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Created May 26, 2013 19:15
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function Neville (n : Integer;
x : vector;
xx : Extended;
var f : vector;
var st : Integer) : Extended;
{ }
{ The function Neville calculates the value of interpolating polynomial by }
{ Neville's algorithm. }
{ Data: }
{ n - number of interpolation nodes minus 1 (the degree of polynomial }
{ is at most n), }
{ x - an array containing the values of interpolation nodes, }
{ xx - the point at which the value of interpolating polynomial should }
{ be calculated, }
{ f - an array containing the values of function (changed on exit). }
{ Result: }
{ Neville(n,x,xx,f,st) - the value of interpolating polynomial at xx. }
{ Other parameters: }
{ st - a variable which within the function Neville is assigned the }
{ value of: }
{ 1, if n<0, }
{ 2, if there exist x[i] and x[j] (i<>j, i,j=0,1,...,n) such that }
{ x[i]=x[j], }
{ 0, otherwise. }
{ Note: If st=1 or st=2, then Neville(n,x,xx,f,st) is not }
{ calculated. }
{ Unlocal identifier: }
{ vector - a type identifier of extended array [q0..qn], where q0<=0 and }
{ qn>=n. }
{ }
var i,k : Integer;
if n<0
then st:=1
else begin
if n>0
then begin
for k:=i+1 to n do
if x[i]=x[k]
then st:=2
until (i=n-1) or (st=2)
if st=0
then begin
for k:=1 to n do
for i:=n downto k do
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