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Mono Corp API Proxy

Mono Corp API Proxy Protocol

This document describes the protocol of Mono Corp API Proxy (MCAP). This protocol is created for Mono PWA project.


  • Root: describes the publicly available URL path, which contains methods as subfolders;
  • Method: Named public command, the way to interact with MCAP for different actions. A simulated subfolder of Root;
  • Response: JSON marshaled output of Method with application/json Content-Type and 200 OK response code;
  • Error: A Response with an error key instead of the expected output. The key contains error description -> {"error": "description"};
  • Long-Polling: Keeping an HTTP request alive without outputting the response body until a trigger;
  • %METHOD% /%resource% Monobank Request: An HTTP %METHOD% (GET|POST|...) request to -> POST /personal/auth/request Monobank Request. See Sending requests to Monobank;
  • Roll-In Token: A random string, which is paired with a Monobank Token Request ID;
  • Request Token: A random string, which is paired with a Monobank token and a roll-in token;
  • Private Key: An OpenSSL generated key, which was passed to Monobank team while Corporative API set up;
  • Public Key: A public key, which was extracted from the Private key;
  • Key-ID: Marshaled Public key representation, hashed with sha1 (in hex). Received from Monobank team.

Public Methods

The methods are placed in the auth lifecycle order:

Method Server action
check-proto Describes itself by telling name, author, protocol version, homepage and optionally setting a UI message
roll-in Creates a roll-in token
exchange-token Checks if there are available Monobank user tokens for current roll-in token, and if so, creates a pair request token and gives it
request Sends requests to Monobank

Every method should always return Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header

Sending requests to Monobank


Monobank API is sensible to HTTP method


The Root for Monobank API is


Header Content Description
X-Time Unix timestamp php time()
X-Sign Sign See Signing the request
X-Key-Id Key-ID See Entities
X-Token Monobank token If present

Signing the request

Not to be confused with encryption

1. The ingredients

The signed string contains 3 ingredients:

  1. Timestamp from X-Time
  2. Monobank token
  3. Requested Monobank /%resource%

If it's an auth request to /personal/auth/request, token permissions from X-Permissions are being used instead of 2nd ingredient

2. Make the string to sign

The string contains all the ingredients concatenated together ($ing1.$ing2.$ing3 for PHP, ${ing1}${ing2}${ing3} or ing1+ing2+ing3 for JavaScript)

3. Create the sign

  1. Make a sign of the string, that corresponds to the OpenSSL signing
Property Value
Algorithm SHA256
Key Private Key
  1. Encode the sign to Base64


$key = openssl_get_privatekey("file://private.key", "");
    $str = $time.$t.$url;
    openssl_sign($str, $sig, $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256);
    return base64_encode($sig);
import base64
import ecdsa
data = (timestamp + permissions + url).encode('utf-8')
sign = PrivateSigningKey.sign(data, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256)
signB64 = base64.b64encode(sign)


Server action

Describes itself by telling name, author, protocol version, homepage and optionally setting a UI message


All fields are required unless otherwise specified

    // Describes used MCAP protocol
  "proto": {
    "version": 1,
    "patch": 0
    // Describes the implementation of protocol
  "implementation": {
    "name": "PHP Mono Corp API Proxy",
    "author": "Sominemo",
    "homepage": ""
    // Describes the state of the running instance of this implementation
  "server": {
      // Tells the client to display a message to the user, optional
    "message": {
       // The text to display
      "text": "content",
       // Adds clickable URL at the end of text, optional
      "link": ""


Creates an auth request in Monobank, generates a paired roll-in token and returns both

User interacts with Monobank interface and confirms the auth request, then Monobank sends a request to a Webhook. More details in Getting the Monobank token.

Server actions

  1. POST /personal/auth/request Monobank request Headers(X-Callback: %webhook%; X-Permissions: %permissions%)
  • %webhook% is a public http resource to receive the resulting request from Monobank
  • %permissions%:
List of rights that the service wants to receive from the client (1 letter per 1 permission). List of possible rights:

s - statement (includes balance and statement itself)
p - Personal information (name and surname)

  1. Get Monobank Token Request ID %requestId% from the response {"tokenRequestId": "***"} and Auth URL %url% {"acceptUrl": "***"}
  2. Error, if the request went wrong
  3. Generate Roll-In token %token% and a random %proof% string for it, pair the token with Monobank Token Request ID
  4. Generate QR code from Auth URL (250px, e.g. using Google Charts API)
  5. Encode the QR to Base64 %qr%


    "token": %token%,
    "requestId": %requestId%,
    "url": %url%,
    "qr": %qr%

Getting the Monobank token

  1. Set up an endpoint, that will receive a %proof% and %token% as GET parameters or in-uri (e.g. /webhook/%token%/%proof% or /webhook?token=%token%&proof=%proof%)
  2. Receive the Monobank User Token in X-Request-Id (can be also x-request-id) incoming header
  3. Check if %proof% and %token% from GET correspond each other, else Error
  4. Generate a Request Token, pair Roll-In and the Monobank User tokens with it
  5. Response 200 OK


Long-polling until received roll-in token won't get a corresponding request token or the request will timeout. Checks if there are available Monobank user tokens for current roll-in token, and if so, creates a pair request token and gives it

Server actions

  1. Receive an existing roll-in token from user
  2. Error, if the token does not exist
  3. Check if Request Token that corresponds to the Roll-In Token already exists
  4. If so, skip to authed
  5. Start Long-Polling until token receive. On trigger skip to authed
  6. If current Long-Polling session is out of time, %return_token% = false & Response (In this case client will send a request to this method again)
  7. Error, if current Roll-In Token is out of time
  • authed
  1. Discontinue & Unlink Roll-In token
  2. %return_token% = Request Token & Response


    "token": %return_token%


This method is a synthetic path, which signs and redirects requests to Monobank. e.g. : POST /request/personal/auth/request turns to a Monobank request POST /personal/auth/request

Server actions

  1. Get Monobank token paired with Request token from X-Token incoming header, else Error
  2. Clone incoming headers %headers%
  3. Clone the raw HTTP request body (e.g. php://input)
  4. Remove Host header from the request (there also can be more inappropriate headers added by your HTTP server, such as SSL or GeoIp-Country-Code). Replace the original X-Token with paired Monobank token
  5. Send the request to Monobank with the same HTTM method as incoming request, get the answer
  6. Clone response headers and answer to output
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