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Created September 29, 2016 07:13
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module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Json.Decode exposing (int, string, Decoder)
import String
import List
import Array exposing (..)
import Date
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, required, requiredAt)
type alias Availability =
{ date : Date.Date, availabiltyCount : Int, minStays : Int, maxStays : Int, arrivalPossible : Bool, departurePossible : Bool }
type alias ProductAvailability =
{ av : List Availability, productId : String }
type alias AvailabilityCalendar =
{ productList : ProductAvailability }
avDecoder =
(\list -> (\item -> availabilityFromString (String.split "," item)) list
(Json.Decode.list Json.Decode.string)
value =
Json.Decode.decodeString availabilityCalendarDecoder str2
availabilityCalendarDecoder : Decoder AvailabilityCalendar
availabilityCalendarDecoder =
decode AvailabilityCalendar
|> required "AvailabilityCalendar" (Json.Decode.list productAvailabilityDecoder)
productAvailabilityDecoder : Decoder ProductAvailability
productAvailabilityDecoder =
decode ProductAvailability
|> required "AV" avDecoder
|> required "_ProductId" string
str2 : String
str2 =
{"AvailabilityCalendar": [
"AV": [
"_ProductId": "2f4f90e7-993c-4fd4-97d9-22c4933a6e94"
main =
text <| toString value
availabilityFromString : List String -> Availability
availabilityFromString avList =
avArray =
Array.fromList avList
date =
Result.withDefault (Date.fromTime 0) (Date.fromString (Maybe.withDefault "unknown" (Array.get 0 avArray)))
avlCount =
Result.withDefault 0 (String.toInt (Maybe.withDefault "0" (Array.get 1 avArray)))
minStays =
Result.withDefault 0 (String.toInt (Maybe.withDefault "0" (Array.get 2 avArray)))
maxStays =
Result.withDefault 0 (String.toInt (Maybe.withDefault "0" (Array.get 3 avArray)))
arrPossible =
stringToBool (Maybe.withDefault "0" (Array.get 4 avArray))
depPossible =
stringToBool (Maybe.withDefault "0" (Array.get 5 avArray))
{ date = date
, availabiltyCount = avlCount
, minStays = minStays
, maxStays = maxStays
, arrivalPossible = arrPossible
, departurePossible = depPossible
stringToBool : String -> Bool
stringToBool string =
case string of
"1" ->
_ ->
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