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Created November 19, 2014 12:40
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return e
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var e, f;
return c = a.extend({}, this.wpList.settings, {
element: null,
nonce: 0,
target: b.get(0)
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action: d.action
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id: || 0,
oldId: this.oldId || null
}), j.wpList.recolor(), a(j).trigger("wpListAddEnd", [d, j.wpList]), void, "#" + d.element))
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var e = a.extend({xml: b, status: c, parsed: h}, d);
d.addAfter(i, e)
}, a.ajax(d), !1) : !0) : !1) : !0 : !, c, d) : !1
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_ajax_nonce: d.nonce
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h.wpList.recolor(), a(this).dequeue()
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a.isFunction(d.delAfter) && e.queue(function () {
var e = a.extend({xml: b, status: c, parsed: f}, d);
d.delAfter(g, e)
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id: d.element.split("-").pop(),
dimClass: d.dimClass,
_ajax_nonce: d.nonce
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e.toggleClass(d.dimClass), a(this).dequeue()
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complete: function () {
a(this).css("backgroundColor", ""), a(k).trigger("wpListDimEnd", [d, k.wpList])
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k.wpList.recolor(), a(this).dequeue()
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a.isFunction(d.dimAfter) && e.queue(function () {
var e = a.extend({xml: b, status: c, parsed: i}, d);
d.dimAfter(j, e)
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var b = jQuery(a).css("backgroundColor");
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complete: function () {
a(this).css("backgroundColor", "")
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return c.wpList.add(this)
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return c.wpList.del(this)
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return c.wpList.dim(this)
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a.wpList.process = function (b) {
a.each(function () {
}, a.wpList.recolor = function () {
a.each(function () {
}, a.fn.wpList = function (d) {
return this.each(function () {
var e = this;
this.wpList = {settings: a.extend({}, b.settings, {what: b.parseData(this, "list")[1] || ""}, d)}, a.each(c, function (a, c) {
e.wpList[a] = function (a, d) {
return b[c].call(e, a, d)
}),, this.wpList.process(), this
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a(this).prop("checked") ? (, a.isFunction(postboxes.pbshow) && e.pbshow(d)) : (f.hide(), a.isFunction(postboxes.pbhide) && e.pbhide(d)), e.save_state(c), e._mark_area(), b.trigger("postbox-toggled", f)
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receive: function (b, c) {
"dashboard_browser_nag" == c.item[0].id && a(c.sender).sortable("cancel"), postboxes._mark_area()
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c["order[" +"-")[0] + "]"] = a(this).sortable("toArray").join(",")
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1 == b || c.children(".postbox:visible").length ? c.removeClass("empty-container") : c.addClass("empty-container")
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b.length &&":checked") || this._pb_edit(2);
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var wpNavMenu;
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var b;
b = wpNavMenu = {
