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Created March 19, 2020 00:55
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  • Save pfgray/a8fc62525a48d0496537c7229e0a6111 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pfgray/a8fc62525a48d0496537c7229e0a6111 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
set -x SBT_OPTS "-Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m"
set -x JAVA_OPTS "-Xms512m -Xmx768m"
set -x PATH "$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio"
function gifit
if test -f $argv[1]
set GIF_PATH (echo $argv[1] | sed 's/.mov/.gif/')
echo "Moving $argv[1] to $GIF_PATH"
ffmpeg -i $argv[1] -s 600x400 -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 10 -f gif - | gifsicle --optimize=3 --delay=3 > $GIF_PATH
echo "$argv[1] not found."
set -x fish_color_normal '#feffff' # the default color
set -x fish_color_command '#8bada8' # the color for commands
set -x fish_color_quote '#c4c47d' # the color for quoted blocks of text
set -x fish_color_redirection '#e9e950' # the color for IO redirections
set -x fish_color_end '#e9e950' # the color for process separators like ';' and '&'
set -x fish_color_error '#e2a690' # the color used to highlight potential errors
set -x fish_color_param '#9bcac4' # the color for regular command parameters
set -x fish_color_comment '#646565' # the color used for code comments
set -x fish_color_match '#e9e950' # the color used to highlight matching parenthesis
# fish_color_selection, the color used when selecting text (in vi visual mode)
# fish_color_search_match, used to highlight history search matches and the selected pager item (must be a background)
# set -x fish_color_operator '#F1FF52' # the color for parameter expansion operators like '*' and '~'
# fish_color_escape, the color used to highlight character escapes like '\n' and '\x70'
#fish_color_cwd, the color used for the current working directory in the default prompt
set -x fish_color_autosuggestion '#646565' # the color used for autosuggestions
#fish_color_user, the color used to print the current username in some of fish default prompts
#fish_color_host, the color used to print the current host system in some of fish default prompts
#fish_color_host_remote, the color used to print the current host system in some of fish default prompts, if fish is running remotely (via ssh or similar)
#fish_color_cancel, th
# background #323F4E
# foreground #F8F8F2
# cursor #F8F8F2
# color0 #3D4C5F
# color1 #F48FB1
# color2 #A1EFD3
# color3 #F1FA8C
# color4 #92B6F4
# color5 #BD99FF
# color6 #87DFEB
# color7 #F8F8F2
# color8 #56687E
# color9 #EE4F84
# color10 #53E2AE
# color11 #F1FF52
# color12 #6498EF
# color13 #985EFF
# color14 #24D1E7
# color15 #E5E5E5
# Bobthefish
function bobthefish_colors -S -d 'Define a custom bobthefish color scheme'
set -l grey 3D4C5F # a bit darker than normal zenburn grey
set -l white feffff
set -l red e2a690
set -l green 9bca9f
set -l yellow c4c47d
set -l orange cea16b
set -l blue 5f91ae
set -x color_initial_segment_exit $grey $red --bold
set -x color_initial_segment_su $white $green --bold
set -x color_initial_segment_jobs $white $blue --bold
set -x color_path $grey $white
set -x color_path_basename $grey $white --bold
set -x color_path_nowrite $grey $red
set -x color_path_nowrite_basename $grey $red --bold
set -x color_repo $green $grey --bold
set -x color_repo_work_tree $grey $grey --bold
set -x color_repo_dirty $red $grey
set -x color_repo_staged $yellow $grey
set -x color_vi_mode_default $grey $yellow --bold
set -x color_vi_mode_insert $green $white --bold
set -x color_vi_mode_visual $yellow $grey --bold
set -x color_vagrant $blue $green --bold
set -x color_k8s $green $white --bold
set -x color_username $grey $blue --bold
set -x color_hostname $grey $blue
set -x color_rvm $red $grey --bold
set -x color_nvm $green $white --bold
set -x color_virtualfish $blue $grey --bold
set -x color_virtualgo $blue $grey --bold
set -x color_desk $blue $grey --bold
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