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Created February 1, 2021 20:18
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Makefile samples that I have found useful
# This Makefile allows you to pass arguments to 'make', and have those get passed into commands for a target.
# This also shows how to automatically generate a help menu using specially annotated comments on targets.
# Usage:
# - make help
# List of available targets:
# help List all available targets (default)
# jenkins-cluster Run terraformctl on the aws-jenkins-cluster root module
# cognito-userpool Run terraformctl for the cognito user pool
# cognito-azuread Run terraformctl for the cognito AzureAD identity pool
# cognito-app Run terraformctl for the cognito Jenkins application
# - make jenkins-cluster plan apply
# ./bin/terraformctl \
# -f /path/to/terraform.tfvars.json \
# -b /path/to/backend.tfvars \
# -C ./terraform/modules/root/aws-jenkins-cluster \
# plan \
# apply
# Note that you have to use 'make -- target args [..]' if your args include a "-f" type option.
TERRAFORMCTL = ./bin/terraformctl
TFVARS = $(shell readlink -f terraform.tfvars.json)
BACKEND_TFVARS = $(shell readlink -f backend.tfvars)
ROOT_MODS = ./terraform/modules/root/
.PHONY: help jenkins-cluster cognito-userpool cognito-azuread cognito-app
help: #TARGET List all available targets (default)
@echo "List of available targets:"
@echo ""
@grep -P '^[^#:]+\:.*\s#TARGET' Makefile \
| sed -E 's/^([^#:]+)\:.*\s#TARGET\s(.*)/ \1§\2/' \
| column -s § -t
@echo ""
jenkins-cluster: #TARGET Run terraformctl on the aws-jenkins-cluster root module
@$(_TERRAFORMCTL) -C $(ROOT_MODS)/aws-jenkins-cluster $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
cognito-userpool: #TARGET Run terraformctl for the cognito user pool root module
@$(_TERRAFORMCTL) -C $(ROOT_MODS)/aws-infra-cognito-userpool $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
cognito-azuread: #TARGET Run terraformctl for the cognito AzureAD identity pool root module
@$(_TERRAFORMCTL) -C $(ROOT_MODS)/aws-infra-cognito-azuread $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
cognito-app: #TARGET Run terraformctl for the cognito Jenkins application root module
@$(_TERRAFORMCTL) -C $(ROOT_MODS)/aws-infra-cognito-app $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
# Do-nothing target; needed for the 'filter-out' magic above
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