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Created July 20, 2015 23:12
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class CMemPoolTx:
def feerate(self):
return self.nFee / self.nSize
def sum_feerate(self):
return self.nSumFees / self.nSumSize
def __init__(self, nFee, nSize, prevtxs):
self.nFee = nFee
self.nSize = nSize
self.prevtxs = frozenset(prevtxs)
self.nDepth = 0
if self.prevtxs:
self.nDepth = max(tx.nDepth+1 for tx in self.prevtxs)
# Calculate total fees/size of all CPFP-eligible parents
def greedy_sum_fees(tx, max_feerate, visited=None):
if visited is None:
visited = set()
if tx in visited:
return (0, 0)
sum_fees = tx.nFee
sum_size = tx.nSize
for prevtx in tx.prevtxs:
if prevtx.sum_feerate < max_feerate:
rf, rs = greedy_sum_fees(prevtx, max_feerate, visited)
sum_fees += rf
sum_size += rs
return (sum_fees, sum_size)
(self.nSumFees, self.nSumSize) = greedy_sum_fees(self, self.feerate)
class CMemPool:
def __init__(self):
self.txs = {}
self.leaves = set()
self.nTotalFees = 0
self.nTotalSize = 0
def add(self, tx):
self.txs[tx] = set()
# add ourself to prevtxs children
for prevtx in tx.prevtxs:
self.nTotalFees += tx.nFee
self.nTotalSize += tx.nSize
return tx
def remove_leaf(self, tx):
self.nTotalFees -= tx.nFee
self.nTotalSize -= tx.nSize
# delete ourselves from prevtxs
for prevtx in tx.prevtxs:
if not self.txs[prevtx]:
del self.txs[tx]
def make_space(self, nSize, max_fees):
removed_txs = set()
removed_fees = 0
removed_size = 0
while removed_size < nSize and pool.leaves:
rtx = sorted(pool.leaves, key=lambda tx:tx.sum_feerate)[0]
if removed_fees + rtx.nFee > max_fees:
removed_fees += rtx.nFee
removed_size += rtx.nSize
return (removed_txs, removed_fees, removed_size)
pool = CMemPool()
tx0 = pool.add(CMemPoolTx(1,1,[]))
tx1 = pool.add(CMemPoolTx(1,1,[tx0]))
tx2 = pool.add(CMemPoolTx(2,1,[tx1, tx0]))
tx1 = pool.add(CMemPoolTx(10,1,[tx0]))
tx2 = pool.add(CMemPoolTx(200,1,[tx1]))
tx0 = pool.add(CMemPoolTx(5,1,[]))
tx1 = pool.add(CMemPoolTx(7,1,[tx0]))
for tx in sorted(pool.txs.keys(), key=lambda t:t.sum_feerate):
print(tx.nDepth, tx.sum_feerate, (tx.nFee, tx.nSize), (tx.nSumFees, tx.nSumSize))
print(pool.nTotalFees, pool.nTotalSize)
(rtxs, rfees, rsize) = pool.make_space(3, 100)
print('removed fees/size = %f %f' % (rfees, rsize))
print(pool.nTotalFees, pool.nTotalSize)
for tx in sorted(pool.txs.keys(), key=lambda t:t.sum_feerate):
print(tx.nDepth, tx.sum_feerate, (tx.nFee, tx.nSize), (tx.nSumFees, tx.nSumSize))
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