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Last active January 22, 2018 07:47
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Stay Alert! - Trust No one! - Keep your laser handy!

1.1 The Setting

May we recommend "Paranoia XP" from Mongoose Publishing. Go read that then come back here. go on... we can wait done? ok, moving on...

1.2 Setting Rules for "Savage" Paranoia

To reflect the deadly nature of the world of Paranoia - we suggest the following changes to the Savage Worlds core rules... Life is Cheap - Players can not spend bennies to soak damage (but can still use them to automatically remove a shaken status) Critical Failures - Players can not use bennies to reroll botches Blood & Guts - Players can spend bennies to reroll damage Gritty Damage - Every time a character is wounded they must roll on the injury table.

1.2.2 Social Combat

Before a Troubleshooter can open fire on another citizen (without fear of recrimination), that citizen must be marked for termination. This is done via a system we call "Social Combat". It uses almost the same function and flow as normal -bang-bang-zap- combat, and should be easy to pick up. No Troubleshooter HAS to use this function, if he wants to just shoot the other guy -- that's fine. He'll just have to explain why he felt those actions did not require the approval of the Computer. Paranoia Social Combat uses a new skill -- "Implicate", 2 new stats -- Guile, and Worth and the new "Censure" Track Implicate is used to attack your target with an accusation Guile is your ability to "parry" an accusation of Treason Worth is your inherent "toughness", how much the Computer believes in your honesty Censure is the "wounds" you have taken from a successful accusation . Each level of censure hampers your clones ability to perform tasks in various ways Think of Accusations as weapons that you can use against your fellow Troubleshooters. Censure Damage from an accusation is based on your Smarts die + the damage die of the Offense Disobeying an order +d4 -2/+2 for each security clearance step under or over yours that the order came from Failure to complete a mission +d4 Being present in a location of higher security clearance +d6 +2 for each SC rank over the first Damaging, Destroying, Losing, or Theft of assigned equipment +d6 +1 per 100cr value of item Disobeying an order from the Computer +d8 Suspicion of mutation possession +d8 Proof of mutation possession +d10 the Outsider Hindrance (this clone only) Terminating a citizen without prior authorization or evidence +d10 -2/+2 for each security clearance step under or over yours of the Terminated citizen Proof of secret society membership +d12 Knowledge of Communist Doctrine, or other Treasonous (unhealthy) skills +d12 Falsely Accusing someone of Treason +d6 +1d6 for each rank the falsely accused was above your Security Clearance Censure "Wounds"

Level 1 - Censure

The Computer announces to Alpha Complex that the clone is a “Clone of Interest”, and is to be closely watched for further evidence of treasonous behavior. All trait rolls suffer a -1 penalty to represent folks general distrust of you and your own sweaty nervousness.

Level 2 - Medication

The Computer orders that the faulty clone undergo immediate Medication Therapy, to put to an end these treasonous urges. All trait rolls suffer a -2 penalty to due to a variety of common side effects like dazed confusion, Hyperactivity, color blindness, hallucinations, sudden onset OCD, euphoric optimism, open-hearted trust and sincerity, wild confidence, and sometimes Rampant Homicidal Psychotic Paranoia.

Level 3 - Brainscrub The Computer designates the clone for immediate re-education. He is to be handed over to HPD & Mind Control for an immediate brainscrub Panic sets in -- until the clone is captured or submits to brainsrub -3 to all his trait checks. After brainscrub, the clone may suffer from disorientation, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Suicidal Loyalty, Sporadic Memory Loss, and Acute Rampant Homicidal Psychotic Paranoia (-3 to all his trait checks until these feelings subside).


The Computer announces that the clone is a traitor to the goals and aims of Alpha Complex - and is to be Terminated on sight. Clones marked for Termination usually fall to their knees in a quivering mass of hysteria unable to take any action, waiting for the merciful laser blast that will finally bring to an end their pathetic existence. That said, some have other ideas. Have them make a Management (Spirit) roll (applying the penalties of a -3 Censure and any wounds they have) BUT adding his clone number, because the more times a clone has seen themselves killed, the more difficult it is to just submit to it. Consult the result...

