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Last active November 2, 2020 18:38
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Mind Maps:

i. Engagement. What did you reflect on last week in regards to when you’re engaged in your work at Turing? Pull out an idea that resonates with you most (e.g., “Talking through a problem with a partner,” “The moment when I solve a problem that I previously didn’t know how to do,” “Setting up a successful project management process for my team”) and break that idea down into parts and make a list (what are all the steps that go into that moment? When do you get to use your strengths? What is fun about this?).

  • I found that i am most engaged when I am working on a problem individually I find that when I am not stressed with others judgement or others time lines I get the most done. "Getting through a problem individually makes me feel more accomplished". I find this is the best for me because it helps me understand my strengths and weaknesses. I go through my steps making sure I understand what is being asked of be and then looking at the information I am given. I find this fun because I see it as a chance to truly measure my own understanding.

ii. Energy. What did you reflect on last week in regards to when you feel most energized in your work at Turing? Pull out an idea that resonates with you most and break that idea down into parts and make a list (what are all the steps that go into that moment? When do you get to use your strengths? What is fun about this?).

  • When it comes to where I see myself being most energized I see that when I have a decent understanding of what is being asked of me and how to get there is when I am most passionate. I find that when I am able to get through a problem on my own I view myself as a stronger programmer overall.

iii. Flow. When have you had an experience recently in which you were in a state of flow? You can also think about this as “joy” or “play.” Pull out an idea that resonates with you most and break that idea down into parts and make a list (what are all the steps that go into that moment? When do you get to use your strengths? What is fun about this?).

  • I would definitely say my most recent work experience where I felt in the "flow" would be when I work on jsFun. I find that once I have a strong understanding of an iterator method I get really excited to work through problems that rewuire that method.

i. Prototype your mind maps: what do these mind maps tell you about what’s important to you as a software developer? What questions do they bring up about what you still want to learn about this career?

  • I would say that mind maps is a great way to show and find out the key values a person has as a developer. I would say they still leave the questions about what they want to accomplish in their career and how does their current employer aid this goal.

Prototype your outreach: (Be prepared to share this in your small group discussion)

ii. Who comes to mind as a person you can reach out to? Why that person? What questions would you ask them? Come up with 2-3 people here to serve as prototypes. How would this outreach help you further your job search strategy?

  • i would say a good reference would be Anthony Robertson and Demarcus Kirby. Both of these turing alumns have gone on to get jobs out of turing and have been a great assess for me through out my time here.

iii. Outreach & Networking Plan: Based on your reflections above, create a concrete plan for your outreach:

  • Who is the right person for you to reach out to?
  • Anthony Robertson
  • How will you find them? How do you know they’re the right person?
  • Reaching out in person, they have helped me tremendously thoughout my time at turing
  • How will you reach out?
  • direct contact
  • What questions do you need to ask them?
  • Is your company a good fit for junior engineers? How does your company help their workers to grow as developers?
  • How will you use this information to further your solution?
  • I will use this to make strong connections and help me choose a good company with strong values.
  • How will you follow up?
  • Thanking them for their time and sending in an application if their company still aligns with my goals.
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