options: {menuItemDepthPerLevel: 30, globalMaxDepth: 11},
menuList: void 0,
targetList: void 0,
menusChanged: !1,
isRTL: !("undefined" == typeof isRtl || !isRtl),
negateIfRTL: "undefined" != typeof isRtl && isRtl ? -1 : 1,
init: function () {
b.menuList = a("#menu-to-edit"), b.targetList = b.menuList, this.jQueryExtensions(), this.attachMenuEditListeners(), this.setupInputWithDefaultTitle(), this.attachQuickSearchListeners(), this.attachThemeLocationsListeners(), this.attachTabsPanelListeners(), this.attachUnsavedChangesListener(), b.menuList.length && this.initSortables(), menus.oneThemeLocationNoMenus && a("#posttype-page").addSelectedToMenu(b.addMenuItemToBottom), this.initManageLocations(), this.initAccessibility(), this.initToggles(), this.initPreviewing()
jQueryExtensions: function () {
menuItemDepth: function () {
var a = this.eq(0).css(b.isRTL ? "margin-right" : "margin-left");
return b.pxToDepth(a && -1 != a.indexOf("px") ? a.slice(0, -2) : 0)
}, updateDepthClass: function (b, c) {
return this.each(function () {
var d = a(this);
c = c || d.menuItemDepth(), a(this).removeClass("menu-item-depth-" + c).addClass("menu-item-depth-" + b)
}, shiftDepthClass: function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = a(this), d = c.menuItemDepth();
a(this).removeClass("menu-item-depth-" + d).addClass("menu-item-depth-" + (d + b))
}, childMenuItems: function () {
var b = a();
return this.each(function () {
for (var c = a(this), d = c.menuItemDepth(), e =; e.length && e.menuItemDepth() > d;)b = b.add(e), e =
}), b
}, shiftHorizontally: function (b) {
return this.each(function () {
var c = a(this), d = c.menuItemDepth(), e = d + b;
c.moveHorizontally(e, d)
}, moveHorizontally: function (b, c) {
return this.each(function () {
var d = a(this), e = d.childMenuItems(), f = b - c, g = d.find(".is-submenu");
d.updateDepthClass(b, c).updateParentMenuItemDBId(), e && e.each(function () {
var b = a(this), c = b.menuItemDepth(), d = c + f;
b.updateDepthClass(d, c).updateParentMenuItemDBId()
}), 0 === b ? g.hide() :
}, updateParentMenuItemDBId: function () {
return this.each(function () {
var b = a(this), c = b.find(".menu-item-data-parent-id"), d = parseInt(b.menuItemDepth(), 10), e = d - 1, f = b.prevAll(".menu-item-depth-" + e).first();
c.val(0 === d ? 0 : f.find(".menu-item-data-db-id").val())
}, hideAdvancedMenuItemFields: function () {
return this.each(function () {
var b = a(this);
a(".hide-column-tog").not(":checked").each(function () {
b.find(".field-" + a(this).val()).addClass("hidden-field")
}, addSelectedToMenu: function (c) {
return 0 === a("#menu-to-edit").length ? !1 : this.each(function () {
var d = a(this), e = {}, f = d.find(menus.oneThemeLocationNoMenus && 0 === d.find(".tabs-panel-active .categorychecklist li input:checked").length ? '#page-all li input[type="checkbox"]' : ".tabs-panel-active .categorychecklist li input:checked"), g = /menu-item\[([^\]]*)/;
return c = c || b.addMenuItemToBottom, f.length ? (d.find(".spinner").show(), a(f).each(function () {
var d = a(this), f = g.exec(d.attr("name")), h = "undefined" == typeof f[1] ? 0 : parseInt(f[1], 10);
this.className && -1 != this.className.indexOf("add-to-top") && (c = b.addMenuItemToTop), e[h] = d.closest("li").getItemData("add-menu-item", h)
}), void b.addItemToMenu(e, c, function () {
f.removeAttr("checked"), d.find(".spinner").hide()
})) : !1
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a = a || "menu-item";