Raise: Move the track back to -3 censure. The clone is still marked for Termination. But his fight or flight instincts are about to kick in. He is shaken but as soon as he can recover from that he can take actions as normal. We suggest some form of running. From this point on, this clone is much more dangerous, like a cornered animal - and can add his clone number to every roll he makes.

Success: Panicked and on the run for 1d6 rounds. The Clone immediately moves his full pace plus running die away from any source of danger. The clone no longer acts rational (if ever). Treat this panicked state like being Shaken however he is able to and will open fire on anyone (multi-action penalty) that attempts to hinder his escape. Spending a bennie will remove the panic.

Failure: The Clone goes all bibbily. He drops to his knees cackling and gibbering wildly as his mind snaps from the sheer weight of forces stacked against him. He is unable to take any action until snapped out of it by a successful Healing (or Intimidation) roll - or until 1d6 hours have passed. -- it is unlikely that this will ever come up

Critical Failure: Treat this as a Failure above but the clone is out for 2d6 hours. Think he'll have that chance? Us neither - Bring on the next clone.


3.1 Primary Attributes

Agility - Same as classic SW Smarts - Same as classic SW Management - replaces Spirit - Why? Because “inner wisdom and willpower” are traits long expunged from Alpha Complex. Management is a measure of your ability to psychologically manipulate yourself and others - a much healthier survival trait. Violence - replaces Strength. Instead of just measuring raw physical power, the Violence trait measures your willingness to cause destruction to achieve your goals. High Violence clones may be just as strong as anyone else, but are they are no longer hampered by notions of compassion or empathy. Vigor - Same as classic SW

3.2 Secondary Attributes

Pace - Same as classic SW Parry - Same as classic SW Toughness - Same as classic SW Influence - (replaces charisma) A measure of your general hygiene, manner and likability bundled up with who you know and sometimes - who knows you. 0 unless modified by Edges or Hindrances Guile - Your ability to dodge blame and accusations. It improves as you learn the harsh lessons of Alpha Complex. Half your Implicate Skill + Your current Clone Number Worth - Your basic ability to seem honest and truthful even in the face of overwhelming contravening evidence. Half your Management die type +2

3.3 Computer Service Firm

Roll a d20 for your Service Group and Firm (PXP pg. 22) Your Service Group and Firm gives you access to special training and skills This training allows you to... a - Get a free additional Edge from your Service Firm approved Edge List c - Get free d4’s in five Service Firm associated Skills d - Get two free Skill points to use on any of your Service Firm associated Skills See all that free stuff you get from The Computer in it’s infinite wisdom! You must be very happy about that. Perhaps you should do a little dance to show how happy you are. Unauthorized dancing is treason.

3.4 Mutant Powers

3.4.1 Selecting Your Power

Unknown (probably) to your fellow Troubleshooters, you possess a mutant power. You have known about it for some time, but kept it a secret from everyone. Roll a d20 and tell the result to your GM (PXP pg 23), he will tell you what your Mutant Power is. Maybe.

3.4.2 Registering Your Power

Some mutants have patriotically registered their power. As a registered mutant you may use your power whenever you like without being accused of treason. However all registered mutants must wear a special yellow stripe on their uniforms at all times. -- Mutants, even patriotically registered ones are not trusted. Registering your power earns you the Outsider Hindrance. You do not get points for this (it is the offset for the free use of your power)

3.5 Secret Societies

Roll a d20 to determine which Secret Society has invited you to join them. (PXP pg 24) Each Society comes with a list of Secret Skills that you can learn if you so wish. You may choose one at a d6 or two at a d4 from this list for free. The rest you pay for with skill points. Some skills are mandatory and must be taken. These skills are not available to the general public of Alpha Complex and in some cases might be treasonous. Secretly tell the GM what skills you choose.

