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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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An analysis of button presses as an entropy source
> - floating ADC inputs, as Peter suggested;
> - five independent RC oscillators.
I've got another idea that requires no extra hardware. I think has a
solid theoretical basis which I've explored below in sufficient detail
to raise suspicions that I miss my old line of work:
tl;dr: Record the dt time between button clicks, adding dt to the
accumulator each time by hashing it into the persistent state.
Theoretical Basis
We assume that the timing accuracy of a button click has a normal
distribution. That is even a human delibrately trying to maintain a
consistent tempo, dt, between clicks will in fact have a normally
distributed error. Humans can be remarkably accurate when they want to
be, but timing data from studies of drumming¹² and throwing³ suggests
that assuming 1ms jitter in muscle timing accuracy is a very generous.
Assuming that jitter is normally distributed is reasonable.
We can easily measure the time between clicks with a interrupt driven
polling function. You're probably using something like a 12MHz clock for
your uC due to the USB interface. Incrementing a timing counter,
checking the button pin state, and saving that counter if the pin state
has changed should take < 16 cycles or so; triggering the interrupt
every 256 cycles is likely quite reasonable giving us a button sampling
frequency of 12MHz/256 = ~50kHz. The button itself is an RC circuit;
C=100pF and R=4.7kΩ is perfectly reasonable for the circuit on its own,
but let's bump that to C=1nF to account for human body capacitance.
Input low and input high are generally 0.15*VDD and 0.85*VDD
respectively. Thus if we're to *accurately* record the state of the
button on a high->low transition we need to wait:
0.15*VDD = VDD*e^{-dt/RC} -> dt = -RC*ln(0.15) = 4.7μs
Exactly what this means for your circuit is kinda complex - are inputs
re-synchronized with the usual clock-domain crossing flip-flops? - but
to say it results in a max sampling rate of 100kHz isn't unreasonable;
our 50kHz number above looks fine.
The worst case scenario for RNG generation is when our user is a skilled
drummer listening to machine-made techno music who can't help but do
everything exactly according to the impersonal machine rhythm. Our mean
μ is that rhythm - likely around 150BPM if they have good taste - and as
per the above data we'll assume one standard deviation, σ, is 1ms. This
means that there is a 68% chance that a given sample will be within
±1mS; put another way there is a 32% chance that the sample will yield a
random value. Thus hand-wave a bit and say this sample represents 0.32
bits of uncertainty. (in that which *side* of the guassian curve the
sample "landed on" was unknown)
The next bit of our measurement is even better. ±0.5ms is half a
standard deviation with a 61.8% chance the sample will yield an unknown
value. ±0.25ms 80% etc. Basically the measurement is far more accurate
than the user, so the LSB's of the measurement are random noise. The
proposed 50kHz sampling rate means that we get about four or five bits
of entropy per button press; we certainly get at least one bit.
Why can we trust this source of entropy?
1) We know exactly what is generating the random noise - the user's
inherent inability to accurately press a button. There are no
conceivable circumstances where that noise source would fail to
2) The source is very difficult for the attacker to observe. The phase
resolution required to accurately pick up the lowest-order bits of
the button press with, say, a microphone exceeds that available in
standard audio equipment by a good margin even in the worst-case;
better if the sampling rate is increased. The miniscule amount of
charge moved per button press is highly unlikely to be the worst
contributor to a power analysis attacker's success.
3) The electrical design steers well clear of anything that can be
influenced by external noise. The 4.7kΩ pull-up makes the switch
essentially immune to external noise; if noise is influencing the RNG
the device obviously fails anyway. The switch is immune to anything
short of high vibration, whose exact phase would be certainly unknown
to the attacker anyway.
4) The firmware design is simple and requires nothing more than a
free-running counter.
5) Testing the design is easy. Just record dt for many button presses in
a row and plot the ratio of 1:0 for each bit, MSB to LSB. If the RNG
source is working the LSB's will tend towards 0.5
User Experience
"Every time you press the new key button, an adorable kitten working for
the NSA sheds a single tear. We recommend you make that kitten shed at
least 32 tears, 128 if you're feeling paranoid."
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