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aws firehose update-destination example-config
"CurrentDeliveryStreamVersionId": "Obtain this value from the VersionId result of DeliveryStreamDescription. This value is required, and helps the service perform conditional operations. For example, if there is an interleaving update and this value is null, then the update destination fails. After the update is successful, the VersionId value is updated. The service then performs a merge of the old configuration with the new configuration.",
"DeliveryStreamName": "The name of the delivery stream.",
"DestinationId": "The ID of the destination.",
"ElasticsearchDestinationUpdate": {
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": "Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300 (5 minutes).",
"SizeInMBs": "Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. \nWe recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher."
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"DomainARN": "The ARN of the Amazon ES domain. The IAM role must have permissions for DescribeElasticsearchDomain, DescribeElasticsearchDomains, and DescribeElasticsearchDomainConfig after assuming the IAM role specified in RoleARN. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"IndexName": "The Elasticsearch index name.",
"IndexRotationPeriod": "The Elasticsearch index rotation period. Index rotation appends a time stamp to IndexName to facilitate the expiration of old data. For more information, see Index Rotation for the Amazon ES Destination. Default value is OneDay.",
"ProcessingConfiguration": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables data processing.",
"Processors": [
"Parameters": [
"ParameterName": "The name of the parameter.",
"ParameterValue": "The parameter value."
"Type": "The type of processor."
"RetryOptions": {
"DurationInSeconds": "After an initial failure to deliver to Amazon ES, the total amount of time during which Kinesis Data Firehose retries delivery (including the first attempt). After this time has elapsed, the failed documents are written to Amazon S3. Default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). A value of 0 (zero) results in no retries."
"RoleARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to be assumed by Kinesis Data Firehose for calling the Amazon ES Configuration API and for indexing documents. For more information, see Grant Kinesis Data Firehose Access to an Amazon S3 Destination and Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"S3Update": {
"BucketARN": "The ARN of the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": "Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300.",
"SizeInMBs": "Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. \nWe recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher."
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"CompressionFormat": "The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is UNCOMPRESSED. \nThe compression formats SNAPPY or ZIP cannot be specified for Amazon Redshift destinations because they are not supported by the Amazon Redshift COPY operation that reads from the S3 bucket.",
"EncryptionConfiguration": {
"KMSEncryptionConfig": {
"AWSKMSKeyARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the encryption key. Must belong to the same AWS Region as the destination Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"NoEncryptionConfig": "Specifically override existing encryption information to ensure that no encryption is used."
"Prefix": "The \"YYYY/MM/DD/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered Amazon S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. If the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3 Object Name Format in the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Developer Guide.",
"RoleARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS credentials. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"TypeName": "The Elasticsearch type name. For Elasticsearch 6.x, there can be only one type per index. If you try to specify a new type for an existing index that already has another type, Kinesis Data Firehose returns an error during runtime."
"ExtendedS3DestinationUpdate": {
"BucketARN": "The ARN of the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": "Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300.",
"SizeInMBs": "Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. \nWe recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher."
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"CompressionFormat": "The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is UNCOMPRESSED. ",
"DataFormatConversionConfiguration": {
"Enabled": "Defaults to true. Set it to false if you want to disable format conversion while preserving the configuration details.",
"InputFormatConfiguration": {
"Deserializer": {
"HiveJsonSerDe": {
"TimestampFormats": [
"OpenXJsonSerDe": {
"CaseInsensitive": "When set to true, which is the default, Kinesis Data Firehose converts JSON keys to lowercase before deserializing them.",
"ColumnToJsonKeyMappings": "Maps column names to JSON keys that aren't identical to the column names. This is useful when the JSON contains keys that are Hive keywords. For example, timestamp is a Hive keyword. If you have a JSON key named timestamp, set this parameter to {\"ts\": \"timestamp\"} to map this key to a column named ts.",
"ConvertDotsInJsonKeysToUnderscores": "When set to true, specifies that the names of the keys include dots and that you want Kinesis Data Firehose to replace them with underscores. This is useful because Apache Hive does not allow dots in column names. For example, if the JSON contains a key whose name is \"a.b\", you can define the column name to be \"a_b\" when using this option. \nThe default is false."
