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Last active August 18, 2017 12:31
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  • Save peteruhnak/639af246b58c94416f78 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"Based on Uko's script"
"Get reference to the source repository"
source := MCSmalltalkhubRepository allInstances detect: [ :each |
each location includesSubstring: 'StName/project-name'
"Get reference to the target repository"
destination := MCFileTreeGitRepository allInstances detect: [ :each |
each location includesSubstring: 'project-name/repository'
"Setup name mapping from Monticello commits to git commits."
namesAt: 'MonticelloCommitName' put: 'Full Name' email: '<>';
namesAt: 'PeterUhnak' put: 'Peter Uhnak' email: '<>'.
"Setup Gofer"
goSource := Gofer new repository: source.
goDestination := Gofer new repository: destination.
"The packages obtained from Gofer are in random order... so some sorting has to be done so the git history is nicer."
sortBlock := [ :x : y |
(x second = y second) ifTrue: [ x fourth asNumber <= y fourth asNumber ]
ifFalse: [ x second < y second ].
re := '^(.+)-([^-]+)\.(\d+)$' asRegex.
fileBlocks := source allVersionNames collect: [ :each |
re search: each.
re subexpression: 1. "first - full string"
re subexpression: 2. "second - package name"
re subexpression: 3. "third - author name"
re subexpression: 4. "fourth - commit name"
filesSorted := fileBlocks asSortedCollection: sortBlock.
files := (filesSorted collect: [ :x | x first ]) asArray.
(goSource allResolved select: [ :resolved | files anySatisfy: [ :each |
resolved name = each ] ]) do: [ :each | goSource package: each packageName ].
goSource fetch. "downloads all mcz on your computer"
destinationFiles := destination allVersionNames. "checks what files are already at destination"
files reject: [ :file | destinationFiles includes: file ] thenDo: [ :file |
goDestination version: file ]. "selects only the mcz that are not yet at destination"
goDestination push. "sends everything to new repository"
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