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Created December 10, 2019 23:30
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Reviewing the meetup API
Does this API require authentication?
- Yes. Info to authenticate is available here:
Does this API support CORS?
- "The Meetup API supports the CORS specification which allows browser clients hosted on a domain other than to communicate directly with the API."
Find the events search endpoint documentation. Describe in detail the response format of the events search endpoint. (HINT: You may need other keywords to find this endpoint.)
The response is provided in two major details, by city and events. There are a lot of objects return for both city and events categories. To name a few, for city, city (name of city), country (country code), id, lat, lon, member_count, name-string, state, zip. For events, attendance_count(?), attendance_sample, rsvpable, and rsvp_rules, to name a few.
- What are the limitations placed on the number of requests that can be made?
There is a maximum number of requests that can be made in a given time frame.
- List the errors that you can expect when making calls to this API.
400 bad request - "when there was a problem with the request"
401 unauthorized - "when you don't provide a valid token"
429 too many requests - "when you've gone over your request rate limit"
500 internal server errorb - "an unexpected error occured on our servers"
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