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Last active May 24, 2017 17:48
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Setup Nginx with Certbot on Centos with some extras about SELinux
## as root!
sudo -s
# Cannot resolve host: mirrorlist blah blah
# need to add a standard nameserver, like Google DNS to /etc/resolv.conf
cat "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
# git is not installed
yum install git
# update yum first
yum update
# add nginx repo
yum install epel-release
# install nginx
yum install nginx
# edit nginx conf
vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/your.conf
# SELinux issue
setenforce Permissive
chcon -Rt httpd_sys_content_t /your/www/dir
setenforce Enforcing
systemctl restart nginx
## as normal user
# clone certbot repo
git clone
cd certbot
# Certbot
./certbot-auto certonly --manual --email admin@your.domain -d your.domain
# follow the instructions and get through the challenge
## SELinux
# debug only
sudo setenforce 0 # same as Permissive (disable SE)
sudo setenforce 1 # same as Enforcing (enable SE)
# enable port for http access
sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 3000
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