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Experiment to add reformatOnCompile settings to scalafmt sbt >v0.5
package org.scalafmt.sbt
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
import sbt.{IntegrationTest => It}
object ScalafmtIncrementalPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
override def requires: Plugins = ScalafmtPlugin
override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements
object autoImport {
lazy val scalafmtIncremental: TaskKey[Unit] =
taskKey[Unit]("Reformat on compile")
lazy val scalafmtReformatOnCompile: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
compileInputs in (Compile, compile) := {
(compileInputs in (Compile, compile)).dependsOn(scalafmtIncremental in Compile).value
compileInputs in (Test, compile) := {
(compileInputs in (Test, compile)).dependsOn(scalafmtIncremental in Test).value
lazy val reformatOnCompileWithItSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] =
scalafmtReformatOnCompile ++ List(
compileInputs in (It, compile) := {
(compileInputs in (It, compile)).dependsOn(scalafmtIncremental in It).value
import autoImport._
def incrementalReformatSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
(sourceDirectories in scalafmtIncremental) := unmanagedSourceDirectories.value,
includeFilter in scalafmtIncremental := "*.scala",
scalafmtIncremental := Def.taskDyn {
val cache = streams.value.cacheDirectory / "scalafmt"
val include = (includeFilter in scalafmtIncremental).value
val exclude = (excludeFilter in scalafmtIncremental).value
val files: Set[File] =
(sourceDirectories in scalafmtIncremental).value
.descendantsExcept(include, exclude)
val label = Reference.display(thisProjectRef.value)
def handleUpdate(in: ChangeReport[File],
out: ChangeReport[File]): Set[File] = {
val files = in.modified -- in.removed
import sbt._
.counted("Scala source", "", "s", files.size)
.foreach(count =>"Formatting $count $label..."))
val toFormat = FileFunction.cached(cache)(
if (toFormat.nonEmpty) {
val filesFlag =",")
val args = Seq("", "org.scalafmt.cli.Cli", "-i", "-f", filesFlag)
(runMain in ScalafmtPlugin.scalafmtStub).toTask(args.mkString(" "))
} else {
override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] =
inConfig(Compile)(incrementalReformatSettings) ++
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