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Created April 19, 2017 14:35
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from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified
import uuid
lst = []
for reg_item in RegistrationFormItem.find(input_type='accommodation', is_deleted=False):
choice_id = unicode(uuid.uuid4())
needs_caption = False
for rffd in RegistrationFormFieldData.find(
if not any(('is_no_accommodation' in choice) for choice in rffd.versioned_data['choices']):
print reg_item.registration_form, reg_item, rffd, not reg_item.is_required
lst.append((reg_item.registration_form, reg_item, rffd, not reg_item.is_required))
needs_caption = True
no_acc_choice = {"is_no_accommodation": True,
"is_enabled": not reg_item.is_required,
"price": 0,
"is_billable": False,
"places_limit": 0,
"placeholder": "Title of the \"None\" option",
"id": choice_id}
flag_modified(rffd, 'versioned_data')
if needs_caption:['captions'][choice_id] = 'No accommodation'
flag_modified(reg_item, 'data')
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