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Created December 9, 2015 21:31
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Smith Waterman
* smith_waterman.php
* The Smith–Waterman algorithm performs local sequence alignment to detect
* similarities in string. Smith-Waterman has been used for sequencing DNA,
* and for detecting plagiarism and collusion by comparing sequences of text.
* @example
* $str1 = 'Smith-Waterman and Systolic PE Array are well-known dynamic programming algorithms.';
* $str2 = 'Smith-Waterman algorithm is a well-known algorithm for performing sequence alignment.';
* $sw = new SmithWaterman($str1, $str2);
* $score = $sw->get_score(); // Percent score of similarity
* $html = $sw->get_html(); // String for viewing similarities (highlighted)
* echo number_format($score, 4) . ' ' . $html;
class SmithWaterman
private $str1;
private $str2;
private $html;
private $score;
public function __construct($str1, $str2)
$this->str1 = $str1;
$this->str2 = $str2;
* Remove terminal punctuation, such as full stops
public function clean_token($token)
$token = preg_replace('/\.$/', '', $token);
return $token;
public function tokenise_string($str)
return preg_split("/[\s]+/", $str);
* Strings are split into words, and the resulting arrays are aligned using Smith-Waterman algorithm
* which finds a local alignment of the two strings. Aligning words rather than characters saves
* memory
public function smith_waterman()
$this->score = 0.0;
// Weights
$match = 2;
$mismatch = -1;
$deletion = -1;
$insertion = -1;
// Tokenise input strings, and convert to lower case
$X = $this->tokenise_string($this->str1);
$Y = $this->tokenise_string($this->str2);
// Lengths of strings
$m = count($X);
$n = count($Y);
// Create and initialise matrix for dynamic programming
$H = array ();
for ($i = 0; $i <= $m; $i++)
$H[$i][0] = 0;
for ($j = 0; $j <= $m; $j++)
$H[0][$j] = 0;
$max_i = 0;
$max_j = 0;
$max_H = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $m; $i++)
for ($j = 1; $j <= $n; $j++)
$a = $H[$i -1][$j -1];
$s1 = $this->clean_token($X[$i -1]);
$s2 = $this->clean_token($Y[$j -1]);
// Compute score of four possible situations (match, mismatch, deletion, insertion
if (strcasecmp($s1, $s2) == 0)
// Strings are identical
$a += $match;
// Strings are different
//$a -= levenshtein($X[$i-1], $Y[$i-1]); // allow approximate string match
$a += $mismatch; // you're either the same or you're not
$b = $H[$i -1][$j] + $deletion;
$c = $H[$i][$j -1] + $insertion;
$H[$i][$j] = max(max($a, $b), $c);
if ($H[$i][$j] > $max_H)
$max_H = $H[$i][$j];
$max_i = $i;
$max_j = $j;
* Best possible score is perfect alignment with no mismatches or gaps
$maximum_possible_score = count($Y) * $match;
$this->score = $max_H / $maximum_possible_score;
* Traceback to recover alignment
$alignment = array ();
$value = $H[$max_i][$max_j];
$i = $max_i -1;
$j = $max_j -1;
while (($value != 0) && (($i != 0) && ($j != 0)))
$s1 = $this->clean_token($X[$i]);
$s2 = $this->clean_token($Y[$j]);
if ($s2 != '')
array_unshift($alignment, array (
'pos' => $i,
'match' => ((strcasecmp($s1, $s2) == 0) ? 1 : 0),
'token' => $X[$i]
$up = $H[$i -1][$j];
$left = $H[$i][$j -1];
$diag = $H[$i -1][$j -1];
if ($up > $left)
if ($up > $diag)
$i -= 1;
$i -= 1;
$j -= 1;
if ($left > $diag)
$j -= 1;
$i -= 1;
$j -= 1;
// Store last token in alignment
$s1 = $this->clean_token($X[$i]);
$s2 = $this->clean_token($Y[$j]);
array_unshift($alignment, array (
'pos' => $i,
'match' => ((strcasecmp($s1, $s2) == 0) ? 1 : 0),
'token' => $X[$i]
* HTML snippet showing alignment
* Local alignment
$snippet = '';
$last_pos = -1;
foreach ($alignment as $a)
if ($a['pos'] != $last_pos)
if ($a['match'] == 1)
$snippet .= '<span style="color:black;font-weight:bold;background-color:yellow;">';
$snippet .= '<span style="color:rgb(128,128,128);font-weight:bold;background-color:yellow;">';
$snippet .= $a['token'] . ' '; //$Z[$a['pos']] . ' ';
$snippet .= '</span>';
$last_pos = $a['pos'];
* Embed this in haystack string
* Before alignment
$start_pos = $alignment[0]['pos'] - 1;
$prefix_start = max(0, $start_pos -10);
$prefix = '';
while ($start_pos > $prefix_start)
$prefix = $X[$start_pos] . ' ' . $prefix;
if ($start_pos > 0)
$prefix = '.' . $prefix;
// After alignment
$end_pos = $alignment[count($alignment) - 1]['pos'] + 1;
$suffix_end = min(count($X), $end_pos +10);
$suffix = '';
while ($end_pos < $suffix_end)
$suffix .= ' ' . $X[$end_pos];
if ($end_pos < count($X))
$suffix .= '.';
$this->html = $prefix . $snippet . $suffix;
public function get_score()
return $this->score;
public function get_html()
return $this->html;
} // Class
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