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Created March 18, 2020 12:09
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MILP Model for Division Property Analysis of Clyde-128
from sage.crypto.boolean_function import BooleanFunction
from sage.crypto.sbox import SBox
def algebraic_normal_form(self):
Computes the algebraic normal forms (ANFs) of every coordinate.
n = self.input_size()
return [self.component_function(i).algebraic_normal_form()
for i in [1<<j for j in range(n)]]
SBox.algebraic_normal_form = algebraic_normal_form
def division_trail(self, k):
Computes the output division property for the starting input dp k.
- ``k``, the input division property
def gt(a, b):
check whether a >= b
from operator import ge
return all(map(lambda x: ge(*x), zip(a, b)))
n = self.input_size()
S = set()
for e in range(2^n):
kbar = ZZ(e).digits(base=2, padto=n)
if gt(kbar, k):
ys = self.algebraic_normal_form()[::-1]
P = ys[0].ring()
x = P.gens()[::-1]
F = set()
for kbar in S:
F.add(P(prod([x[i] for i in range(n) if kbar[i] == 1])))
Kbar = set()
for e in range(2^n):
u = ZZ(e).digits(base=2, padto=n)
puy = prod([ys[i] for i in range(n) if u[i] == 1])
puyMon = P(puy).monomials()
contains = False
for mon in F:
if mon in puyMon:
contains = True
if contains:
K = []
for kbar in Kbar:
greater = False
for kbar2 in Kbar:
if(kbar != kbar2 and gt(kbar, kbar2)):
greater = True
if not greater:
return sorted(K)
SBox.division_trail = division_trail
def division_trail_table(self):
Return a dict containing all possible division propagation of the SBOX,
where y is a list containing the ANF of each output bits
n = self.input_size()
D = dict()
for c in range(2^n):
k = tuple(ZZ(c).digits(base=2, padto=n))
D[k] = self.division_trail(k)
return D
SBox.division_trail_table = division_trail_table
def sbox_inequalities(sbox, analysis="differential", algorithm="greedy", big_endian=False):
Computes inequalities for modeling the given S-box.
- ``sbox`` - the S-box to model
- ``analysis`` - string, choosing between 'differential' and 'linear' cryptanalysis
or 'division_property'
(default: ``differential``)
- ``algorithm`` - string, choosing the algorithm for computing the S-box model,
one of ['none', 'greedy', 'milp'] (default: ``greedy``)
- ``big_endian`` - representation of transitions vectors (default: little endian)
ch = convex_hull(sbox, analysis, big_endian)
if algorithm is "greedy":
return cutting_off_greedy(ch)
elif algorithm is "milp":
return cutting_off_milp(ch)
elif algorithm is "none":
return list(ch.inequalities())
raise ValueError("algorithm (%s) has to be one of ['greedy', 'milp']" % (algorithm,))
SBox.milp_inequalities = sbox_inequalities
def convex_hull(sbox, analysis="differential", big_endian=False):
Computes the convex hull of the differential or linear behaviour of the given S-box.
- ``sbox`` - the S-box for which the convex hull should be computed
- ``analysis`` - string choosing between differential and linear behaviour
(default: ``differential``)
- ``big_endian`` - representation of transitions vectors (default: little endian)
from sage.geometry.polyhedron.constructor import Polyhedron
if analysis is "differential":
valid_transformations_matrix = sbox.difference_distribution_table()
elif analysis is "linear":
valid_transformations_matrix = sbox.linear_approximation_table()
elif analysis is "division_property":
valid_transformations = sbox.division_trail_table()
raise TypeError("analysis (%s) has to be one of ['differential', 'linear']" % (analysis,))
if analysis is "division_property":
points = [tuple(x) + tuple(y)
for x, ys in valid_transformations.iteritems() for y in ys]
n, m = sbox.input_size(), sbox.output_size()
if big_endian:
def to_bits(x):
return ZZ(x).digits(base=2, padto=sbox.n)
def to_bits(x):
return ZZ(x).digits(base=2, padto=sbox.n)[::-1]
points = [to_bits(i) + to_bits(o)
for i in range(1 << n)
for o in range(1 << m)
if valid_transformations_matrix[i][o] != 0]
return Polyhedron(vertices=points)
def cutting_off_greedy(poly):
Computes a set of inequalities that is cutting-off equivalent to the
H-representation of the given convex hull.
- ``poly`` - the polyhedron representing the convex hull
from sage.modules.free_module import VectorSpace
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
chosen_ineqs = []
poly_points = poly.integral_points()
remaining_ineqs = list(poly.inequalities())
impossible = [vector(poly.base_ring(), v)
for v in VectorSpace(GF(2), poly.ambient_dim())
if v not in poly_points]
while impossible != []:
if len(remaining_ineqs) == 0:
raise ValueError("no more inequalities to choose, but still "\
"%d impossible points left" % len(impossible))
# find inequality in remaining_ineqs that cuts off the most
# impossible points and add this to the chosen_ineqs
ineqs = []
for i in remaining_ineqs:
cnt = sum(map(lambda x: not(i.contains(x)), impossible))
ineqs.append((cnt, i))
chosen_ineqs.append(sorted(ineqs, reverse=True)[0][1])
# remove ineq from remaining_ineqs
# remove all cut off impossible points
impossible = [v
for v in impossible
if chosen_ineqs[-1].contains(v)
return chosen_ineqs
def cutting_off_milp(poly, number_of_ineqs=None, **kwargs):
Computes a set of inequalities that is cutting-off equivalent to the
H-representation of the given convex hull by solving a MILP.
