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Last active March 14, 2016 16:09
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Save peters/6991125 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Read targetframework from a .NET assembly using powershell.
# Copyright 2013 Peter Rekdal Sunde <>
# MIT License
# References:
# ==========
function Write-Diagnostic {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Green
function Get-AssemblyInfo {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[string] $filename
if(-not (Test-Path -Path $filename)) {
Write-Error "Could not find file: $filename"
exit 1
function AssemblyInfo {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint32] $peFormat = $null,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint32] $attributes = $null,
[parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint32] $machine = $null,
[parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint16] $characteristics = $null,
[parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $optionalHeaders = $null,
[parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint32] $majorRuntimeVersion = $null,
[parameter(Position = 6, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint32] $minorRuntimeVersion = $null,
[parameter(Position = 7, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[string] $targetFramework = $null
$assemblyInfo = @{}
# Major/minor
$assemblyInfo.Filename = $filename
$assemblyInfo.MajorRuntimeVersion = $majorRuntimeVersion
$assemblyInfo.MinorRuntimeVersion = $minorRuntimeVersion
$assemblyInfo.TargetFramework = $targetFramework
$assemblyInfo.ModuleKind = GetModuleKind -characteristics $characteristics -subSystem $optionalHeaders.SubSystem
$assemblyInfo.ModuleCharacteristics = GetModuleCharacteristics -characteristics $characteristics
$assemblyInfo.ModuleAttributes = GetModuleAttributes -attributes $attributes
## PeFormat
if($peFormat -eq 0x20b) {
$assemblyInfo.PEFormat = "PE32Plus"
} elseif($peFormat -eq 0x10b) {
$assemblyInfo.PEFormat = "PE32"
## ProcessorArchitecture
$assemblyInfo.ProcessorArchitecture = "Unknown"
switch -Exact ($machine) {
0x014c {
$assemblyInfo.ProcessorArchitecture = "x86"
if($assemblyInfo.ModuleAttributes -contains "ILOnly") {
$assemblyInfo.ProcessorArchitecture = "AnyCpu"
0x8664 {
$assemblyInfo.ProcessorArchitecture = "x64"
0x0200 {
$assemblyInfo.ProcessorArchitecture = "IA64"
0x01c4 {
$assemblyInfo.ProcessorArchitecture = "ARMv7"
default {
if($assemblyInfo.PEFormat -eq "PE32PLUS") {
$assemblyInfo.ProcessorArchitecture = "x64"
} elseif($assemblyInfo.PEFormat -eq "PE32") {
$assemblyInfo.ProcessorArchitecture = "x86"
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $assemblyInfo
function GetModuleKind {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint32] $characteristics,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint32] $subSystem
# ImageCharacteristics.Dll
if($characteristics -eq ($characteristics -bor 0x2000)) {
return "Dll"
# SubSystem.WindowsGui || SubSystem.WindowsCeGui
if($subSystem -eq 0x2 -or $subSystem -eq 0x9) {
return "WinExe"
return "Console"
function GetModuleCharacteristics {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint16] $characteristics
$moduleCharacteristics = @()
if($characteristics -eq ($characteristics -bor 0x0020)) {
$moduleCharacteristics += "HighEntropyVA"
if($characteristics -eq ($characteristics -bor 0x0040)) {
$moduleCharacteristics += "DynamicBase"
if($characteristics -eq ($characteristics -bor 0x0400)) {
$moduleCharacteristics += "NoSEH"
if($characteristics -eq ($characteristics -bor 0x0100)) {
$moduleCharacteristics += "NXCompat"
if($characteristics -eq ($characteristics -bor 0x1000)) {
$moduleCharacteristics += "AppContainer"
if($characteristics -eq ($characteristics -bor 0x8000)) {
$moduleCharacteristics += "TerminalServerAware"
return $moduleCharacteristics
function GetModuleAttributes {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint32] $attributes = $null
$moduleAttributes = @()
if($attributes -eq ($attributes -bor 0x1)) {
$moduleAttributes += "ILOnly"
if($attributes -eq ($attributes -bor 0x2)) {
$moduleAttributes += "Required32Bit"
if($attributes -eq ($attributes -bor 0x8)) {
$moduleAttributes += "StrongNameSigned"
if($attributes -eq ($attributes -bor 0x00020000)) {
$moduleAttributes += "Preferred32Bit"
return $moduleAttributes
function Advance {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.Stream] $stream,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[int] $count
$stream.Seek($count, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Current) | Out-Null
function ReadZeroTerminatedString {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.BinaryReader] $binaryReader,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[int] $length
$read = 0
$buffer = New-Object char[] $length
$bytes = $binaryReader.ReadBytes($length)
while($read -lt $length) {
$current = $bytes[$read]
if($current -eq 0) {
$buffer[$read++] = $current
return New-Object string ($buffer, 0, $read)
function ResolveVirtualAddress {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint32] $rva,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object[]] $sections
$section = $null
$sections | ForEach-Object {
