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Handy utilities for dealing with `<div contenteditable="true">` areas.
// Helpers.
import { convertToText } from './';
You would call this when receiving a plain text
value back from an API, and before inserting the
text into the `contenteditable` area on a page.
const convertToMarkup = (str = '') => {
return convertToText(str).replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
// Export.
export { convertToMarkup };
You would call this after getting an element's
`.innerHTML` value, while the user is typing.
const convertToText = (str = '') => {
// Ensure string.
let value = String(str);
// Convert encoding.
value = value.replace(/&nbsp;/gi, ' ');
value = value.replace(/&amp;/gi, '&');
// Replace `<br>`.
value = value.replace(/<br>/gi, '\n');
// Replace `<div>` (from Chrome).
value = value.replace(/<div>/gi, '\n');
// Replace `<p>` (from IE).
value = value.replace(/<p>/gi, '\n');
// Remove extra tags.
value = value.replace(/<(.*?)>/g, '');
// Trim each line.
value = value
.map((line = '') => {
return line.trim();
// No more than 2x newline, per "paragraph".
value = value.replace(/\n\n+/g, '\n\n');
// Clean up spaces.
value = value.replace(/[ ]+/g, ' ');
value = value.trim();
// Expose string.
return value;
// Export.
export { convertToText };
// Helpers.
import { convertToText } from './';
// Constants.
const f = 'function';
const o = 'object';
You would call this when a user pastes from
the clipboard into a `contenteditable` area.
const convertOnPaste = (
event = {
preventDefault() {},
) => {
// Prevent paste.
// Set later.
let value = '';
// Does method exist?
const hasEventClipboard = !!(
event.clipboardData &&
typeof event.clipboardData === o &&
typeof event.clipboardData.getData === f
// Get clipboard data?
if (hasEventClipboard) {
value = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
// Insert into temp `<textarea>`, read back out.
const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
textarea.innerHTML = value;
value = textarea.innerText;
// Clean up text.
value = convertToText(value);
// Insert text.
if (typeof document.execCommand === f) {
document.execCommand('insertText', false, value);
// Export.
export { convertOnPaste };
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