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Last active September 8, 2020 23:04
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Lights Out
def popcount(x)
b = 0
while x > 0
x &= x - 1
b += 1
def conv(puzzle, height, width)
raise "bad size #{puzzle.size}" if puzzle.size != width * height
puzzle.chars.each_slice(width).with_index.sum { |row, y|
raise "bad row #{row}" if row.size != width
row.each_with_index.sum { |c, x|
case c
when ?#; 0
when ' '; 1
else raise "bad char #{c} in row #{row}"
end << x
} << (width * y)
if ARGV.empty?
puts "usage: #$PROGRAM_NAME size row1on row2on ... rowNon"
puts "example: #$PROGRAM_NAME 9 1345 124568 23459 34589 13689 123568 12378 46789 13459"
puts "or: #$PROGRAM_NAME url"
exit 1
lights_on = if (width = height = Integer(ARGV.first, exception: false))
ARGV.each_with_index.sum { |row, y|
row.chars.sum { |c|
1 << (Integer(c) - 1)
} << (width * y)
elsif ARGV.first.match?(/^[ #]+$/)
height = width = (ARGV.first.size ** 0.5).to_i
conv(ARGV.first, height, width)
var_lines = `curl #{ARGV.first}`.lines.grep(/^var \w+ = /)
val = ->var { var_lines.find { _1.start_with?("var #{var} =") }.split(' = ').last.delete(?;).chomp }
width = Integer(val['width'])
height = Integer(val['height'])
conv(val['puzzle'].delete(?"), height, width)
puts 'Confirm initial state:'
puts lights_on.digits(2).each_slice(width).map(&:join)
# toggle[x] tells us what lights are toggled if cell x is selected.
# x are numbered left-to-right, top-to-bottom.
toggle = height.times.flat_map { |y| { |x|
toggled = [
[0, 0],
[-1, 0],
[1, 0],
[0, -1],
[0, 1],
].map { |dy, dx| [y + dy, x + dx] }.select { |ny, nx| (0...height).cover?(ny) && (0...width).cover?(nx) }
toggled.sum { |ny, nx| 1 << (ny * width + nx) }
if false
puts 'Confirm that toggles are correct:'
toggle.take(size * 2).each { |x|
bits = x.to_s(2).rjust(size * size, ?0)
puts bits.reverse.chars.each_slice(size).map(&:join)
puts ?- * size
def solve(lights_on, height, width, toggle)
soln = 0
(height - 1).times { |y|
width.times { |x|
next if lights_on[y * width + x] == 0
soln ^= 1 << ((y + 1) * width + x)
lights_on ^= toggle[(y + 1) * width + x]
soln if lights_on == 0
# Try every single combination of top row clicks (2**width of them), choose the best one.
soln = (2 ** width) { |top_row_clicks|
initial_lights_on = lights_on
initial_clicks = 0
width.times { |bit|
next if top_row_clicks[bit] == 0
initial_lights_on ^= toggle[bit]
initial_clicks ^= 1 << bit
solve(initial_lights_on, height, width, toggle) &.^ initial_clicks
}.compact.min_by { |s| popcount(s) }
puts ?- * width
puts 'Solution: (mainly look at top row, then for all rows below click cell if cell above it is 1)'
if soln
puts popcount(soln)
puts soln.digits(2).each_slice(width).map(&:join)
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