(ns eduction |
#?(:cljs (:require-macros [eduction :refer [benchmark]])) |
(:require |
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s] |
[clojure.spec.gen.alpha :as gen] |
[clojure.test.check :as tc :include-macros true] |
[clojure.test.check.properties :as prop :include-macros true])) |
(defn- chunked-sequence [xform s] |
(let [xf (xform conj!) |
rrf #?(:clj (#'clojure.core/preserving-reduced xf) |
:cljs (#'cljs.core/preserving-reduced xf)) |
step (fn self [v s] |
(if-not s |
(persistent! (xf v)) |
(let [c (chunk-first s) |
;; Calling unreduced for :clj to get the same |
;; behaviour as :cljs |
#?@(:clj [chunk (unreduced (.reduce c rrf v))] |
:cljs [chunk (reduce rrf v c)])] |
(if (reduced? chunk) |
(seq (persistent! (xf (deref chunk)))) |
(let [next-chunk (chunk-next s)] |
(if (zero? (count chunk)) |
(lazy-seq |
(self v next-chunk)) |
(lazy-cat |
(persistent! chunk) |
(self (transient []) next-chunk))))))))] |
(step (transient []) (seq s)))) |
(defn sequence2 [xform coll] |
(let [s (seq coll)] |
(if (chunked-seq? s) |
(seq (chunked-sequence xform coll)) |
(sequence xform coll)))) |
(deftype Eduction2 [xform coll] |
#?@(:clj |
[clojure.lang.Seqable |
(seq [this] |
(let [s (seq coll)] |
(if (chunked-seq? s) |
(seq (chunked-sequence xform coll)) |
#_(iterator-seq (.iterator this)) |
(seq (clojure.core/->Eduction xform coll)))))] |
:cljs |
[ISeqable |
(-seq [this] |
(let [s (seq coll)] |
(if (chunked-seq? s) |
(seq (chunked-sequence xform coll)) |
(seq (sequence xform coll)))))])) |
(defn eduction2 [& xforms] |
(Eduction2. (apply comp (butlast xforms)) (last xforms))) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Generate |
(s/def ::small-ints (into #{} (range 30))) |
(defn gen-partition-by [] |
(s/gen #{(comp (partition-by even?) cat)})) |
(defn gen-take [] |
(gen/fmap #(take %) (s/gen (set (range 1000))))) |
(defn gen-map [] |
(s/gen #{(map inc) (map #(* -1 %))})) |
(defn gen-filter [] |
(s/gen #{(filter even?)})) |
(defn gen-drop [] |
(gen/fmap #(drop %) (s/gen ::small-ints))) |
(defn gen-mapcat [] |
(gen/fmap #(mapcat (fn [x] (repeat % x))) |
(s/gen #{1 2 3}))) |
;; To make sure we're calling the transducers the same amount of time. |
(defn counting-xf [] |
(fn [rf] |
(let [counter (atom 0)] |
(fn |
([] (rf)) |
([acc] (rf (unreduced (rf acc @counter)))) |
([acc res] |
(swap! counter inc) |
(rf acc res)))))) |
(defn gen-counting-xf [] |
(s/gen #{(counting-xf)})) |
(defn gen-xforms [] |
(gen/not-empty |
(gen/vector |
(gen/one-of |
[(gen-take) |
(gen-partition-by) |
(gen-map) |
(gen-filter) |
(gen-drop) |
(gen-counting-xf) |
(gen-mapcat)])))) |
(defn check-eduction2 [n] |
(tc/quick-check |
n |
(prop/for-all [xforms (gen-xforms) |
i (s/gen ::small-ints)] |
(let [args (concat xforms [(range i)])] |
(= (seq (apply eduction args)) |
(seq (apply eduction2 args))))))) |
(defn check-sequence2 [n] |
(tc/quick-check |
n |
(prop/for-all [xforms (gen-xforms) |
i (s/gen ::small-ints)] |
(let [xforms (apply comp xforms) |
r (range i)] |
(= (seq (sequence xforms r)) |
(seq (sequence2 xforms r))))))) |
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; |
;; Benchmarking |
#?(:clj |
(do |
(defmacro if-cljs |
[then else] |
(if (:ns &env) then else)) |
(defn clj-benchmark [f runs] |
(let [body# `(dotimes [~'_ ~runs] |
((fn [] ~f)))] |
`(do |
;; Warm up |
~body# |
(time ~body#)))) |
(defmacro benchmark [_ f runs] |
`(if-cljs |
(do |
;; Warm up |
(dotimes [~'_ ~runs] ((fn [] ~f))) |
(cljs.core/simple-benchmark [] ~f ~runs)) |
~(clj-benchmark f runs))))) |
(defn -main [& args] |
