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Created February 22, 2015 20:23
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  • Save pfirsich/854145171298f3175ecf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Generated tweaks.lua from old tweakable system in SudoHack
return {
["bannerLength"] = 1.2,
["bits: borderAlpha"] = 255,
["bits: borderB"] = 0,
["bits: borderG"] = 0,
["bits: borderR"] = 0,
["bits: colAlpha"] = 255,
["bits: colB"] = 200,
["bits: colG"] = 150,
["bits: colR"] = 40,
["bits: drawNum"] = 128,
["bits: height"] = 55,
["bits: timeDecaySpeed"] = 42,
["bullets: extraVelocityMix"] = 0.5,
["camera: aimDistance"] = 12,
["camera: posLerpSpeed"] = 3,
["camera: rotateAmplitude"] = 0,
["camera: rotateSpeed"] = 1,
["camera: scaleLerpSpeed"] = 3,
["camera: scaleScreenBorderPadding"] = 2.7,
["camera: screenShakeDecay"] = 5,
["enemies, moving_Turret: attackDistance"] = 14,
["enemies, moving_turret: acceleration"] = 15,
["enemies, moving_turret: stopApproachDistance"] = 7,
["enemies, moving_turret: watchoutRotationSpeed"] = 1.5,
["enemies: colorB"] = 30,
["enemies: colorG"] = 90,
["enemies: colorR"] = 255,
["enemies: dieScreenshakeStrength"] = 10,
["enemies: flashDecaySpeed"] = 3,
["enemies: friction"] = 0.0282,
["enemies: lineWidth"] = 0.3,
["enemies: repellDecay"] = -0.05,
["enemies: repellDistCap"] = 0.9,
["enemies: repellMaxDist"] = 2.34,
["enemies: repellStrength"] = 100000,
["grid: decaySpeed"] = 20,
["grid: flashExponent"] = 0.08,
["grid: propagationAmount"] = 1,
["grid: updateInterval"] = 0.035,
["loot: approachPlayerSpeed"] = 0.5,
["loot: bitAttractDist"] = 2.5,
["loot: bitPickupDist"] = 0.7,
["loot: bitsGainedPerBitPickup"] = 12,
["loot: lerpSpeed"] = 5,
["loot: spawnMaxRadius"] = 1,
["loot: spawnMinRadius"] = 0.7,
["loot: weaponUpgradeProbability"] = 0.026,
["player: acceleration"] = 220,
["player: aimLineAlpha"] = 120,
["player: aimLineWidth"] = 4,
["player: bulletImpactForce"] = 32,
["player: controllerDeadZone"] = 0.2,
["player: dashCoolDown"] = 1.2,
["player: dashDuration"] = 0.25,
["player: dashSpeed"] = 42,
["player: flashB"] = 255,
["player: flashDecaySpeed"] = 3,
["player: flashG"] = 255,
["player: flashR"] = 255,
["player: friction"] = 0.075,
["player: hitScreenShakeStrength"] = 35,
["player: rumbleDecay"] = 6,
["player: rumbleStrength"] = 1,
["player: shockMaxStrength"] = 600,
["player: shockMinStrength"] = 450,
["player: shotPitchShiftRange"] = 0.1,
["player: shotTimeDeviation"] = 0.1,
["player: wallBounce"] = 0,
["shader: bitPercentRGBShiftStart"] = 0.25,
["shader: bloomStrength"] = 0.8,
["shader: distortStrength"] = 0,
["shader: distortionFreq"] = 800,
["shader: maxNoise"] = 0.5,
["shader: rgbShiftAngle"] = 0,
["shader: rgbShiftMax"] = 0.015,
["shader: rgbShiftMin"] = 0.0015,
["shader: scanLineCount"] = 1000,
["shader: scanLinesIMax"] = 1,
["shader: scanLinesIMin"] = 0.07,
["shader: screenShakeImageBreak"] = 0.8
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