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Created August 17, 2012 10:50
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[phpSettings] => Array
[display_startup_errors] => 0
[display_errors] => 0
[includePaths] => Array
[library] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../library
[bootstrap] => Array
[path] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/Bootstrap.php
[class] => Bootstrap
[appnamespace] => Application
[resources] => Array
[frontController] => Array
[controllerDirectory] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/controllers
[params] => Array
[displayExceptions] => 0
[moduleDirectory] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/modules
[actionHelperPaths] => Array
[Action_Helper] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/controllers/helpers
[layout] => Array
[layoutPath] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/layouts/scripts/
[view] =>
[modules] => Array
[0] =>
[pluginPaths] => Array
[Resource] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../library/Resource
[session] => Array
[cookie_path] => /
[translation] => Array
[path] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/languages
[theme_path] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../themes
[doctrine] => Array
[cache] => Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache
[entity] => Array
[dir] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../library/Newscoop
[proxy] => Array
[dir] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../library/Proxy
[namespace] => Proxy
[autogenerate] =>
[functions] => Array
[rand] => Newscoop\Query\MysqlRandom
[dayofweek] => Newscoop\Query\MysqlDayOfWeek
[dayofmonth] => Newscoop\Query\MysqlDayOfMonth
[dayofyear] => Newscoop\Query\MysqlDayOfYear
[date_format] => Newscoop\Query\MysqlDateFormat
[admin] => Array
[resources] => Array
[layout] => Array
[jsUrl] => /js/app/admin
[jsPath] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../js/app/admin
[layout] => admin
[acl] => Array
[modules] => Array
[0] => admin
[cache] => Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache
[view] =>
[resourceNames] => Array
[Aliases] => alias
[ArticleAttachments] => article-attachment
[ArticleAuthors] => article-author
[ArticleImages] => article-image
[ArticlePublish] => article-publish
[Articles] => article
[ArticleTopics] => article-topic
[ArticleTypeMetadata] => article-metadata
[Attachments] => attachment
[AuditEvent] => audit-event
[AuthorAliases] => author-alias
[AuthorBiographies] => author-biography
[Authors] => author
[AuthorTypes] => author-type
[Countries] => county
[Images] => image
[Issues] => issue
[Languages] => language
[Locations] => location
[Maps] => map
[Plugins] => plugin
[Publication] => publication
[Sections] => section
[Subscriptions] => subscription
[SystemPreferences] => system-preferences
[Templates] => template
[Topics] => topic
[Translations] => translation
[autoloader] => Array
[dirs] => Array
[0] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../classes
[1] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../classes/Extension
[2] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../template_engine/classes
[3] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../template_engine/metaclasses
[auth] => Array
[modules] => Array
[0] => admin
[ignore] => Array
[0] => auth
[1] => error
[2] => legacy
[3] => login.php
[4] => password_recovery.php
[5] => password_check_token.php
[acl] => Array
[modules] => Array
[0] => admin
[ignore] => Array
[0] => auth
[1] => error
[2] => legacy
[3] => login.php
[4] => password_recovery.php
[5] => password_check_token.php
[email] => Array
[from] =>
[contact] =>
[ingest] => Array
[path] =>
[ingest_publisher] => Array
[article_type] => newswire
[section_sport] => 40
[section_culture] => 50
[section_basel] => 10
[section_international] => 30
[section_other] => 20
[section_swiss_info] => 90
[field] => Array
[NewsItemIdentifier] => getNewsItemId
[NewsProduct] => getProduct
[Status] => getStatus
[Urgency] => getPriority
[HeadLine] => getTitle
[NewsLineText] => getCatchLine
[DataLead] => getSummary
[DataContent] => getContent
[AuthorNames] => getAuthors
[image_path] =>
[blog] => Array
[role] => 6
[publication] => 5
[issue] => 3
[type] => bloginfo
[article_type] => blog
[image] => Array
[cache_url] => images/cache
[cache_path] => /home/petr/dev/newscoop/newscoop/application/../images/cache
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