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Last active September 26, 2016 18:46
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(require '[datascript.btset :as btset])
(require '[datascript.arrays :as da])
;; What?
;; Fast equality check for btset/Iter
;; Why?
;; There's no history or (d/since ) API and I want to know what's changed between two databases.
;; With fast Iter equality checks, I can quickly check if an attribute has changed between
;; my two database values like so:
;; (iter-equals? (d/datoms db1 <index> <attr> ...)
;; (d/datoms db2 <index> <attr> ...))
;; Why is it fast?
;; If I understand the datastructure correctly, it's fast because the check for
;; (identical? (.-keys iter1) (.-keys iter2)) returns true most of the time, comparing
;; up to 64 or 128 items at a time.
;; ----------------------
;; -- btset/Iter equallity
(defn- keys-eq? [a b]
(or (identical? (.-keys a) (.-keys b))
(let [achunk (btset/iter-chunk a)
bchunk (btset/iter-chunk b)]
(and (= (count achunk) (count bchunk))
(every? #(= (nth achunk %)
(nth bchunk %))
(range (count achunk)))))))
(defn iter-equals?
"Given two btset/Iter, return true if they iterate of the
the identical items."
[a b]
(if (and (nil? a) (nil? b))
(when (and (some? a) (some? b) (keys-eq? a b))
(recur (btset/iter-chunked-next a)
(btset/iter-chunked-next b)))))
;; Usage
(require '[datascript.core :as d])
(let [conn (d/create-conn {})
_ (d/transact! conn [{:foo :bar}])
db1 (d/db conn)
_ (d/transact! conn [{:abc :xyz}])
db2 (d/db conn)]
;; Fast check whether datoms are equal.
;; Will hit (identical? (.-keys iter) (.-keys iter2))
;; most of the time, comparing a bunch of items at
;; the same time.
(assert (iter-equals? (d/datoms db1 :aevt :foo)
(d/datoms db2 :aevt :foo)))
(assert (not (iter-equals? (d/datoms db1 :aevt :abc)
(d/datoms db2 :aevt :abc))))))
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