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Last active January 21, 2021 16:53
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Reflect on the module: What have you accomplished this module (do you know what you’re looking for?)

  • I have now started to look for jobs around Childrens education. What have you learned? Do you need to change anything about your approach?
  • I have learned that I need to make more emails to devs without expecting a reply Where are you stuck (have you not been able to follow through on outreach?
  • I have currently not been trying to find a job as hard as I have been, I have many things going on in my life and even with a job offer I would not be able to accept it at this time. Is your resume not finished?)
  • Yes I am waiting to get some better projects to list on my resume but the rest is complete

Getting unstuck with new strategies:

What new things will you try? What will you do differently in your strategy? When will you have your resume completed? When will you have your portfolio updated on the Turing site? As you plan out your schedule for the week, think of how you'll hold yourself accountable to these goals.

Interview Prep: Pick a successful project and write about it with the STAR method:

  • The project I have chosen to talk about is my solo project "dog generator" Write about a time you failed and what you learned from that experience:
  • I would say with this project I failed to reach my stretch goals by the required due date
  • I also failed to have the application up to my standards Write about how you've approached working with a team using a specific example:
  • When working with a team I was sure to take in everyones strengths and assign tasks based on those stregths. What other stories will you prepare to share?
  • I will have a story on how we dealed with a non participating team member
  • Also hwo we over came our challenges with learning a new technology on time limit. Do some research into your top companies' tech stacks; what do you already know?
  • I know they are very concerned about their customers and the product they provide to them What can you compare to your own learning?
  • I can see they all have timelines to get their customers product created and I have been working with timelines since my start at turing. What do you need to learn more about?
  • Most of the companies I have looked into have typescript listed and I will be learning that in my personal time.
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