(prn "quick check (= eduction2 clojure.core/eduction") |
(prn (check-eduction2 200)) |
(prn (check-sequence2 200)) |
(let [v (into [] (range 100000)) |
coll (seq v)] |
(prn "Benchmarking eduction with chunked-seqs") |
(prn "core/eduction - (first (filter ...))") |
(benchmark [] |
(first (eduction (filter (fn [x] (< 80000 x))) coll)) |
500) |
(prn "new eduction - (first (filter ...))") |
(benchmark [] |
(first (eduction2 (filter (fn [x] (< 80000 x))) coll)) |
500) |
(prn "core/eduction - (take 1000) (mapcat range)") |
(benchmark [] |
(run! (fn [_]) |
(seq (eduction (take 1000) (mapcat range) coll))) |
50) |
(prn "new eduction - (take 1000) (mapcat range)") |
(benchmark [] |
(run! (fn [_]) |
(seq (eduction2 (take 1000) (mapcat range) coll))) |
50) |
(prn "Benchmarking sequence with vectors") |
(prn "core/sequence - (first (filter ...))") |
(benchmark [] |
(first (sequence (filter (fn [x] (< 80000 x))) v)) |
500) |
(prn "new sequence2 - (first (filter ...))") |
(benchmark [] |
(first (sequence2 (filter (fn [x] (< 80000 x))) v)) |
500) |
(prn "core/sequence - (take 1000) (mapcat range)") |
(benchmark [] |
(run! (fn [_]) |
(seq (sequence (comp (take 1000) (mapcat range)) v))) |
50) |
(prn "new sequence2 - (take 1000) (mapcat range)") |
(benchmark [] |
(run! (fn [_]) |
(seq (sequence2 (comp (take 1000) (mapcat range)) v))) |
50) |
)) |
(comment |
;; clj repl output: |
"quick check (= eduction2 clojure.core/eduction" |
"{:result true, :num-tests 200, :seed 1528128367876}" |
"Benchmarking eduction with chunked-seqs" |
"core/eduction - (first (filter ...))" |
"Elapsed time: 1687.285017 msecs" |
"new eduction - (first (filter ...))" |
"Elapsed time: 637.132507 msecs" |
;; 1687/637 = 2,6483516484x speed up |
"core/eduction - (take 1000) (mapcat range)" |
"Elapsed time: 1768.182948 msecs" |
"new eduction - (take 1000) (mapcat range)" |
"Elapsed time: 905.295919 msecs" |
;; 1768/905 = 1,9535911602x speed up |
"Benchmarking sequence with vectors" |
"core/sequence - (first (filter ...))" |
"Elapsed time: 750.904259 msecs" |
"new sequence2 - (first (filter ...))" |
"Elapsed time: 704.927186 msecs" |
;; 750/704 = 1,0653409091x speed up |
"core/sequence - (take 1000) (mapcat range)" |
"Elapsed time: 2011.894956 msecs" |
"new sequence2 - (take 1000) (mapcat range)" |
"Elapsed time: 779.168373 msecs" |
;; 2011/779 = 2,5815147625x speed up |
;; cljs output |
"quick check (= eduction2 clojure.core/eduction" |
"{:result true, :num-tests 200, :seed 1528128143496}" |
"Benchmarking eduction with chunked-seqs" |
"core/eduction - (first (filter ...)) |
[], (first (eduction ... coll)), 500 runs, 8531 msecs" |
"new eduction - (first (filter ...)) |
[], (first (eduction2 ... coll)), 500 runs, 4302 msecs" |
;; 8531/4302 = 1,9830311483x speed up |
"core/eduction - (take 1000) (mapcat range) |
[], (run! (fn [_]) (seq (eduction ... coll))), 50 runs, 11866 msecs" |
"new eduction - (take 1000) (mapcat range) |
[], (run! (fn [_]) (seq (eduction2 ... coll))), 50 runs, 6130 msecs" |
;; 11866/6130 = 1,935725938x speed up |
"Benchmarking sequence with vectors" |
"core/sequence - (first (filter ...)) |
[], (first (sequence ... v)), 500 runs, 4265 msecs" |
"new sequence2 - (first (filter ...)) |
[], (first (sequence2 ... v)), 500 runs, 3904 msecs" |
;; 4265/3904 = 1,0924692623x speed up |
"core/sequence - (take 1000) (mapcat range) |
[], (run! (fn [_]) (seq (sequence ... v))), 50 runs, 14231 msecs" |
"new sequence2 - (take 1000) (mapcat range) |
[], (run! (fn [_]) (seq (sequence2 ... v))), 50 runs, 6953 msecs" |
;; 14231/6953 = 2,0467424133x speed up |
) |