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Created September 13, 2015 14:22
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Fooling around with nasm
; /usr/local/bin/nasm -f macho64 sum.asm && ld -macosx_version_min 10.7.0 -lSystem -o sum sum.o && ./sum
global start
section .text
extern _printf
extern _exit
; Calculations
mov rax, 1
push rax
mov rax, 2
pop rbx
add rax, rbx
push rax
mov rax, 3
pop rbx
add rax, rbx
push rax
mov rax, 9
pop rbx
add rax, rbx
; Output
mov rsi, rax ; Move result to output
mov qword rax, 0 ;A zero in rax indicates that printf receives standard
lea rdi, [rel message]
call _printf
mov qword rax, 0
call _exit
section .data
message: db "Register %i", 10, 0
.len: equ $ - message
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