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Created April 19, 2017 04:34
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Custom Elastic Transcoder Script for Bang on a Can by Square Candy
# Custom Elastic Transcoder Script for Bang on a Can by Square Candy
# Check for valid input
[[ "$1" && "$2" && "$3" ]] || { printf "Missing command arguments.\nUsage: awsconvert [audio/video] file-name_base ext\n" >&2; exit 1; }
[[ $1 = audio || $1 = video ]] || { printf "First argument must be either 'audio' or 'video'\nUsage: awsconvert [audio/video] file-name_base ext\n" >&2; exit 2; }
[[ $2 != *[^a-z0-9\_-]* ]] || { printf "Error: filename argument must contain only lowercase letters, numbers, underscores and dashes.\nUsage: awsconvert [audio/video] file-name_base ext\n" >&2; exit 3; }
case "$1" in
printf "ok. requesting transcoding:\n$2.$3 through pipeline $pipeline\n\n"
aws elastictranscoder create-job --pipeline-id $pipeline --input '{"Key":"'$2'.'$3'"}' --outputs '[{"Key": "'$2'_", "PresetId": "1351620000001-200010", "SegmentDuration": "10"}]' --output-key-prefix "$2/" --playlists Name=$2,Format=HLSv3,OutputKeys=$2_
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