var c, d = {}, e = ["menu-item-db-id", "menu-item-object-id", "menu-item-object", "menu-item-parent-id", "menu-item-position", "menu-item-type", "menu-item-title", "menu-item-url", "menu-item-description", "menu-item-attr-title", "menu-item-target", "menu-item-classes", "menu-item-xfn"];
return b || "menu-item" != a || (b = this.find(".menu-item-data-db-id").val()), b ? (this.find("input").each(function () {
var f;
for (c = e.length; c--;)"menu-item" == a ? f = e[c] + "[" + b + "]" : "add-menu-item" == a && (f = "menu-item[" + b + "][" + e[c] + "]"), && f == && (d[e[c]] = this.value)
}), d) : d
}, setItemData: function (b, c, d) {
return c = c || "menu-item", d || "menu-item" != c || (d = a(".menu-item-data-db-id", this).val()), d ? (this.find("input").each(function () {
var e, f = a(this);
a.each(b, function (a, b) {
"menu-item" == c ? e = a + "[" + d + "]" : "add-menu-item" == c && (e = "menu-item[" + d + "][" + a + "]"), e == f.attr("name") && f.val(b)
}), this) : this
countMenuItems: function (b) {
return a(".menu-item-depth-" + b).length
moveMenuItem: function (c, d) {
var e, f, g, h = a("#menu-to-edit li"), i = h.length, j = c.parents(""), k = j.childMenuItems(), l = j.getItemData(), m = parseInt(j.menuItemDepth(), 10), n = parseInt(j.index(), 10), o =, p = o.childMenuItems(), q = parseInt(o.menuItemDepth(), 10) + 1, r = j.prev(), s = parseInt(r.menuItemDepth(), 10), t = r.getItemData()["menu-item-db-id"];
switch (d) {
if (f = n - 1, 0 === n)break;
0 === f && 0 !== m && j.moveHorizontally(0, m), 0 !== s && j.moveHorizontally(s, m), k ? (e = j.add(k), e.detach().insertBefore(h.eq(f)).updateParentMenuItemDBId()) : j.detach().insertBefore(h.eq(f)).updateParentMenuItemDBId();
if (k) {
if (e = j.add(k), o = h.eq(e.length + n), p = 0 !== o.childMenuItems().length, p && (g = parseInt(o.menuItemDepth(), 10) + 1, j.moveHorizontally(g, m)), i === n + e.length)break;
e.detach().insertAfter(h.eq(n + e.length)).updateParentMenuItemDBId()
} else {
if (0 !== p.length && j.moveHorizontally(q, m), i === n + 1)break;
j.detach().insertAfter(h.eq(n + 1)).updateParentMenuItemDBId()
if (0 === n)break;
k ? (e = j.add(k), e.detach().insertBefore(h.eq(0)).updateParentMenuItemDBId()) : j.detach().insertBefore(h.eq(0)).updateParentMenuItemDBId();
if (0 === m)break;
if (0 === n)break;
if (l["menu-item-parent-id"] === t)break;
c.focus(), b.registerChange(), b.refreshKeyboardAccessibility(), b.refreshAdvancedAccessibility()
initAccessibility: function () {
var c = a("#menu-to-edit");
b.refreshKeyboardAccessibility(), b.refreshAdvancedAccessibility(), c.on("click", ".menus-move-up", function (c) {
b.moveMenuItem(a(this).parents("").find("a.item-edit"), "up"), c.preventDefault()
}), c.on("click", ".menus-move-down", function (c) {
b.moveMenuItem(a(this).parents("").find("a.item-edit"), "down"), c.preventDefault()
}), c.on("click", ".menus-move-top", function (c) {
b.moveMenuItem(a(this).parents("").find("a.item-edit"), "top"), c.preventDefault()
}), c.on("click", ".menus-move-left", function (c) {
b.moveMenuItem(a(this).parents("").find("a.item-edit"), "left"), c.preventDefault()
}), c.on("click", ".menus-move-right", function (c) {
b.moveMenuItem(a(this).parents("").find("a.item-edit"), "right"), c.preventDefault()
refreshAdvancedAccessibility: function () {
a(".menu-item-settings .field-move a").css("display", "none"), a(".item-edit").each(function () {
var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k = a(this), l = k.closest("").first(), m = l.menuItemDepth(), n = 0 === m, o = k.closest(".menu-item-handle").find(".menu-item-title").text(), p = parseInt(l.index(), 10), q = n ? m : parseInt(m - 1, 10), r = l.prevAll(".menu-item-depth-" + q).first().find(".menu-item-title").text(), s = l.prevAll(".menu-item-depth-" + m).first().find(".menu-item-title").text(), t = a("#menu-to-edit li").length, u = l.nextAll(".menu-item-depth-" + m).length;