if($rva -ge $_.VirtualAddress -and $rva -lt $_.VirtualAddress + $_.SizeOfRawData) {
$section = $_
if($section -eq $null) {
Write-Error "Unable to resolve virtual address for rva address: " $rva
exit 1
return [System.Convert]::ToUInt32($rva + $section.PointerToRawData - $section.VirtualAddress)
# #
function MoveTo {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.Stream] $stream,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $dataDirectory,
[parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $sections
$stream.Position = ResolveVirtualAddress -rva ([uint32] $dataDirectory.VirtualAddress) -sections $sections
function ReadDataDirectory {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.BinaryReader] $binaryReader
$dataDirectory = @{}
$dataDirectory.VirtualAddress = $binaryReader.ReadUInt32()
$dataDirectory.VirtualSize = $binaryReader.ReadUInt32()
$dataDirectory.IsZero = $dataDirectory.VirtualAddress -eq 0 -and $dataDirectory.VirtualSize -eq 0
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $dataDirectory
function ReadOptionalHeaders {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.BinaryReader] $binaryReader,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.Stream] $stream,
[parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint16] $peFormat
$optionalHeaders = @{}
$optionalHeaders.PEFormat = $peFormat
$optionalHeaders.SubSystem = $null
$optionalHeaders.SubSystemMajor = $null
$optionalHeaders.SubSystemMinor = $null
$optionalHeaders.Characteristics = $null
$optionalHeaders.CLIHeader = $null
$optionalHeaders.Debug = $null
Advance -stream $stream -count 44
# SubSysMajor 2
# SubSystemMinor 2
$optionalHeaders.SubSystemMajor = $binaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$optionalHeaders.SubSystemMinor = $binaryReader.ReadUInt16()
Advance -stream $stream -count 18
# SubSystem 2
$optionalHeaders.SubSystem = $binaryReader.ReadUInt16()
# DLLFlags
$optionalHeaders.Characteristics = $binaryReader.ReadUInt16()
if($peFormat -eq 0x20b) {
Advance -stream $stream -count 88
} else {
Advance -stream $stream -count 72
# Debug 8
$optionalHeaders.Debug = ReadDataDirectory -binaryReader $binaryReader
Advance -stream $stream -count 56
# CLIHeader
$optionalHeaders.CLIHeader = ReadDataDirectory -binaryReader $binaryReader
# Reserved 8
Advance -stream $stream -count 8
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $optionalHeaders
function ReadSections {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.BinaryReader] $binaryReader,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.Stream] $stream,
[parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[uint16] $count
function ReadSection {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.Stream] $stream,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $section
# Save current position
$position = $stream.Position
# Move to pointer
$stream.Position = $section.PointerToRawData
# Reader pointer value
$length = [System.Convert]::ToInt32($section.SizeOfRawData)
$data = New-Object byte[] $length
$offset = 0
$read = 0
while (($read = $stream.Read($data, $offset, $length - $offset)) -gt 0) {
$offset += $read
$section.Data = $data
# Restore old position
$stream.Position = $position
return $section
$sections = New-Object object[] $count
for($i = 0; $i -lt $count; $i++) {
$section = @{}
# Name
$section.Name = ReadZeroTerminatedString -binaryReader $reader -length 8
# Data
$section.Data = $null
# VirtualSize 4
Advance -stream $stream -count 4
# VirtualAddress 4
$section.VirtualAddress = $binaryReader.ReadUInt32()
# SizeOfRawData 4
$section.SizeOfRawData = $binaryReader.ReadUInt32()
# PointerToRawData 4
$section.PointerToRawData = $binaryReader.ReadUInt32()
# PointerToRelocations 4
# PointerToLineNumbers 4
# NumberOfRelocations 2
# NumberOfLineNumbers 2
# Characteristics 4
Advance -stream $stream -count 16
# Read section data
$section = (ReadSection -stream $stream -section $section)
# Add section
$sections[$i] = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $section
return $sections
function ReadCLIHeader {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.BinaryReader] $binaryReader,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.Stream] $stream,
[parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $dataDirectory,
[parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $sections
MoveTo -stream $stream -dataDirectory $dataDirectory -sections $sections
# 4 because of major/minor
Advance -stream $stream -count 4
$cliHeader = @{}
$cliHeader.MajorRuntimeVersion = $binaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$cliHeader.MinorRuntimeVersion = $binaryReader.ReadUInt16()
$cliHeader.Metadata = ReadDataDirectory -binaryReader $binaryReader
$cliHeader.Attributes = $binaryReader.ReadUInt32()
$cliHeader.EntryPointToken = $binaryReader.ReadUInt32()
$cliHeader.Resources = ReadDataDirectory -binaryReader $binaryReader
$cliHeader.StrongName = ReadDataDirectory -binaryReader $binaryReader
return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $cliHeader
function GetTargetFrameworkVersion {
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.BinaryReader] $binaryReader,
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[System.IO.Stream] $stream,
[parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $dataDirectory,
[parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $sections,
[parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[object] $optionalHeaders
$targetFramework = ""
MoveTo -stream $stream -dataDirectory $dataDirectory -sections $sections
if($binaryReader.ReadUInt32() -ne 0x424a5342) {
Write-Error "BadImageFormat"
exit 1
# 4 because of major/minor
Advance -stream $stream -count 8
# Read framework version
$frameworkVersion = ReadZeroTerminatedString -binaryReader $binaryReader -length $binaryReader.ReadInt32()
switch -Exact ($frameworkVersion[1]) {
1 {
if($frameworkVersion[3] -eq 0) {
$targetFramework = "NET10"
} else {
$targetFramework = "NET11"
2 {
$targetFramework = "NET20"
4 {
if($optionalHeaders.SubSystemMinor -eq 0x6) {
$targetFramework = "NET45"
} else {
$targetFramework = "NET40"
return $targetFramework
# Read assembly
$stream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($filename, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read, [System.IO.FileShare]::Read)
$reader = New-Object System.IO.BinaryReader($stream)
$length = $stream.Length
# Read PE format
# ==============
# The initial part here reads the PE format (not specific to .NET like cecil does)
# because we are interested in determining generic PE metadata
# Read pointer to PE header.
$stream.Position = 0x3c
$peHeaderPtr = $reader.ReadUInt32()
if($peHeaderPtr -eq 0) {
$peHeaderPtr = 0x80
# Ensure there is at least enough room for the following structures:
# 24 byte PE Signature & Header
# 28 byte Standard Fields (24 bytes for PE32+)
# 68 byte NT Fields (88 bytes for PE32+)
# >= 128 byte Data Dictionary Table
if($peHeaderPtr > ($length - 256)) {
Write-Error "Invalid PE header"
exit 1
# Check the PE signature. Should equal 'PE\0\0'.
$stream.Position = $peHeaderPtr
$peSignature = $reader.ReadUInt32()
if ($peSignature -ne 0x00004550) {
Write-Error "Invalid PE signature"
exit 1
# Read PE header fields.
$machine = $reader.ReadUInt16()
$numberOfSections = $reader.ReadUInt16()
Advance -stream $stream -count 14
$characteristics = $reader.ReadUInt16()
$peFormat = $reader.ReadUInt16()
# Must be PE32 or PE32plus
if ($peFormat -ne 0x10b -and $peFormat -ne 0x20b) {
Write-Error "Invalid PE format. Must be either PE32 or PE32PLUS"
exit 1
$optionalHeaders = ReadOptionalHeaders -binaryReader $reader -stream $stream -peFormat $peFormat
if($optionalHeaders.CLIHeader.IsZero) {
return AssemblyInfo -peFormat $peFormat -characteristics $characteristics -machine $machine
$sections = ReadSections -binaryReader $reader -stream $stream -count $numberOfSections
$cliHeader = ReadCLIHeader -binaryReader $reader -stream $stream `
-dataDirectory $optionalHeaders.CLIHeader -sections $sections
$targetFramework = GetTargetFrameworkVersion -binaryReader $reader -stream $stream `
-dataDirectory $cliHeader.Metadata -sections $sections -optionalHeaders $optionalHeaders
$assemblyInfo = AssemblyInfo -peFormat $peFormat -attributes $cliHeader.Attributes -machine $machine -optionalHeaders $optionalHeaders `
-characteristics $optionalHeaders.Characteristics -majorRuntimeVersion $cliHeader.MajorRuntimeVersion `
-minorRuntimeVersion $cliHeader.MinorRuntimeVersion -targetFramework $targetFramework
return $assemblyInfo
$rootFolder = "D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms"
$binFolder = Join-Path $rootFolder "bin"
Write-Diagnostic "MSIL - AnyCpu"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.anycpu\1.0.0\AnyCpu\Release\v2.0\sample.solution.anycpu.exe"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.anycpu\1.0.0\AnyCpu\Release\v4.0\sample.solution.anycpu.exe"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.anycpu\1.0.0\AnyCpu\Release\v4.5\sample.solution.anycpu.exe"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.anycpu\1.0.0\AnyCpu\Release\v4.5.1\sample.solution.anycpu.exe"
Write-Diagnostic "MSIL - x86"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x86\Release\v2.0\sample.solution.mixedplatforms.x86.exe"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x86\Release\v4.0\sample.solution.mixedplatforms.x86.exe"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x86\Release\v4.5\sample.solution.mixedplatforms.x86.exe"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x86\Release\v4.5.1\sample.solution.mixedplatforms.x86.exe"
Write-Diagnostic "MSIL - x64"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x64\Release\v2.0\sample.solution.mixedplatforms.x64.exe"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x64\Release\v4.0\sample.solution.mixedplatforms.x64.exe"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x64\Release\v4.5\sample.solution.mixedplatforms.x64.exe"
Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "$binFolder\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x64\Release\v4.5.1\sample.solution.mixedplatforms.x64.exe"
# Also works with native binaries:
# Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "C:\Users\b543915\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\spotify.exe"
# Get-AssemblyInfo -filename "C:\Program Files\ConEmu\ConEmu64.exe"
PS H:\> D:\Bruker_Data\assemblyinfo.ps1
**MSIL - AnyCpu**
ProcessorArchitecture : AnyCpu
PEFormat : PE32
