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Created March 27, 2020 01:47
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import { Do } from 'fp-ts-contrib/lib/Do'
import { either, Either, right, left, getValidation } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'
import { getMonoid } from 'fp-ts/lib/Array'
type Form = {
name: string,
startDate: string,
endDate: string,
type ValidatedForm = {
name: string,
start: Date,
end: Date
* Returns a left value if the string is empty,
* and a right if the string is not empty.
function nonEmpty(error: string, s: string): Either<string[], string> {
return s === "" ? left([error]) : right(s)
* Returns a left value if the string is not a valid date
* right, with the parsed date if it is
function isDate(error: string, dateStr: string): Either<string[], Date> {
const date = Date.parse(dateStr)
return isNaN(date) ? left([error]) : right(new Date(date))
* Returns a left value if the start date is not before the end date,
* a right value of number if it is (the number represents the number
* of milliseconds in between the dates).
function isBefore(error: string, start: Date, end: Date): Either<string[], number> {
const difference = end.getTime() - start.getTime()
return difference > 0 ? right(difference) : left([error])
* This form for a has a few requirements:
* 1. eventName is not empty
* 2. startDate is a valid date
* 3. endDate is a valid date
* 4. startDate is before endDate
* 5. The event cannot be longer than 30 minutes
* This function takes a Form and returns
* an Either<string[], ValidatedForm>
* If there is an error with the form, a left value will be returned,
* and it will contain a string description of the errors,
* If the form is valid, then a right value will be returned,
* and it will contain the validated values.
const validateForm = (form: Form) =>
nameIsNotEmpty: nonEmpty("Name cannot be empty",,
start: isDate("Start date is invalid", form.startDate),
end: isDate("End date is invalid", form.endDate)
.bindL("lengthOfEvent", ({start, end}) =>
isBefore("Start date must be before end date.", start, end)
.bindL("lengthIsValid", ({lengthOfEvent}) =>
lengthOfEvent / 1000 / 60 / 30 > 1 ?
left(["The event cannot be longer than 30 minutes"])
: right(lengthOfEvent)
).return(({start, end}) => ({
name: "Event",
startDate: "2020-03-27T01:35:00Z",
endDate: "2020-03-27T01:45:00Z"
// { _tag: 'Right',
// right:
// { start: 2020-03-27T01:35:00.000Z,
// end: 2020-03-27T01:45:00.000Z,
// name: 'Event' } }
name: "",
startDate: "asdf",
endDate: "2020-03-27T01:45:00Z"
// { _tag: 'Left',
// left: [ 'Name cannot be empty', 'Start date is invalid' ] }
name: "Event",
startDate: "2020-03-27T01:35:00Z",
endDate: "2020-03-27T02:55:00Z"
// { _tag: 'Left',
// left: [ 'The event cannot be longer than 30 minutes' ] }
name: "Event",
startDate: "2020-03-27T08:35:00Z",
endDate: "2020-03-27T02:55:00Z"
// { _tag: 'Left',
// left: [ 'Start date must be before end date.' ] }
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