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Last active October 19, 2015 08:30
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Wasn't impressed with react's camel case css...
;; Garden style css (just uses css properties as keywords as you'd expect):
[:style (css {:border-width "1px"})]
;; React cljs (camel cased css property names):
[:div {:style #js {:borderWidth "1px"}}]
;; Why camel case? "[...] This is consistent with the DOM style JavaScript property", see:
;; Problem: Cannot share code between inline css and react.
;; Solution: Create a function which takes a css map and returns whatever react wants.
;; Now with our created function "(style ..)"
;; inline css:
[:style (css {:border-width "1px"})]
;; React:
[:div (style {:border-width "1px"})]
;; Which means I can share code!
(let [css-map {:border-width "1px"}
[:style (css css-map)]
[:div (style css-map)]])
;; Implementation of style:
[clojure.string :as s]
[clojure.walk :as w]))
(defn camelCase [k]
(when (namespace k)
(throw (str "cannot camelCase a keyword with a namespace. keyword=" k)))
(let [[a & xs] (s/split (name k) "-")]
(s/join (cons a (map s/capitalize xs)))))
(defn style [css-map]
{:style (->> css-map
(w/postwalk #(if (keyword? %) (camelCase %) %))
;; To make it fast(er):
;; 1. Can memoize call to camel-case since keys are limited to css properties
;; 2. Make style a macro, so that the css is generated at compile time.
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