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Last active February 25, 2023 13:10
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The solution for task to implement the function `SocialNetworkQueries#findPotentialLikes({ minimalScore })` per the requirements and make tests pass.


Your task is to implement the function SocialNetworkQueries#findPotentialLikes({ minimalScore }) per the requirements and make tests pass.


  1. npm install – install dependencies
  2. npm test – run all tests once (this will be used to evaluate your solutions)
  3. npm run test:watch - run all tests in watch mode (optionally, you can use it locally if you prefer)

Task requirements

For current user SocialNetworkQueries#findPotentialLikes({ minimalScore }) should return a Promise which resolves with an object containing one array under books key. Such an array should include titles of books which are considered as potential likes. If a book is a potential like it which means there is a chance user will like such title too because it is liked by some of their friends.

The promise resolves with the following structure:

    books: [<string>],

computing potential likes

  • A book is considered a potential like if it is liked by certain number of user's friends or more. That number is defined by minimalScore (eg. for 8 friends minimal score of 0.25 means that at least 2 out of 8 friends have to like a given book).

  • A book is not considered a potential like if it is already liked by a user.

ordering of potential likes

  • A book with a higher score (liked by more friends) should be placed before a book with a lower score.

  • In case of same scores titles should be ordered alphabetically. Important: to make sure your implementation matches the one expected in tests please use title1.localeCompare(title2, "en", { sensitivity: "base" }) to compare titles of 2 books.


Assuming you use the same instance of SocialNetworkQueries for more than 1 findPotentialLikes call:

  • In the case of fetchCurrentUser resulting in a rejected promise the last known user data should be used instead for computing potential likes' ...

  • … unless no successfully fetched user data exists. In such case findPotentialLikes should output empty likes ({ books: []}).

not-so-happy paths

  • If a user has no field required to compute potential likes, findPotentialLikes should resolve with empty likes ({ books: []}). Eg. if there is no friends field in a user.

  • If some friend has no likes, likes.books or likes.moves field, findPotentialLikes should ignore such friend when computing potential likes.

  • If a book is listed more than once for given friend, it should be considered as a single occurrence only.



fetchCurrentUser is a function which returns a Promise, either resolved or rejected. The resolved Promise contains user data in form of:

    likes: {
        books: [<string>],
    friends: [
            id: <string>
            likes: {
                books: [<string>],

The field likes.books contains titles of books liked by the current user. The fields friends[…].likes.books contain titles of books liked by each friend of the current user.

All these fields can be null, undefined or missing:

  • likes,
  • likes.books,
  • friends,
  • friends[…].id,
  • friends[…].likes,
  • friends[…].likes.books,


minimalScore is a float (type of number) between 0 and 1 used to limit computed potential likes for the current user. Score is a ratio of friends who like a book or title to number of all of a user's friends.


  • minimalScore of 0.5 means a given book has to be liked by at least 50% of friends to be considered as a potential like,
  • minimalScore of 0.1 means given book has to be liked by at least 10% of friends to be considered as a potential like,
  • minimalScore of 0 means all books liked by any of friends has to be considered as potential like.


Let's assume that user data returned in a resolved promise of fetchCurrentUser resembles the following …

    likes: {
        books:  ["Moby Dick", "Ulysses"],
    friends: [
        { id: "YazL", likes: {
            books:  ["Ulysses", "War and Peace"],
        { id: "queen9", likes: {
            books:  ["The Great Gatsby", "Ulysses"],
        { id: "joyJoy", likes: {
            books:  ["Don Quixote", "The Great Gatsby"],
        { id: "0sin5k1", likes: {
            books:  ["The Great Gatsby", "War and Peace"],
        { id: "mariP", likes: {
            books:  ["Don Quixote", "Hamlet", "Ulysses"],

… then if we perform a query with the minimal score of 0.3

const socialNetworkQueries = new SocialNetworkQueries({ fetchCurrentUser });
socialNetworkQueries.findPotentialLikes({ minimalScore: 0.3 })
    .then(potentialLikes => {
        // …

… returned potentialLikes will be

    books: [
        "The Great Gatsby",
        "Don Quixote",
        "War and Peace",
// With my quick solution
class SocialNetworkQueries {
constructor({ fetchCurrentUser }) {
this.fetchCurrentUser = fetchCurrentUser;
this.cache = {}
async findPotentialLikes({ minimalScore } = {}) {
let books = []
try {
const userData = await this.fetchCurrentUser();
let score = userData.friends
.flatMap(({likes: {books: bs}}) =>
// Potential likes should not include books already liked by use
bs.filter(value => !userData.likes.books.includes(value))
.reduce((prevBooks, bookName) => ({
[bookName]: prevBooks[bookName]+1 || 1
}), {})
// Add score
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(score)) {
score[key] = value / userData.friends.length
// Filter out just books above minimal score
books = Object.keys(score)
.filter((k) => score[k] > minimalScore)
// Order by title
.sort((title1, title2) =>
title1.localeCompare(title2, "en", { sensitivity: "base" })
// Order by popularity among friends
.sort((a, b) => score[b] - score[a])
this.cache[minimalScore] = books
} catch (error) {
books = this.cache[minimalScore] || []
return {
export { SocialNetworkQueries };
// Sandbox:
// Without solution
class SocialNetworkQueries {
constructor({ fetchCurrentUser }) {
this.fetchCurrentUser = fetchCurrentUser;
findPotentialLikes({ minimalScore } = {}) {
return Promise.resolve({});
export { SocialNetworkQueries };
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