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Created August 23, 2018 06:23
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Respond to reviewers
% % Responses to reviews:
% \input{review-response-commands}
% % set this to show line numbers and include responses to reviews or not
% \newif\ifreviewresponses
% \reviewresponsestrue % include them
% % \reviewresponsesfalse % don't include them
% \newcommand{\responsefile}{the-review-responses.tex} % name of the review reponses file
% counters for reviewer points
% pass in to \reviewersection the label for this reviewer (i.e. \reviewersection{1} or \reviewersection{AE})
\section*{Reviewer \thereviewer:}}
% drawing from from
%% arguments to \point are (name of the point, optional) and (content)
{ \refstepcounter{point} \bigskip \hrule \medskip \noindent
\slshape {\fontseries{b}\selectfont (\thereviewer.\thepoint) #1} }
{ }
\newcommand{\reply}{\normalfont \medskip \noindent \textbf{Reply}:\ }
% Use this command in the text where a change addressing a reviewer point has occurred
% e.g. \revpoint{1}{3} for reviewer 1, point 3
% and this one to refer to such a location, e.g. \revreffull{1}{3}
\newcommand{\revreffull}[2]{\hyperlink{llineno:rr:rev#1:#2}{(p.\ \pageref{rr:rev#1:#2}, l.\ \lineref{rr:rev#1:#2})}}
% but this version fills in reviewer and point automatically if called in the appropriate part of the reviews
% NOTE: should call \revref{} with empty brackets after to get a space afterwards if desired:
% hyperlinks drawing from
% Use this one to refer to a named linelabel
% e.g. if in the text there is a \llabel{approx_eqn_point}
% refer to it with \llname{approx_eqn_point}
\newcommand{\llname}[1]{\hyperlink{llineno:#1}{(p.\ \pageref{#1}, l.\ \lineref{#1})}}
% put \includereviews() where the reviews are to appear (at the end?)
% \begin{center}
% {\LARGE \bf Response to Reviews}
% \end{center}
% Useful shortcuts ;) that demonstrate how to use the macros.
\newcommand{\rollover}{ \reply{The reviewer makes an excellent point that we have missed out entirely. We have made all the changes suggested, down to the minutiae \revref.} }
\newcommand{\playdead}{ \reply{The reviewer makes an excellent point. We have made an utterly trivial change {\revref} that we think deals entirely with the concern raised.} }
% from
\expandafter\let\csname old#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\let\csname oldend#1\expandafter\endcsname\csname end#1\endcsname
{\linenomath\csname old#1\endcsname}%
{\csname oldend#1\endcsname\endlinenomath}}%
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