0 !== p && (b = l.find(".menus-move-up"), b.prop("title", menus.moveUp).css("display", "inline")), 0 !== p && n && (b = l.find(".menus-move-top"), b.prop("title", menus.moveToTop).css("display", "inline")), p + 1 !== t && 0 !== p && (b = l.find(".menus-move-down"), b.prop("title", menus.moveDown).css("display", "inline")), 0 === p && 0 !== u && (b = l.find(".menus-move-down"), b.prop("title", menus.moveDown).css("display", "inline")), n || (b = l.find(".menus-move-left"), c = menus.outFrom.replace("%s", r), b.prop("title", menus.moveOutFrom.replace("%s", r)).html(c).css("display", "inline")), 0 !== p && l.find(".menu-item-data-parent-id").val() !== l.prev().find(".menu-item-data-db-id").val() && (b = l.find(".menus-move-right"), c = menus.under.replace("%s", s), b.prop("title", menus.moveUnder.replace("%s", s)).html(c).css("display", "inline")), n ? (d = a(".menu-item-depth-0"), e = d.index(l) + 1, t = d.length, f = menus.menuFocus.replace("%1$s", o).replace("%2$d", e).replace("%3$d", t)) : (g = l.prevAll(".menu-item-depth-" + parseInt(m - 1, 10)).first(), h = g.find(".menu-item-data-db-id").val(), i = g.find(".menu-item-title").text(), j = a('.menu-item .menu-item-data-parent-id[value="' + h + '"]'), e = a(j.parents(".menu-item").get().reverse()).index(l) + 1, f = menus.subMenuFocus.replace("%1$s", o).replace("%2$d", e).replace("%3$s", i)), k.prop("title", f).html(f)
refreshKeyboardAccessibility: function () {
a(".item-edit").off("focus").on("focus", function () {
a(this).off("keydown").on("keydown", function (c) {
var d, e = a(this), f = e.parents(""), g = f.getItemData();
if ((37 == c.which || 38 == c.which || 39 == c.which || 40 == c.which) && ("keydown"), 1 !== a("#menu-to-edit li").length)) {
switch (d = {
38: "up",
40: "down",
37: "left",
39: "right"
}, a("body").hasClass("rtl") && (d = {
38: "up",
40: "down",
39: "left",
37: "right"
}), d[c.which]) {
b.moveMenuItem(e, "up");
b.moveMenuItem(e, "down");
b.moveMenuItem(e, "left");
b.moveMenuItem(e, "right")
return a("#edit-" + g["menu-item-db-id"]).focus(), !1
initPreviewing: function () {
a("#menu-to-edit").on("change input", ".edit-menu-item-title", function (b) {
var c, d, e = a(b.currentTarget);
c = e.val(), d = e.closest(".menu-item").find(".menu-item-title"), c ? d.text(c).removeClass("no-title") : d.text(navMenuL10n.untitled).addClass("no-title")
initToggles: function () {
postboxes.add_postbox_toggles("nav-menus"), columns.useCheckboxesForHidden(), columns.checked = function (b) {
a(".field-" + b).removeClass("hidden-field")
}, columns.unchecked = function (b) {
a(".field-" + b).addClass("hidden-field")
}, b.menuList.hideAdvancedMenuItemFields(), a(".hide-postbox-tog").click(function () {
var b = a(".accordion-container li.accordion-section").filter(":hidden").map(function () {
}).get().join(",");, {
action: "closed-postboxes",
hidden: b,
closedpostboxesnonce: jQuery("#closedpostboxesnonce").val(),
page: "nav-menus"
initSortables: function () {
function c(a) {
var c;
j = a.placeholder.prev(), k =, j[0] == a.item[0] && (j = j.prev()), k[0] == a.item[0] && (k =, l = j.length ? j.offset().top + j.height() : 0, m = k.length ? k.offset().top + k.height() / 3 : 0, h = k.length ? k.menuItemDepth() : 0, i = j.length ? (c = j.menuItemDepth() + 1) > b.options.globalMaxDepth ? b.options.globalMaxDepth : c : 0
function d(a, b) {
a.placeholder.updateDepthClass(b, q), q = b
function e() {
