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ZFS Health Check Script
#! /usr/local/bin/bash
# FreeBSD 9.1 ZFS Health Check script
# @ Version 0.15
# Check health of ZFS volumes and drives. On any faults send email. In FreeBSD
# 10 there is supposed to be a ZFSd daemon to monitor the health of the ZFS
# pools. For now, in FreeBSD 9, we will make our own checks and run this script
# through cron a few times a day.
# Changelog
# Peter van der Does - Always send an email, even if there is no problem.
# I prefer to know a script has run even when there is no problem.
# June 24, 2015
# Peter van der Does - When a scrub is needed the email subject line only has to inform us once.
# 99 problems but ZFS ain't one
emailSubject="`hostname` - ZFS pool - HEALTH check"
# Health - Check if all zfs volumes are in good condition. We are looking for
# any keyword signifying a degraded or broken array.
condition=$(/sbin/zpool status | egrep -i '(DEGRADED|FAULTED|OFFLINE|UNAVAIL|REMOVED|FAIL|DESTROYED|corrupt|cannot|unrecover)')
if [ "${condition}" ]; then
emailSubject="$emailSubject - fault"
# Capacity - Make sure pool capacities are below 80% for best performance. The
# percentage really depends on how large your volume is. If you have a 128GB
# SSD then 80% is reasonable. If you have a 60TB raid-z2 array then you can
# probably set the warning closer to 95%.
# ZFS uses a copy-on-write scheme. The file system writes new data to
# sequential free blocks first and when the uberblock has been updated the new
# inode pointers become valid. This method is true only when the pool has
# enough free sequential blocks. If the pool is at capacity and space limited,
# ZFS will be have to randomly write blocks. This means ZFS can not create an
# optimal set of sequential writes and write performance is severely impacted.
if [ ${problems} -eq 0 ]; then
capacity=$(/sbin/zpool list -H -o capacity)
for line in ${capacity//%/}
if [ $line -ge $maxCapacity ]; then
emailSubject="$emailSubject - Capacity Exceeded"
# Errors - Check the columns for READ, WRITE and CKSUM (checksum) drive errors
# on all volumes and all drives using "zpool status". If any non-zero errors
# are reported an email will be sent out. You should then look to replace the
# faulty drive and run "zpool scrub" on the affected volume after resilvering.
if [ ${problems} -eq 0 ]; then
errors=$(/sbin/zpool status | grep ONLINE | grep -v state | awk '{print $3 $4 $5}' | grep -v 000)
if [ "${errors}" ]; then
emailSubject="$emailSubject - Drive Errors"
# Scrub Expired - Check if all volumes have been scrubbed in at least the last
# 8 days. The general guide is to scrub volumes on desktop quality drives once
# a week and volumes on enterprise class drives once a month. You can always
# use cron to schedule "zpool scrub" in off hours. We scrub our volumes every
# Sunday morning for example.
# Scrubbing traverses all the data in the pool once and verifies all blocks can
# be read. Scrubbing proceeds as fast as the devices allows, though the
# priority of any I/O remains below that of normal calls. This operation might
# negatively impact performance, but the file system will remain usable and
# responsive while scrubbing occurs. To initiate an explicit scrub, use the
# "zpool scrub" command.
# The scrubExpire variable is in seconds. So for 8 days we calculate 8 days
# times 24 hours times 3600 seconds to equal 691200 seconds.
if [ ${problems} -eq 0 ]; then
currentDate=$(date +%s)
zfsVolumes=$(/sbin/zpool list -H -o name)
for volume in ${zfsVolumes}
if [ $(/sbin/zpool status $volume | egrep -c "none requested") -ge 1 ]; then
echo "ERROR: You need to run \"zpool scrub $volume\" before this script can monitor the scrub expiration time."
if [ $(/sbin/zpool status $volume | egrep -c "scrub in progress|resilver") -ge 1 ]; then
### FreeBSD with *nix supported date format
scrubRawDate=$(/sbin/zpool status $volume | grep scrub | awk '{print $15 $12 $13}')
scrubDate=$(date -j -f '%Y%b%e-%H%M%S' $scrubRawDate'-000000' +%s)
### Ubuntu with GNU supported date format
#scrubRawDate=$(/sbin/zpool status $volume | grep scrub | awk '{print $11" "$12" " $13" " $14" "$15}')
#scrubDate=$(date -d "$scrubRawDate" +%s)
if [ $(($currentDate - $scrubDate)) -ge $scrubExpire ]; then
if [ ${problems} -eq 0 ]; then
emailSubject="$emailSubject - Scrub Time Expired. Scrub Needed on Volume(s)"
emailMessage="${emailMessage}Pool: $volume needs scrub \n"
# Notifications - On any problems send email with drive status information and
# capacities including a helpful subject line to root. Also use logger to write
# the email subject to the local logs. This is the place you may want to put
# any other notifications like:
# + Update an anonymous twitter account with your ZFS status (
# + Playing a sound file or beep the internal speaker
# + Update Nagios, Cacti, Zabbix, Munin or even BigBrother
echo -e "$emailMessage \n\n\n `/sbin/zpool list` \n\n\n `/sbin/zpool status`" | mail -s "$emailSubject" root
if [ "$problems" -ne 0 ]; then
logger $emailSubject
### EOF ###
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rusty725 commented Oct 7, 2015