"OutputFormatConfiguration": {
"Serializer": {
"OrcSerDe": {
"BlockSizeBytes": "The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) block size. This is useful if you intend to copy the data from Amazon S3 to HDFS before querying. The default is 256 MiB and the minimum is 64 MiB. Kinesis Data Firehose uses this value for padding calculations.",
"BloomFilterColumns": [
"BloomFilterFalsePositiveProbability": "The Bloom filter false positive probability (FPP). The lower the FPP, the bigger the Bloom filter. The default value is 0.05, the minimum is 0, and the maximum is 1.",
"Compression": "The compression code to use over data blocks. The default is SNAPPY.",
"DictionaryKeyThreshold": "Represents the fraction of the total number of non-null rows. To turn off dictionary encoding, set this fraction to a number that is less than the number of distinct keys in a dictionary. To always use dictionary encoding, set this threshold to 1.",
"EnablePadding": "Set this to true to indicate that you want stripes to be padded to the HDFS block boundaries. This is useful if you intend to copy the data from Amazon S3 to HDFS before querying. The default is false.",
"FormatVersion": "The version of the file to write. The possible values are V0_11 and V0_12. The default is V0_12.",
"PaddingTolerance": "A number between 0 and 1 that defines the tolerance for block padding as a decimal fraction of stripe size. The default value is 0.05, which means 5 percent of stripe size. \nFor the default values of 64 MiB ORC stripes and 256 MiB HDFS blocks, the default block padding tolerance of 5 percent reserves a maximum of 3.2 MiB for padding within the 256 MiB block. In such a case, if the available size within the block is more than 3.2 MiB, a new, smaller stripe is inserted to fit within that space. This ensures that no stripe crosses block boundaries and causes remote reads within a node-local task. \nKinesis Data Firehose ignores this parameter when OrcSerDe$EnablePadding is false.",
"RowIndexStride": "The number of rows between index entries. The default is 10,000 and the minimum is 1,000.",
"StripeSizeBytes": "The number of bytes in each stripe. The default is 64 MiB and the minimum is 8 MiB."
"ParquetSerDe": {
"BlockSizeBytes": "The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) block size. This is useful if you intend to copy the data from Amazon S3 to HDFS before querying. The default is 256 MiB and the minimum is 64 MiB. Kinesis Data Firehose uses this value for padding calculations.",
"Compression": "The compression code to use over data blocks. The possible values are UNCOMPRESSED, SNAPPY, and GZIP, with the default being SNAPPY. Use SNAPPY for higher decompression speed. Use GZIP if the compression ration is more important than speed.",
"EnableDictionaryCompression": "Indicates whether to enable dictionary compression.",
"MaxPaddingBytes": "The maximum amount of padding to apply. This is useful if you intend to copy the data from Amazon S3 to HDFS before querying. The default is 0.",
"PageSizeBytes": "The Parquet page size. Column chunks are divided into pages. A page is conceptually an indivisible unit (in terms of compression and encoding). The minimum value is 64 KiB and the default is 1 MiB.",
"WriterVersion": "Indicates the version of row format to output. The possible values are V1 and V2. The default is V1."
"SchemaConfiguration": {
"CatalogId": "The ID of the AWS Glue Data Catalog. If you don't supply this, the AWS account ID is used by default.",
"DatabaseName": "Specifies the name of the AWS Glue database that contains the schema for the output data.",
"Region": "If you don't specify an AWS Region, the default is the current Region.",
"RoleARN": "The role that Kinesis Data Firehose can use to access AWS Glue. This role must be in the same account you use for Kinesis Data Firehose. Cross-account roles aren't allowed.",
"TableName": "Specifies the AWS Glue table that contains the column information that constitutes your data schema.",
"VersionId": "Specifies the table version for the output data schema. If you don't specify this version ID, or if you set it to LATEST, Kinesis Data Firehose uses the most recent version. This means that any updates to the table are automatically picked up."
"EncryptionConfiguration": {
"KMSEncryptionConfig": {
"AWSKMSKeyARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the encryption key. Must belong to the same AWS Region as the destination Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"NoEncryptionConfig": "Specifically override existing encryption information to ensure that no encryption is used."