if (!s[0].className)return 0;
var a = s[0].className.match(/menu-max-depth-(\d+)/);
return a && a[1] ? parseInt(a[1], 10) : 0
function f(c) {
var d, e = t;
if (0 !== c) {
if (c > 0)d = p + c, d > t && (e = d); else if (0 > c && p == t)for (; !a(".menu-item-depth-" + e, b.menuList).length && e > 0;)e--;
s.removeClass("menu-max-depth-" + t).addClass("menu-max-depth-" + e), t = e
var g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q = 0, r = b.menuList.offset().left, s = a("body"), t = e();
0 !== a("#menu-to-edit li").length && a(".drag-instructions").show(), r += b.isRTL ? b.menuList.width() : 0, b.menuList.sortable({
handle: ".menu-item-handle",
placeholder: "sortable-placeholder",
start: function (e, f) {
var h, i, j, k, l;
b.isRTL && (f.item[0].style.right = "auto"), o = f.item.children(".menu-item-transport"), g = f.item.menuItemDepth(), d(f, g), j =[0] == f.placeholder[0] ? : f.item, k = j.childMenuItems(), o.append(k), h = o.outerHeight(), h += h > 0 ? 1 * f.placeholder.css("margin-top").slice(0, -2) : 0, h += f.helper.outerHeight(), n = h, h -= 2, f.placeholder.height(h), p = g, k.each(function () {
var b = a(this).menuItemDepth();
p = b > p ? b : p
}), i = f.helper.find(".menu-item-handle").outerWidth(), i += b.depthToPx(p - g), i -= 2, f.placeholder.width(i), l =, l.css("margin-top", n + "px"), f.placeholder.detach(), a(this).sortable("refresh"), f.item.after(f.placeholder), l.css("margin-top", 0), c(f)
stop: function (a, c) {
var d, e, h = q - g;
d = o.children().insertAfter(c.item), e = c.item.find(".item-title .is-submenu"), q > 0 ? : e.hide(), 0 !== h && (c.item.updateDepthClass(q), d.shiftDepthClass(h), f(h)), b.registerChange(), c.item.updateParentMenuItemDBId(), c.item[0] = 0, b.isRTL && (c.item[0].style.left = "auto", c.item[0].style.right = 0), b.refreshKeyboardAccessibility(), b.refreshAdvancedAccessibility()
change: function (a, d) {
d.placeholder.parent().hasClass("menu") || (j.length ? j.after(d.placeholder) : b.menuList.prepend(d.placeholder)), c(d)
sort: function (e, f) {
var g = f.helper.offset(), j = b.isRTL ? g.left + f.helper.width() : g.left, o = b.negateIfRTL * b.pxToDepth(j - r);
o > i || < l ? o = i : h > o && (o = h), o != q && d(f, o), m && + n > m && (k.after(f.placeholder), c(f), a(this).sortable("refreshPositions"))
initManageLocations: function () {
a("#menu-locations-wrap form").submit(function () {
window.onbeforeunload = null
}), a(".menu-location-menus select").on("change", function () {
var b = a(this).closest("tr").find(".locations-edit-menu-link");
a(this).find("option:selected").data("orig") ? : b.hide()
attachMenuEditListeners: function () {
var b = this;
a("#update-nav-menu").bind("click", function (a) {
if ( && {
if (-1 !="item-edit"))return b.eventOnClickEditLink(;
if (-1 !="menu-save"))return b.eventOnClickMenuSave(;
if (-1 !="menu-delete"))return b.eventOnClickMenuDelete(;
if (-1 !="item-delete"))return b.eventOnClickMenuItemDelete(;
if (-1 !="item-cancel"))return b.eventOnClickCancelLink(
}), a('#add-custom-links input[type="text"]').keypress(function (b) {
13 === b.keyCode && (b.preventDefault(), a("#submit-customlinkdiv").click())
setupInputWithDefaultTitle: function () {
var b = "input-with-default-title";
a("." + b).each(function () {
var c = a(this), d = c.attr("title"), e = c.val();
if (, d), "" === e)c.val(d); else {
if (d == e)return;
}).focus(function () {
var c = a(this);
c.val() == && c.val("").removeClass(b)
}).blur(function () {
var c = a(this);
"" === c.val() && c.addClass(b).val(
}), a(".blank-slate .input-with-default-title").focus()
