecondOrigin.y;
if (aDelta>0.1) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
if (aDelta<-0.1) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
aDelta = (isRightToLeftLayout ? theFirstOrigin.x - theSecondOrigin.x : theSecondOrigin.x - theFirstOrigin.x);
if (aDelta>0.1) {
return NSOrderedAscending;
if (aDelta<-0.1) {
return NSOrderedDescending;
return NSOrderedSame;
return [theWindow makeFirstResponder: [theTextInputSubviews objectAtIndex: 0]];
return NO;
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