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Created April 15, 2015 08:49
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Nothing Module Sync Drush Script
* Drush commands for quickly enabling & disabling modules based on
* nothing environment. This only includes modules and features but not themes.
* About the environment variable:
* When multiple versions of the site are used each defines its own environment to allow enabling or disabling specific
* modules. We define the environments variable in the site's configuration file settings.php (Drupal settings).
* It is also useful to have conditionals in your settings based on environment.
* Here's an example with development, staging and production environments:
* <code>
* // Possible environments
* // Set environment automatically based on domains
* if (stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "") !== FALSE) {
* }
* else if (stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "") !== FALSE) {
* }
* // If we're not in development or staging env assume production (strictest)
* else {
* }
* </code>
* Or if we don't need that much flexibility:
* <code>
* // A simple example with a single environment
* </code>
* The ENVIRONMENT variable is used to determine the name of the save files. So an ENVIRONMENT of 'ENVIRONMENT_DEV'
* will look for the following files:
* - ENVIRONMENT_DEV_disabled_modules.txt
* - ENVIRONMENT_DEV_enabled_modules.txt
* Note this also means we need to run drush with a high level of bootstrap usually within the sites/{folder} where the
* settings.php is.
* TODO & Limitations:
* - the modules save doesn't perform a diff, so if the files were updated and modules sync was not run it can
* overwrite some changes.
* sync won't be very smart and it won't diff, so if there are in-coming changes and one runs modsave before modsync
* @copyright Nothing Interactive 2014
* @author Patrick Fiaux <>
* @author Fabian Gander <>
* @version 1.0.0
* @license MIT
* @const
* This configures where the files will be saved.
* it is prepended with the drupal private path.
* For example 'sync_files' will write and read from {private}/sync_files
define('SAVE_FOLDER', '/../nothing/'); //
* Implements hook_drush_command().
* See
* @return array
function nothing_drush_command() {
$items = array();
$items['nothing-modules-sync'] = array(
'description' => "Enables and disables modules based on the current environment.",
'examples' => array(
'drush nimodsync',
'aliases' => array('nimodsync'),
$items['nothing-modules-save'] = array(
'description' => "Save the current environment enabled and disabled modules to files" .
", don't forget to upload changes to svn!",
'examples' => array(
'drush nimodsave',
'aliases' => array('nimodsave'),
return $items;
* Helper fail we don't have the even, this is just a safety, if we're not bootstrapped
* the commands won't work at all but in the event we're bootstrapped without the ENV
* this will kick in.
* We also create any folders we need here
function _drush_nothing_environment_check() {
if (!defined(ENVIRONMENT)) {
drush_die('ERROR: The ENVIORNMENT constant is not set! Unable to proceed.');
* Returns the path to read & write to for save files.
* @return string
function _drush_nothing_get_save_path() {
$private_path = variable_get('file_private_path', FALSE);
return $private_path . SAVE_FOLDER;
* Takes a newline separated list of modules and reorders them alphabetically.
* @param $list
* @return mixed
function _drush_nothing_sortModulesList($list) {
$modules = explode(PHP_EOL,$list);
// Turn back into a string and ensure end of file new line
$list = implode(PHP_EOL,$modules) . PHP_EOL;
return $list;
* Implements drush_COMMANDNAME
* (since we're not a module no need for COMMANDFILE)
* Command save modules
function drush_nothing_modules_save() {
$settings_path = _drush_nothing_get_save_path();
// Ensure that the directory exists:
$enabledFilePath = $settings_path . ENVIRONMENT . '_enabled_modules.txt';
$disabledFilePath = $settings_path . ENVIRONMENT . '_disabled_modules.txt';
// Get the enabled modules
$enabledModules = drush_invoke_process(
array(), // No arguments
array('--status=enabled', '--pipe', '--type=module')
file_put_contents($enabledFilePath, _drush_nothing_sortModulesList($enabledModules['output']));
drush_print(PHP_EOL . 'Enabled Modules saved to: ' . $enabledFilePath);
// Same for the disabled modules
$disabledModules = drush_invoke_process(
array(), // No arguments
array('--status=disabled', '--pipe', '--type=module')
file_put_contents($disabledFilePath, _drush_nothing_sortModulesList($disabledModules['output']));
drush_print(PHP_EOL . 'Disabled Modules saved to: ' . $disabledFilePath);
* Implements drush_COMMANDNAME
* (since we're not a module no need for COMMANDFILE)
* Command sync modules
function drush_nothing_modules_sync() {
drush_print('Starting modules sync...' . PHP_EOL);
drush_print('Loading module settings for ' . ENVIRONMENT . PHP_EOL);
$settings_path = _drush_nothing_get_save_path();
$enabledFilePath = $settings_path . ENVIRONMENT . '_enabled_modules.txt';
$disabledFilePath = $settings_path . ENVIRONMENT . '_disabled_modules.txt';
// Make sure we have the files we need.
if (!is_dir($settings_path) || !file_exists($enabledFilePath) || !file_exists($disabledFilePath)) {
drush_die('ERROR: Settings file not found! Did you ever run drush nomodsave?');
// Enable modules
$modulesEnable = preg_split('/\s+/', file_get_contents($enabledFilePath));
drush_print('Will try to enable (if not already) ' . count($modulesEnable) . ' modules');
drush_invoke('en', $modulesEnable);
// Disable modules if any
$modulesDisable = preg_split('/\s+/', file_get_contents($disabledFilePath));
if (count($modulesDisable) > 0) {
drush_print('Will try to disable (if not already) ' . count($modulesDisable) . ' modules');
drush_invoke('dis', $modulesDisable);
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