The representation can either be computed from the minimal number of
necessary inequalities, or by a given number of inequalities. This
second variant might be faster, because the MILP solver that later
uses this representation can do some optimizations itself.
- ``poly`` - the polyhedron representing the convex hull
- ``number_of_ineqs`` - integer; either `None` (default) or the number
of inequalities that should be used for representing the S-box.
- [SasTod17]_ "New Algorithm for Modeling S-box in MILP Based
Differential and Division Trail Search"
from sage.matrix.constructor import matrix
from sage.modules.free_module import VectorSpace
from sage.modules.free_module_element import vector
from sage.numerical.mip import MixedIntegerLinearProgram
from sage.rings.finite_rings.finite_field_constructor import GF
ineqs = list(poly.inequalities())
poly_points = poly.integral_points()
impossible = [vector(poly.base_ring(), v)
for v in VectorSpace(GF(2), poly.ambient_dim())
if v not in poly_points]
# precompute which inequality removes which impossible point
precomputation = matrix(
for p in impossible]
for ineq in ineqs]
milp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=False, **kwargs)
var_ineqs = milp.new_variable(binary=True, name="ineqs")
# either use the minimal number of inequalities for the representation
if number_of_ineqs is None:
milp.set_objective(sum([var_ineqs[i] for i in range(len(ineqs))]))
# or the given number
for i in range(len(ineqs))]
) == number_of_ineqs)
nrows, ncols = precomputation.dimensions()
for c in range(ncols):
lhs = sum([var_ineqs[r]
for r in range(nrows)
if precomputation[r][c] == 1])
milp.add_constraint(lhs >= 1)
remaining_ineqs = [
for ineq, (var, val) in zip(ineqs, milp.get_values(var_ineqs).iteritems())
if val == 1
return remaining_ineqs
def milp_spook_sbox_constraints(milp, sbox, xi, yi):
sbox_ineqs = sbox.milp_inequalities(analysis="division_property", algorithm="greedy")
permuted_bits = matrix(ZZ, 4, 32, range(128)).columns()
in_outs = [([xi[i] for i in sbox_indices], [yi[i] for i in sbox_indices])
for sbox_indices in permuted_bits]
for ineq in sbox_ineqs:
for inputs, outputs in in_outs:
milp.add_constraint(sum([inputs[i] * ineq[i+1]
for i in range(len(inputs))] +
[outputs[i] * ineq[i+1+len(inputs)]
for i in range(len(outputs))]
) + ineq[0] >= 0)
def rotate(x, n):
return x[n:] + x[:n]
def copy2(milp, x, y0, y1):
for i in range(len(x)):
milp.add_constraint(x[i] - y0[i] - y1[i] == 0)
def copy3(milp, x, y0, y1, y2):
for i in range(len(x)):
milp.add_constraint(x[i] - y0[i] - y1[i] - y2[i] == 0)
def xor2(milp, x0, x1, y):
for i in range(len(x0)):
milp.add_constraint(x0[i] + x1[i] - y[i] == 0)
def milp_spook_llayer_constraints(milp, xi, yi, ai, bi, rnd=0):
s = milp.new_variable(binary=True, name="tmp_s")
t = milp.new_variable(binary=True, name="tmp_t")
u = milp.new_variable(binary=True, name="tmp_u")
v = milp.new_variable(binary=True, name="tmp_v")
s0 = [s[rnd, 0, i] for i in range(32)]
s1 = [s[rnd, 1, i] for i in range(32)]
s2 = [s[rnd, 2, i] for i in range(32)]
s3 = [s[rnd, 3, i] for i in range(32)]
s4 = [s[rnd, 4, i] for i in range(32)]
s5 = [s[rnd, 5, i] for i in range(32)]
s6 = [s[rnd, 6, i] for i in range(32)]
s7 = [s[rnd, 7, i] for i in range(32)]
copy3(milp, xi, s0, s1, s2)
xor2(milp, s1, rotate(s2, 12), s3)
copy2(milp, s3, s4, s5)
xor2(milp, s4, rotate(s5, 3), s6)
xor2(milp, s6, rotate(s0, 17), s7)
t0 = [t[rnd, 0, i] for i in range(32)]
t1 = [t[rnd, 1, i] for i in range(32)]
t2 = [t[rnd, 2, i] for i in range(32)]
t3 = [t[rnd, 3, i] for i in range(32)]
t4 = [t[rnd, 4, i] for i in range(32)]
t5 = [t[rnd, 5, i] for i in range(32)]
t6 = [t[rnd, 6, i] for i in range(32)]
t7 = [t[rnd, 7, i] for i in range(32)]
copy3(milp, yi, t0, t1, t2)
xor2(milp, t1, rotate(t2, 12), t3)