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.anycpu\1.0.0\AnyCpu\Release\v2.0\sample.solution.anycpu.exe
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : ILOnly
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat, TerminalServerAware}
TargetFramework : NET20
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
ProcessorArchitecture : AnyCpu
PEFormat : PE32
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.anycpu\1.0.0\AnyCpu\Release\v4.0\sample.solution.anycpu.exe
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : ILOnly
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat, TerminalServerAware}
TargetFramework : NET40
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
ProcessorArchitecture : AnyCpu
PEFormat : PE32
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.anycpu\1.0.0\AnyCpu\Release\v4.5\sample.solution.anycpu.exe
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : {ILOnly, Required32Bit, Preferred32Bit}
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {HighEntropyVA, DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat...}
TargetFramework : NET45
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
ProcessorArchitecture : AnyCpu
PEFormat : PE32
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.anycpu\1.0.0\AnyCpu\Release\v4.5.1\sample.solution.anycpu.exe
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : {ILOnly, Required32Bit, Preferred32Bit}
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {HighEntropyVA, DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat...}
TargetFramework : NET45
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
**MSIL - x86**
ProcessorArchitecture : AnyCpu
PEFormat : PE32
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x86\Release\v2.0\sample.solution.mixedplatf
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : {ILOnly, Required32Bit}
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat, TerminalServerAware}
TargetFramework : NET20
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
ProcessorArchitecture : AnyCpu
PEFormat : PE32
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x86\Release\v4.0\sample.solution.mixedplatf
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : {ILOnly, Required32Bit}
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat, TerminalServerAware}
TargetFramework : NET40
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
ProcessorArchitecture : AnyCpu
PEFormat : PE32
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x86\Release\v4.5\sample.solution.mixedplatf
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : {ILOnly, Required32Bit}
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {HighEntropyVA, DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat...}
TargetFramework : NET45
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
ProcessorArchitecture : AnyCpu
PEFormat : PE32
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x86\Release\v4.5.1\sample.solution.mixedpla
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : {ILOnly, Required32Bit}
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {HighEntropyVA, DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat...}
TargetFramework : NET45
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
**MSIL - x64**
ProcessorArchitecture : x64
PEFormat : PE32Plus
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x64\Release\v2.0\sample.solution.mixedplatf
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : ILOnly
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat, TerminalServerAware}
TargetFramework : NET20
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
ProcessorArchitecture : x64
PEFormat : PE32Plus
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x64\Release\v4.0\sample.solution.mixedplatf
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : ILOnly
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat, TerminalServerAware}
TargetFramework : NET40
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
ProcessorArchitecture : x64
PEFormat : PE32Plus
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x64\Release\v4.5\sample.solution.mixedplatf
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : ILOnly
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {HighEntropyVA, DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat...}
TargetFramework : NET45
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
ProcessorArchitecture : x64
PEFormat : PE32Plus
Filename : D:\Bruker_Data\anycpu-mixedplatforms\bin\sample.solution.mixedplatforms\1.0.0\x64\Release\v4.5.1\sample.solution.mixedpla
ModuleKind : Console
ModuleAttributes : ILOnly
MajorRuntimeVersion : 2
ModuleCharacteristics : {HighEntropyVA, DynamicBase, NoSEH, NXCompat...}
TargetFramework : NET45
MinorRuntimeVersion : 5
PS H:\>
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reidca commented Mar 14, 2016

This is fantastic piece of code, something that we will find very useful however I noticed it does not support framework 4.5.1 or greater.

I have had a look through the code but cannot see what needs to change, the $optionalHeaders.SubSystemMinor returns the same number on framework 4.5.1 as it does for 4.5.

Any ideas on what to change?


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