"Prefix": "The \"YYYY/MM/DD/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered Amazon S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. If the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3 Object Name Format in the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Developer Guide.",
"ProcessingConfiguration": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables data processing.",
"Processors": [
"Parameters": [
"ParameterName": "The name of the parameter.",
"ParameterValue": "The parameter value."
"Type": "The type of processor."
"RoleARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS credentials. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"S3BackupMode": "Enables or disables Amazon S3 backup mode.",
"S3BackupUpdate": {
"BucketARN": "The ARN of the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": "Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300.",
"SizeInMBs": "Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. \nWe recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher."
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"CompressionFormat": "The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is UNCOMPRESSED. \nThe compression formats SNAPPY or ZIP cannot be specified for Amazon Redshift destinations because they are not supported by the Amazon Redshift COPY operation that reads from the S3 bucket.",
"EncryptionConfiguration": {
"KMSEncryptionConfig": {
"AWSKMSKeyARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the encryption key. Must belong to the same AWS Region as the destination Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"NoEncryptionConfig": "Specifically override existing encryption information to ensure that no encryption is used."
"Prefix": "The \"YYYY/MM/DD/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered Amazon S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. If the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3 Object Name Format in the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Developer Guide.",
"RoleARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS credentials. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"RedshiftDestinationUpdate": {
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"ClusterJDBCURL": "The database connection string.",
"CopyCommand": {
"CopyOptions": "Optional parameters to use with the Amazon Redshift COPY command. For more information, see the \"Optional Parameters\" section of Amazon Redshift COPY command. Some possible examples that would apply to Kinesis Data Firehose are as follows: \n delimiter '\\t' lzop; - fields are delimited with \"\\t\" (TAB character) and compressed using lzop. \n delimiter '|' - fields are delimited with \"|\" (this is the default delimiter). \n delimiter '|' escape - the delimiter should be escaped. \n fixedwidth 'venueid:3,venuename:25,venuecity:12,venuestate:2,venueseats:6' - fields are fixed width in the source, with each width specified after every column in the table. \n JSON 's3://mybucket/jsonpaths.txt' - data is in JSON format, and the path specified is the format of the data. \nFor more examples, see Amazon Redshift COPY command examples.",
"DataTableColumns": "A comma-separated list of column names.",
"DataTableName": "The name of the target table. The table must already exist in the database."
"Password": "The user password.",
"ProcessingConfiguration": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables data processing.",
"Processors": [
"Parameters": [
"ParameterName": "The name of the parameter.",
"ParameterValue": "The parameter value."
"Type": "The type of processor."
"RetryOptions": {
"DurationInSeconds": "The length of time during which Kinesis Data Firehose retries delivery after a failure, starting from the initial request and including the first attempt. The default value is 3600 seconds (60 minutes). Kinesis Data Firehose does not retry if the value of DurationInSeconds is 0 (zero) or if the first delivery attempt takes longer than the current value."
"RoleARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS credentials. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"S3BackupMode": "The Amazon S3 backup mode.",
"S3BackupUpdate": {
"BucketARN": "The ARN of the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": "Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300.",
"SizeInMBs": "Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. \nWe recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher."
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"CompressionFormat": "The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is UNCOMPRESSED. \nThe compression formats SNAPPY or ZIP cannot be specified for Amazon Redshift destinations because they are not supported by the Amazon Redshift COPY operation that reads from the S3 bucket.",
"EncryptionConfiguration": {
"KMSEncryptionConfig": {
"AWSKMSKeyARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the encryption key. Must belong to the same AWS Region as the destination Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"NoEncryptionConfig": "Specifically override existing encryption information to ensure that no encryption is used."
"Prefix": "The \"YYYY/MM/DD/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered Amazon S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. If the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3 Object Name Format in the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Developer Guide.",
"RoleARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS credentials. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"S3Update": {
"BucketARN": "The ARN of the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": "Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300.",
"SizeInMBs": "Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. \nWe recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher."
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"CompressionFormat": "The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is UNCOMPRESSED. \nThe compression formats SNAPPY or ZIP cannot be specified for Amazon Redshift destinations because they are not supported by the Amazon Redshift COPY operation that reads from the S3 bucket.",
"EncryptionConfiguration": {
"KMSEncryptionConfig": {
"AWSKMSKeyARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the encryption key. Must belong to the same AWS Region as the destination Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"NoEncryptionConfig": "Specifically override existing encryption information to ensure that no encryption is used."