copy2(milp, t3, t4, t5)
xor2(milp, t4, rotate(t5, 3), t6)
xor2(milp, t6, rotate(t0, 17), t7)
s8 = [s[rnd, 8, i] for i in range(32)]
s9 = [s[rnd, 9, i] for i in range(32)]
u0 = [u[rnd, 0, i] for i in range(32)]
u1 = [u[rnd, 1, i] for i in range(32)]
u2 = [u[rnd, 2, i] for i in range(32)]
u3 = [u[rnd, 3, i] for i in range(32)]
u4 = [u[rnd, 4, i] for i in range(32)]
copy3(milp, s7, s8, u0, u1)
xor2(milp, rotate(u0, 31), u1, u2)
copy2(milp, u2, u3, u4)
xor2(milp, s8, rotate(u3, 15), s9)
t8 = [t[rnd, 8, i] for i in range(32)]
t9 = [t[rnd, 9, i] for i in range(32)]
v0 = [v[rnd, 0, i] for i in range(32)]
v1 = [v[rnd, 1, i] for i in range(32)]
v2 = [v[rnd, 2, i] for i in range(32)]
v3 = [v[rnd, 3, i] for i in range(32)]
v4 = [v[rnd, 4, i] for i in range(32)]
copy3(milp, t7, t8, v0, v1)
xor2(milp, rotate(v0, 31), v1, v2)
copy2(milp, v2, v3, v4)
xor2(milp, t8, rotate(v3, 15), t9)
xor2(milp, s9, rotate(v4, 26), ai)
xor2(milp, t9, rotate(u4, 25), bi)
def milp_model_spook(initial_dp, rnds=1):
sbox = SBox([0, 8, 1, 15, 2, 10, 7, 9, 4, 13, 5, 6, 14, 3, 11, 12])
from itertools import product
# initialise MILP object
milp = MixedIntegerLinearProgram(maximization=False, solver="CPLEX")
# sbox layer inputs
xs = milp.new_variable(binary=True, name="x", indices=product(range(rnds), range(128)))
# sbox layer outputs / linear layer inputs
ys = milp.new_variable(binary=True, name="y", indices=product(range(rnds), range(128)))
# linear layer outputs
zs = milp.new_variable(binary=True, name="z", indices=product(range(rnds), range(128)))
# model for each round the sbox layer and linear layer transitions
for r in range(rnds):
xi = [xs[(r, i)] for i in range(128)]
yi = [ys[(r, i)] for i in range(128)]
milp_spook_sbox_constraints(milp, sbox, xi, yi)
yi = [[ys[(r, 32*j+i)] for i in range(32)] for j in range(4)]
zi = [[zs[(r, 32*j+i)] for i in range(32)] for j in range(4)]
milp_spook_llayer_constraints(milp, yi[0], yi[1], zi[0], zi[1], rnd=(r, 0))
milp_spook_llayer_constraints(milp, yi[2], yi[3], zi[2], zi[3], rnd=(r, 1))
# link each rounds output with next rounds input
if r < rnds-1:
for i in range(128):
milp.add_constraint(zs[(r, i)] == xs[(r+1, i)])
# Set input variables to initial division property
from sage.crypto.sbox import integer_types
if type(initial_dp) in integer_types + (Integer, ):
initial_dp = ZZ(initial_dp).digits(base=2, padto=128)
for i in range(128):
milp.add_constraint(xs[(0, i)] == initial_dp[i])
# Objective function is to minimize the weight of the output division property
milp.set_objective(sum(zs[(rnds-1, i)] for i in range(128)))
return milp, xs, ys, zs
def check_dp(rnds=1, milp_model=milp_model_spook, block_size=128):
from sage.numerical.mip import MIPSolverException
for i in range(block_size):
k = ((1<<block_size) - 1)^^(1<<i)
milp, xs, ys, zs = milp_model(initial_dp=k, rnds=rnds)
cnt = 0
found_unit_vector = True
while found_unit_vector:
obj = int(milp.solve())
inp = [int(x)
for x in milp.get_values([xs[( 0 , j)]
for j in range(block_size)])]
out = [int(x)
for x in milp.get_values([zs[(rnds-1, j)]
for j in range(block_size)])]
inpstr = "".join(map(lambda x:"%d" % x, inp))
outstr = "".join(map(lambda x:"%d" % x, out))
cnt += 1
print("%3d/%3d: %3d %s -> %s" % (i, cnt, obj, inpstr, outstr))
if obj > 1:
print("found a distinguisher:")
print("%3d: %3d %s -> %s" % (i, obj, inpstr, outstr))
return inp, out
idx = out.index(1)
milp.add_constraint(zs[(rnds-1, idx)] == 0)
except MIPSolverException as e:
print("i = %d: no feasible solution" % i)
found_unit_vector = False
return None, None
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage:\n%s rounds" % (sys.argv[0]))
rounds = int(sys.argv[1])
check_dp(rounds, milp_model_spook, block_size=128)
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