how to make this script send emails to external addresses?

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mutaku commented Sep 28, 2017

@rusty725 try either setting a root alias to your external address in /etc/aliases or make sure you have something like ssmtp setup and you can just change line root ->

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Script is no longer working on FreeBSD 12. Executing it gives the following error:


Failed conversion of 23onSun-000000'' using format %Y%b%e-%H%M%S''
date: illegal time format
usage: date [-jnRu] [-d dst] [-r seconds|file] [-t west] [-v[+|-]val[ymwdHMS]]
[-I[date | hours | minutes | seconds]]
[-f fmt date | [[[[[cc]yy]mm]dd]HH]MM[.ss]] [+format]
/usr/local/sbin/ arithmetic expression: expecting primary: "1548512489 - "

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megapearl commented Apr 1, 2019

I'm having the same problem on FreeBSD 12, did you find a fix?
root@mainserver:/home/donald # ./ Failed conversion of ``30onSat-000000'' using format ``%Y%b%e-%H%M%S'' date: illegal time format usage: date [-jnRu] [-d dst] [-r seconds|file] [-t west] [-v[+|-]val[ymwdHMS]] [-I[date | hours | minutes | seconds]] [-f fmt date | [[[[[cc]yy]mm]dd]HH]MM[.ss]] [+format] ./ arithmetic expression: expecting primary: "1554116760 - " root@mainserver:/home/donald #
Never mind, found updated script with new code for FreeBSD 12 in it:
` ### Ubuntu with GNU supported date format
#scrubRawDate=$(/sbin/zpool status $volume | grep scrub | awk '{print $11" "$12" " $13" " $14" "$15}')
#scrubDate=$(date -d "$scrubRawDate" +%s)

### FreeBSD 11.2 with *nix supported date format
#scrubRawDate=$(/sbin/zpool status $volume | grep scrub | awk '{print $15 $12 $13}')
#scrubDate=$(date -j -f '%Y%b%e-%H%M%S' $scrubRawDate'-000000' +%s)

### FreeBSD 12.0 with *nix supported date format
 scrubRawDate=$(/sbin/zpool status $volume | grep scrub | awk '{print $17 $14 $15}')
 scrubDate=$(date -j -f '%Y%b%e-%H%M%S' $scrubRawDate'-000000' +%s)


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On Ubuntu / Debian you can fix date parsing errors by simply incrementing the awk parameters by two:

scrubRawDate=$(/sbin/zpool status $volume | grep scrub | awk '{print $13" "$14" " $15" " $16" "$17}')

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MeganerdNL commented Apr 10, 2020

On Ubuntu / Debian you can fix date parsing errors by simply incrementing the awk parameters by two:

scrubRawDate=$(/sbin/zpool status $volume | grep scrub | awk '{print $13" "$14" " $15" " $16" "$17}')

Found this out myself too! See my gist at:
Also has rudimentary logging to a file (you van disable it if you want)
This one is based on the newest version (0.18) found on

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flotpg commented Apr 29, 2020

Thx a lot for this great script!

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Thanks for the script, had to remove -i from to avoid old zfs version being reported as unhealthy (Some supported features are not enabled on the pool. The pool can still be used, but some features are unavailable.).

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dgsharpe commented Apr 5, 2021

The date parsing on Ubuntu is unreliable if you mix pools which take more than one day to scrub with pools that don't, or if you have pools which sometimes (but not always) take more than one day to scrub. This is because the zpool status command will selectively include or omit the X days tokens, throwing off the counts used in the awk command that follows.

We can make this a little more robust by having awk parse from the end going backwards, rather than from the front going forwards:
scrubRawDate=$(/sbin/zpool status $volume | grep scrub | awk '{print $(NF-4)" "$(NF-3)" " $(NF-2)" " $(NF-1)" "$(NF)}')

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