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Last active June 28, 2024 02:06
Show Gist options
  • Save peterwilsoncc/eb93b5c5faec599b96b2741f176665ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save peterwilsoncc/eb93b5c5faec599b96b2741f176665ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backport a WP commit without having to check out the entire repo.
# Use:
# 12345
# Based on
# Modifications
# - Uses the format recommended in the handbook
# - Pulls the current branch from `svn info` rather than using the directory basename
# Note: The commit message created will need some edits:
# - move the merges and reviewd by line above props, followed by a line break
# - add the username of the person who provided dev-review
# The commit message is copied in to your clipboard, probably.
svn up --ignore-externals . > /dev/null
svn merge -c$REV '^/trunk' .
LOG=$(svn log -r$REV '^/trunk' | grep -v '\-------' | tail -n +3)
BRANCH=$(svn info | grep '^URL:' | egrep -o '(tags|branches)/[^/]+|trunk' | egrep -o '[^/]+$')
echo -en "$LOG\n\nReviewed by \nMerges [$REV] to the $BRANCH branch." | pbcopy
echo ""
echo ""
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