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Created August 25, 2020 02:28
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  1. When you've worked towards a goal in the past, what systems or tools have been helpful for you in accomplishing that goal? How could you adapt those same systems/tools to use while at Turing?
  • When working towards goals in the past I have made a point to keep to a strict schedule to help reduce stress. I have found that with out a list of things to accomplish or a suggested time-line I can become scattered and more stressed. Reducing the amount of stress can help minimize the chance of failure and over-all negative mental state. Keeping my life outside of school in a routine will help me pay more attention to the things I am being taught.
  1. As you start this new career, what is one of your strengths and how do you know?
  • When taking the PAIRIN survey I tried to answer as honestly as I could even though the answers I gave could shine light on negative aspects. I was surprised to see that "calm, cool, and collected" was one of my strengths. I have always been able to step back and look at the big picture (end product) of a project and plan a time sensitive schedule to achieve the goal. I have also always thought that I have been able to work well with groups and keep people on track while not being discouraged.

3.Describe how you work best (conditions, environment, preferences, etc.): - I would say that I work best in environments where I can bounce ideas off other people. I also believe that a quiet non-sensory overload areas are best for concentration. I have also found that an environment where I can take multiple breaks has worked well through out my time in Turing so far. I would say a preference of mine would be to have a remote job where I can control my environment to keep myself concentrated and not over sensitized. During my new career I would prefer to get out of my comfort zone and try new tactics of working.

4.As you start this new career, what is your greatest area of improvement when it comes to your professional skills?

  • During a new career one area specifically that I would like to work to improve would be my issue with being scared to share ideas in fear of looking under-qualified. My fear of speaking out or asking questions due to other peoples opinion has been a big part of my life I have been actively working to fix. When it comes to my professional skills I want to be able to work with colleges freely without the fear of judgement. Another way of working on this would be to practice and do y own research so that I am educated and knowledgable on the subject so I will feel prepared.
  1. How will developing a deeper understanding of your strengths and working preferences benefit you as a software developer?
  • I have never been a person that analyzes my own strengths and in return I can feel inferior compared to others. I believe a deeper understanding of my strengths will help me enhance those areas and use them more to my benefit. Not only can I enhance my strengths more but I will also be able to notice my weaknesses and spend more time working towards improvement. I hope to also be able to use my strengths to work towards turing my weakness into strengths. A developer with less weaknesses can be more successful and also be able to learn from many different sources. Getting rid of my weakness of speaking out hopefully I will be able to fluidly work with coworkers helping to diversify my understanding.
  1. Describe the vision you currently have for your career after Turing:
  • Currently my career after Turing is a full time front end developing job where I can work with multiple people to help further my understanding for software development. The location whether remote or not has never been a required aspect but I would prefer to have a remote job. I have never had a "career" only small "jobs" while still attending college but I am sure that throughout my time at Turing my views and expectations will slowly change. I will keep my mind open when looking for a job hoping to always continue to further my understanding and continue to experience new things.
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