"Prefix": "The \"YYYY/MM/DD/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered Amazon S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. If the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3 Object Name Format in the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Developer Guide.",
"RoleARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS credentials. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"Username": "The name of the user."
"S3DestinationUpdate": {
"BucketARN": "The ARN of the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": "Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300.",
"SizeInMBs": "Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. \nWe recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher."
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"CompressionFormat": "The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is UNCOMPRESSED. \nThe compression formats SNAPPY or ZIP cannot be specified for Amazon Redshift destinations because they are not supported by the Amazon Redshift COPY operation that reads from the S3 bucket.",
"EncryptionConfiguration": {
"KMSEncryptionConfig": {
"AWSKMSKeyARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the encryption key. Must belong to the same AWS Region as the destination Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"NoEncryptionConfig": "Specifically override existing encryption information to ensure that no encryption is used."
"Prefix": "The \"YYYY/MM/DD/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered Amazon S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. If the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3 Object Name Format in the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Developer Guide.",
"RoleARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS credentials. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"SplunkDestinationUpdate": {
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"HECAcknowledgmentTimeoutInSeconds": "The amount of time that Kinesis Data Firehose waits to receive an acknowledgment from Splunk after it sends data. At the end of the timeout period, Kinesis Data Firehose either tries to send the data again or considers it an error, based on your retry settings.",
"HECEndpoint": "The HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint to which Kinesis Data Firehose sends your data.",
"HECEndpointType": "This type can be either \"Raw\" or \"Event.\"",
"HECToken": "A GUID that you obtain from your Splunk cluster when you create a new HEC endpoint.",
"ProcessingConfiguration": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables data processing.",
"Processors": [
"Parameters": [
"ParameterName": "The name of the parameter.",
"ParameterValue": "The parameter value."
"Type": "The type of processor."
"RetryOptions": {
"DurationInSeconds": "The total amount of time that Kinesis Data Firehose spends on retries. This duration starts after the initial attempt to send data to Splunk fails. It doesn't include the periods during which Kinesis Data Firehose waits for acknowledgment from Splunk after each attempt."
"S3BackupMode": "Defines how documents should be delivered to Amazon S3. When set to FailedDocumentsOnly, Kinesis Data Firehose writes any data that could not be indexed to the configured Amazon S3 destination. When set to AllDocuments, Kinesis Data Firehose delivers all incoming records to Amazon S3, and also writes failed documents to Amazon S3. Default value is FailedDocumentsOnly. ",
"S3Update": {
"BucketARN": "The ARN of the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces.",
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": "Buffer incoming data for the specified period of time, in seconds, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 300.",
"SizeInMBs": "Buffer incoming data to the specified size, in MBs, before delivering it to the destination. The default value is 5. \nWe recommend setting this parameter to a value greater than the amount of data you typically ingest into the delivery stream in 10 seconds. For example, if you typically ingest data at 1 MB/sec, the value should be 10 MB or higher."
"CloudWatchLoggingOptions": {
"Enabled": "Enables or disables CloudWatch logging.",
"LogGroupName": "The CloudWatch group name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled.",
"LogStreamName": "The CloudWatch log stream name for logging. This value is required if CloudWatch logging is enabled."
"CompressionFormat": "The compression format. If no value is specified, the default is UNCOMPRESSED. \nThe compression formats SNAPPY or ZIP cannot be specified for Amazon Redshift destinations because they are not supported by the Amazon Redshift COPY operation that reads from the S3 bucket.",
"EncryptionConfiguration": {
"KMSEncryptionConfig": {
"AWSKMSKeyARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the encryption key. Must belong to the same AWS Region as the destination Amazon S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
"NoEncryptionConfig": "Specifically override existing encryption information to ensure that no encryption is used."
"Prefix": "The \"YYYY/MM/DD/HH\" time format prefix is automatically used for delivered Amazon S3 files. You can specify an extra prefix to be added in front of the time format prefix. If the prefix ends with a slash, it appears as a folder in the S3 bucket. For more information, see Amazon S3 Object Name Format in the Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose Developer Guide.",
"RoleARN": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS credentials. For more information, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and AWS Service Namespaces."
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