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name: ckb-next
base: core18
version: git
summary: |
ckb-next is an open-source driver for Corsair keyboards and mice.
It aims to bring the features of Corsair's proprietary CUE software to the Linux and Mac operating systems. This project is currently a work in progress, but it already supports much of the same functionality, including full RGB animations. More features are coming soon. Testing and bug reports are appreciated!
grade: stable
confinement: strict
icon: ckb-next.png
FROM ubuntu:bionic as builder
# Grab dependencies
RUN apt update
RUN apt dist-upgrade --yes
RUN apt install --yes curl jq squashfs-tools
# Grab the core snap from the stable channel and unpack it in the proper place
RUN curl -L $(curl -H 'X-Ubuntu-Series: 16' '' | jq '.download_url' -r) --output core.snap
RUN mkdir -p /snap/core