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Last active July 3, 2019 08:04
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[git FAQ] #windows #git #branch

delete branches no longer on remote (Windows console)

for /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %i in ('git branch -v') do @if "%k"=="[gone]" git branch -d %i

See this in GitHub and want to know which commits are ahead/behind?


This is how to confirm those counts

c:\code\ttc-develop (release/34-ahead) > git rev-list --count origin/develop..origin/release/34

c:\code\ttc-develop (release/34-ahead) > git rev-list --count origin/release/34..origin/develop

This is how to list the commits

c:\code\ttc-develop (release/34-ahead) > git rev-list --left-right origin/develop..origin/release/34
>579b5ea13c11dd7b6d11f3c72af92c68250d87ad  --> this is 34.1
>8c8314aa8ceaccf46e555dedf29303192e1ecec6  --> develop

c:\code\ttc-develop (release/34-ahead) > git rev-list --left-right origin/develop..origin/release/34.1

Then cherry-pick the changes (e.g.)

Note: AFAIK you should only be cherry-picking changes to recover from a mistake that's preventing a "standard" merge, e.g. if you squashed branches.

# ensure you're on latest develop:
git checkout develop
git pull

# create branch off develop to add the fixes: 
git checkout -b fix-the-mess

# pick your missing changes into the new branch:
git cherry-pick b9f8f0bfa071fe4bd15ec62d632c486304f99f13

# … etc., etc., then push to the remote and send a PR to merge into develop

How to list branches that contain a given commit?

From the git-branch manual page:

git branch --contains <commit> Or remote: git branch -r --contains <commit>

Only list branches which contain the specified commit (HEAD if not specified). Implies --list.


c:\code\ttc-develop (release/34-ahead) > git branch --contains 8c8314aa8ceaccf46e555dedf29303192e1ecec6

c:\code\ttc-develop (release/34-ahead) >             

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