attachThemeLocationsListeners: function () {
var b = a("#nav-menu-theme-locations"), c = {};
c.action = "menu-locations-save", c["menu-settings-column-nonce"] = a("#menu-settings-column-nonce").val(), b.find('input[type="submit"]').click(function () {
return b.find("select").each(function () {
c[] = a(this).val()
}), b.find(".spinner").show(),, c, function () {
}), !1
attachQuickSearchListeners: function () {
var c;
a(".quick-search").keypress(function (d) {
var e = a(this);
return 13 == d.which ? (b.updateQuickSearchResults(e), !1) : (c && clearTimeout(c), void(c = setTimeout(function () {
}, 400)))
}).attr("autocomplete", "off")
updateQuickSearchResults: function (c) {
var d, e, f = 2, g = c.val();
g.length < f || (d = c.parents(".tabs-panel"), e = {
action: "menu-quick-search",
"response-format": "markup",
menu: a("#menu").val(),
"menu-settings-column-nonce": a("#menu-settings-column-nonce").val(),
q: g,
type: c.attr("name")
}, a(".spinner", d).show(),, e, function (a) {
b.processQuickSearchQueryResponse(a, e, d)
addCustomLink: function (c) {
var d = a("#custom-menu-item-url").val(), e = a("#custom-menu-item-name").val();
return c = c || b.addMenuItemToBottom, "" === d || "http://" == d ? !1 : (a(".customlinkdiv .spinner").show(), void this.addLinkToMenu(d, e, c, function () {
a(".customlinkdiv .spinner").hide(), a("#custom-menu-item-name").val("").blur(), a("#custom-menu-item-url").val("http://")
addLinkToMenu: function (a, c, d, e) {
d = d || b.addMenuItemToBottom, e = e || function () {
}, b.addItemToMenu({"-1": {"menu-item-type": "custom", "menu-item-url": a, "menu-item-title": c}}, d, e)
addItemToMenu: function (b, c, d) {
var e, f = a("#menu").val(), g = a("#menu-settings-column-nonce").val();
c = c || function () {
}, d = d || function () {
}, e = {
action: "add-menu-item",
menu: f,
"menu-settings-column-nonce": g,
"menu-item": b
},, e, function (b) {
var f = a("#menu-instructions");
b = a.trim(b), c(b, e), a("li.pending").hide().fadeIn("slow"), a(".drag-instructions").show(), !f.hasClass("menu-instructions-inactive") && f.siblings().length && f.addClass("menu-instructions-inactive"), d()
addMenuItemToBottom: function (c) {
a(c).hideAdvancedMenuItemFields().appendTo(b.targetList), b.refreshKeyboardAccessibility(), b.refreshAdvancedAccessibility()
addMenuItemToTop: function (c) {
a(c).hideAdvancedMenuItemFields().prependTo(b.targetList), b.refreshKeyboardAccessibility(), b.refreshAdvancedAccessibility()
attachUnsavedChangesListener: function () {
a("#menu-management input, #menu-management select, #menu-management, #menu-management textarea, .menu-location-menus select").change(function () {
}), 0 !== a("#menu-to-edit").length || 0 !== a(".menu-location-menus select").length ? window.onbeforeunload = function () {
return b.menusChanged ? navMenuL10n.saveAlert : void 0
} : a("#menu-settings-column").find("input,select").end().find("a").attr("href", "#").unbind("click")
registerChange: function () {
b.menusChanged = !0
attachTabsPanelListeners: function () {
a("#menu-settings-column").bind("click", function (c) {
var d, e, f, g, h = a(;
if (h.hasClass("nav-tab-link"))e ="type"), f = h.parents(".accordion-section-content").first(), a("input", f).removeAttr("checked"), a(".tabs-panel-active", f).removeClass("tabs-panel-active").addClass("tabs-panel-inactive"), a("#" + e, f).removeClass("tabs-panel-inactive").addClass("tabs-panel-active"), a(".tabs", f).removeClass("tabs"), h.parent().addClass("tabs"), a(".quick-search", f).focus(), c.preventDefault(); else if (h.hasClass("select-all")) {
