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Last active December 8, 2023 22:11
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For Mac Mail users, summarises emails in your sent mailbox
-- Designed for Mac Mail users, this AppleScript program will search through the SENT items of your chosen mailbox
-- It is designed to help you (for example) if you are transitioning to a CRM system
-- run it by typing osascript sent-emails-summariser.scpt on the command line
-- It will produce summary csv file that shows:
-- How many emails were sent to each email address
-- How many emails were sent in total to all emails with the same domain ending
-- A domain rank whereby emails to domains ending, etc, rank higher
-- once you have the csv file, sort it in Excel e.g. by ascending DomainRank, descending DomainCount, Domain a-z, Count descending, Email a-z.
-- Handler to add leading zero
on addLeadingZero(num)
if num < 10 then
return "0" & num
return num
end if
end addLeadingZero
-- Get the index in a list
on indexOf(theList, theItem)
repeat with i from 1 to count of theList
if item i of theList is theItem then
return i
end if
end repeat
return 0 -- Return 0 if not found
end indexOf
-- Get a datetime
set currentDate to current date
set theYear to year of currentDate as number
set theMonth to month of currentDate as number
set theDay to day of currentDate as number
set theHours to hours of currentDate as number
set theMinutes to minutes of currentDate as number
set theSeconds to seconds of currentDate as number
-- Add leading zeros to month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds if they are less than 10
set theMonth to my addLeadingZero(theMonth)
set theDay to my addLeadingZero(theDay)
set theHours to my addLeadingZero(theHours)
set theMinutes to my addLeadingZero(theMinutes)
set theSeconds to my addLeadingZero(theSeconds)
-- Construct the timestamp
set timestamp to (theYear & theMonth & theDay & "-" & theHours & theMinutes & theSeconds) as string
-- Only list emails once
set uniqueEmails to {}
set uniqueEmailNames to {}
set uniqueEmailDates to {}
set uniqueEmailDomains to {}
set uniqueEmailCounts to {}
-- Keep track of domains
set uniqueDomains to {}
set uniqueDomainCounts to {}
-- ignore generic emails
global genericEmailPatterns
set genericEmailPatterns to {"info", "support", "unsubscribe", "contact", "customer", "enquir", "help", "order", "booking"}
on isGenericEmail(email)
global genericEmailPatterns
repeat with genericEmailPattern in genericEmailPatterns
if email contains genericEmailPattern then
return 1
end if
end repeat
return 0
end isGenericEmail
-- ignore common personal domains
global commonPersonalDomainPatterns
set commonPersonalDomainPatterns to {"hotmail", "gmail", "btconnect", "googlemail", "btinternet", "", "yahoo", "outlook", "googlemail", "icloud", "blueyonder", "", ""}
on isCommonPersonalDomain(domain)
global commonPersonalDomainPatterns
repeat with commonPersonalDomainPattern in commonPersonalDomainPatterns
if domain contains commonPersonalDomainPattern then
return 1
end if
end repeat
return 0
end isCommonPersonalDomain
-- classify other domains
global usefulDomainPatterns
set usefulDomainPatterns to {"", ".ac.", ".ac", ".edu.", ".edu", "", ".org", "", ".gov"}
on domainRank(domain)
global usefulDomainPatterns
set i to 1
repeat with usefulDomainPattern in usefulDomainPatterns
if domain contains usefulDomainPattern then
return i
end if
set i to i + 1
end repeat
return i
end domainRank
tell application "Mail"
set accountList to name of every account
end tell
-- Ask the user to pick an account
if (count of accountList) > 1 then
set chosenAccount to choose from list accountList with prompt "Please select an account:" default items {item 1 of accountList}
set chosenAccount to accountList
end if
-- Check if the user made a choice
if chosenAccount is not false then
set chosenAccountName to item 1 of chosenAccount
return "No account selected - exiting"
end if
log "Processing the 'Sent' mailbox of " & chosenAccountName & "..."