3.6 Skills

3.6.1 Troubleshooters get 15 points to distribute among your skills as per the standard SWEX Rules.

3.6.2 The following skills have been removed, renamed, or are not available for obvious reasons to citizens of Alpha Complex, or may be available only to members of specific Service Firms or through Secret Societies.

Boating, Gambling, Healing, Investigation, Lockpicking, Persuasion, Piloting, Riding, Survival, Swimming, and Tracking. Whew

3.6.3 The Following Skills are new and/or renamed.

Slight of Hand (Agility) The Character can palm and pocket small things, switch objects faster than the eye can follow, and drop items into other people's clothes or bags without being noticed. Opposed by the Notice of any nearby characters with line of sight of the attempt

Bureaucracy (Smarts) Replaces Streetwise. You know what line to stand in to get the right forms. Implicate (Smarts) Think of this as your Fighting skill for Social Combat. Implicate is used as an attack much like Fighting or Shooting is. The TN to hit an opponent is his Guile (Half his Implicate + his Clone Number). See I Accuse You! (section X.X.X) for more on how this works.

Security (Smarts) Combines Investigation and Lockpicking. Also allows a clone to know basic things about the general area. Like how many cameras may be pointed at his current location or where the nearest un-monitored spot might be

Knowledge (Smarts) While Knowledge isn't a "new" skill we thought you might like an example of some focus that will serve you well in the world of Paranoia. Don't say we never did anything for you. There are 3 basic Knowledge categories Hardware, Software, and Wetware. Hardware replaces the classic SW skill Repair, Software replaces Investigation for any interaction with data terminals. Wetware covers all pharmaceuticals and healing rolls

Bootlicking (Management) The Ability to influence superiors, PLC desk clerks, and other petty dictators (NPC's only) by fawning and groveling. Opposed by the targets Management

Con Games (Management) Replaces Gambling

New-Truth (Management) Your Character's ability to spuriously make up "new" truth (I.E. lies) on the spot in such a believable manner as he almost fools himself. (can only be used versus NPC's) Opposed by the targets Smarts Violence Skills The following skills have been moved from their normal governing stat to Violence; Demolition, Driving, Fighting, Intimidation. Other than the governing trait, they remain essentially the same.

3.7 Edges & Hindrances

3.7.1 The following Hindrances have been removed, renamed, or are not available for obvious reasons to citizens of Alpha Complex, or may be available only to members of specific Service Firms or through Secret Societies.

Blind, Doubting Thomas, Outsider (see Section 3.5.2 Registering Your Power), Young.

3.7.2 The following Edges have been removed, renamed, or are not available for obvious reasons to citizens of Alpha Complex,or may be available only to members of specific Service Firms or through Secret Societies.

Arcane Background, Arcane Resistance, Noble, Rich, Filthy Rich, All Power Edges, Beast Bond, Beast Master


Armed Forces (Actual) Bonus Edge:Any Combat or Leadership edge Skill List: Demolition, Fighting, Shooting, Throwing, KN (Hygiene) Armed Forces (Civilian Contractor) Bonus Edge: Alertness Skill List: Bureaucracy, Bootlicking, Driving, Notice, KN (Hardware) Central Processing Unit Bonus Edge: Danger Sense Skill List: Bureaucracy, Sneaking, Security, KN (Hardware), KN (Software) HPD and Mind Control Bonus Edge: Charismatic Skill List: Bootlicking, Con Games, New-Truth, KN (Wetware), Taunt Internal Security Bonus Edge: Investigator Skill List: Intimidation, Security, Sneaking, Shooting, Fighting Production Logistics and Commissary Bonus Edge: Connections Skill List: Bureaucracy, Con Games, KN (Hardware), KN (Software), Slight of Hand Power Services Bonus Edge: Scavenger Skill List: KN (Hardware), KN (Software), Climbing, Demolition, Driving Research & Design Bonus Edge:Gadgeteer Skill List: Bureaucracy, Bootlicking, Implicate, KN (Hardware), KN (Wetware) Technical Services Bonus Edge: Mr. Fix it Skill List: Bureaucracy, Security, KN (Hardware), KN (Software), KN (Wetware)

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