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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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; phase 1: 6502 is bus master (8 cycles)
; prepare atmega for memory access by preloading address (address lines are still inputs so this will only affect internal pull up resistors)
out PORTA, lo ; load lo address
out PORTB, hi ; load hi address
st X+, data ; store data received in previous phase 0
adiw address, 1 ; increment address
; phase 0: atmega is bus master (8 cycles)
out PORTD, XX ; BE low & enable SRAM
out DDRA, 0xff ; set address lines to output mode
out DDRB, 0xff
in data, PINC ; read data
out DDRA, 0 ; set address lines to input mode
out DDRB, 0
out PORTD, XX ; BE high & disable SRAM
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