if (d = /#(.*)$/.exec(, d && d[1])return g = a("#" + d[1] + " .tabs-panel-active .menu-item-title input"), g.length === g.filter(":checked").length ? g.removeAttr("checked") : g.prop("checked", !0), !1
} else {
if (h.hasClass("submit-add-to-menu"))return b.registerChange(), && "submit-customlinkdiv" == ? b.addCustomLink(b.addMenuItemToBottom) : && -1 !="submit-") && a("#" +, "")).addSelectedToMenu(b.addMenuItemToBottom), !1;
if (h.hasClass("page-numbers"))return,*\?/, "").replace(/action=([^&]*)/, "") + "&action=menu-get-metabox", function (b) {
if (-1 != b.indexOf("replace-id")) {
var c = a.parseJSON(b), d = document.getElementById(c["replace-id"]), e = document.createElement("div"), f = document.createElement("div");
c.markup && d && (f.innerHTML = c.markup ? c.markup : "", d.parentNode.insertBefore(e, d), e.parentNode.removeChild(d), e.parentNode.insertBefore(f, e), e.parentNode.removeChild(e))
}), !1
eventOnClickEditLink: function (b) {
var c, d, e = /#(.*)$/.exec(b.href);
return e && e[1] && (c = a("#" + e[1]), d = c.parent(), 0 !== d.length) ? (d.hasClass("menu-item-edit-inactive") ? ("menu-item-data") ||"menu-item-data", c.getItemData()), c.slideDown("fast"), d.removeClass("menu-item-edit-inactive").addClass("menu-item-edit-active")) : (c.slideUp("fast"), d.removeClass("menu-item-edit-active").addClass("menu-item-edit-inactive")), !1) : void 0
eventOnClickCancelLink: function (b) {
var c = a(b).closest(".menu-item-settings"), d = a(b).closest(".menu-item");
return d.removeClass("menu-item-edit-active").addClass("menu-item-edit-inactive"), c.setItemData("menu-item-data")).hide(), !1
eventOnClickMenuSave: function () {
var c = "", d = a("#menu-name"), e = d.val();
return e && e != d.attr("title") && e.replace(/\s+/, "") ? (a("#nav-menu-theme-locations select").each(function () {
c += '<input type="hidden" name="' + + '" value="' + a(this).val() + '" />'
}), a("#update-nav-menu").append(c), b.menuList.find(".menu-item-data-position").val(function (a) {
return a + 1
}), window.onbeforeunload = null, !0) : (d.parent().addClass("form-invalid"), !1)
eventOnClickMenuDelete: function () {
return window.confirm(navMenuL10n.warnDeleteMenu) ? (window.onbeforeunload = null, !0) : !1
eventOnClickMenuItemDelete: function (c) {
var d = parseInt("delete-", ""), 10);
return b.removeMenuItem(a("#menu-item-" + d)), b.registerChange(), !1
processQuickSearchQueryResponse: function (b, c, d) {
var e, f, g, h = {}, i = document.getElementById("nav-menu-meta"), j = /menu-item[(\[^]\]*/, k = a("<div>").html(b).find("li");
return k.length ? (k.each(function () {
if (g = a(this), e = j.exec(g.html()), e && e[1]) {
for (f = e[1]; i.elements["menu-item[" + f + "][menu-item-type]"] || h[f];)f--;
h[f] = !0, f != e[1] && g.html(g.html().replace(new RegExp("menu-item\\[" + e[1] + "\\]", "g"), "menu-item[" + f + "]"))
}), a(".categorychecklist", d).html(k), void a(".spinner", d).hide()) : (a(".categorychecklist", d).html("<li><p>" + navMenuL10n.noResultsFound + "</p></li>"), void a(".spinner", d).hide())
removeMenuItem: function (b) {
var c = b.childMenuItems();
b.addClass("deleting").animate({opacity: 0, height: 0}, 350, function () {
var d = a("#menu-instructions");
b.remove(), c.shiftDepthClass(-1).updateParentMenuItemDBId(), 0 === a("#menu-to-edit li").length && (a(".drag-instructions").hide(), d.removeClass("menu-instructions-inactive"))
depthToPx: function (a) {
return a * b.options.menuItemDepthPerLevel
pxToDepth: function (a) {
return Math.floor(a / b.options.menuItemDepthPerLevel)
}, a(document).ready(function () {
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