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Created February 6, 2018 11:42
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#include "GifFactory.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "stb_image.h"
bEditorImport = true;
SupportedClass = UTexture2D::StaticClass();
Formats.Add(FString("gif;Graphics Interchange Format"));
UObject *UGifFactory::FactoryCreateFile
UClass *InClass,
UObject *InParent,
FName InName,
EObjectFlags Flags,
const FString &Filename,
const TCHAR *Parms,
FFeedbackContext *Warn,
bool &bOutOperationCanceled
int32 Width, Height, Comp;
unsigned char *file = stbi_load(TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*Filename), &Width, &Height, &Comp, 3);
int32 ColorsLength = Height * Width * 3;
TArray<FColor> Colors;
Colors.Reserve(Height * Width);
for (int i = 0; i < ColorsLength; i++)
uint8 R = (uint8)file[i];
uint8 G = (uint8)file[i + 1];
uint8 B = (uint8)file[i + 2];
FColor PixelColor(R, G, B);
FCreateTexture2DParameters Params;
UTexture2D *NewTexture = FImageUtils::CreateTexture2D(Width, Height, Colors, InParent, InName.ToString(), Flags | RF_Transactional, Params);
return NewTexture;
FText UGifFactory::GetDisplayName() const
return FText::FromString(TEXT("Gif Image"));
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