tell application "Mail"
set sentMessages to messages of mailbox "Sent" of account chosenAccountName -- Replace with your account name
set messageCount to count of sentMessages
set processedCount to 0
-- Set initial progress information
set my progress total steps to messageCount as integer
set my progress completed steps to 0
set my progress description to "Processing Emails..."
set my progress additional description to "Preparing to process."
repeat with i from 1 to messageCount
set aMessage to item i of sentMessages
repeat with aRecipient in recipients of aMessage
set theName to name of aRecipient
set theAddress to address of aRecipient
set theDate to date sent of aMessage
set yearString to year of theDate as string
set monthString to my addLeadingZero(month of theDate as integer)
set dayString to my addLeadingZero(day of theDate as integer)
set dateString to yearString & "-" & monthString & "-" & dayString
-- Extract the domain from the email address
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "@"
set emailParts to text items of theAddress
set domain to item 2 of emailParts as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""} -- Reset delimiters
set isCommon to my isCommonPersonalDomain(domain)
set isGeneric to my isGenericEmail(theAddress)
if (isCommon is 0 and isGeneric is 0) then
if (uniqueEmails contains theAddress) then
set theIndex to my indexOf(uniqueEmails, theAddress)
set currentCount to item theIndex of uniqueEmailCounts
set newCount to currentCount + 1
set item theIndex of uniqueEmailCounts to newCount
set theIndex to my indexOf(uniqueDomains, domain)
set currentCount to item theIndex of uniqueDomainCounts
set newCount to currentCount + 1
set item theIndex of uniqueDomainCounts to newCount
set end of uniqueEmails to theAddress
set end of uniqueEmailNames to theName
set end of uniqueEmailDates to dateString
set end of uniqueEmailDomains to domain
set end of uniqueEmailCounts to 1
if (uniqueDomains contains domain) then
set theIndex to my indexOf(uniqueDomains, domain)
set currentCount to item theIndex of uniqueDomainCounts
set newCount to currentCount + 1
set item theIndex of uniqueDomainCounts to newCount
set end of uniqueDomains to domain
set end of uniqueDomainCounts to 1
end if
end if
end if
end repeat
-- Increment processed count and output progress
set processedCount to processedCount + 1
if processedCount mod 100 is 0 then
set percent to (processedCount * 100) div messageCount
log processedCount & " processed (" & percent & "%)..."
end if
set my progress additional description to "Processed email " & processedCount & " of " & messageCount
set my progress completed steps to processedCount
end repeat
end tell
-- Reset the progress information
set my progress total steps to 0
set my progress completed steps to 0
set my progress description to "Saving to Desktop"
set my progress additional description to ""
-- CSV Header
set header to "Domain,Email,Name,LatestDate,Count,DomainCount,DomainRank
-- Write the output to a file on the Desktop
-- Create the filename with timestamp
set filename to "sent-emails-overview-" & timestamp & ".csv"
set desktopPath to path to desktop folder as string
set filePath to desktopPath & filename
set fileRef to open for access file filePath with write permission
write header to fileRef
set output to ""
set recordCount to count of uniqueEmails
repeat with i from 1 to recordCount
set domain to item i of uniqueEmailDomains
set domainIndex to my indexOf(uniqueDomains, domain)
set domainCount to item domainIndex of uniqueDomainCounts
if domainCount > 1 then
set emailCount to item i of uniqueEmailCounts
set theAddress to item i of uniqueEmails
set theName to item i of uniqueEmailNames
set dateString to item i of uniqueEmailDates
set theDomainRank to domainRank(domain)
set myRecord to domain & "," & theAddress & ",\"" & theName & "\"," & dateString & "," & emailCount & "," & domainCount & "," & theDomainRank & "
write myRecord to fileRef
end if
end repeat
close access fileRef
on error errorMessage number errorNumber
close access file filePath
log "An error occurred: " & errorMessage & " (Error code: " & errorNumber & ")"
end try
-- Output final message count
log "Total processed: " & messageCount
set my progress description to ""
return "Done"
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